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File 134660856739.gif - (1.13MB , 320x240 , rikaaaay.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
46982 No. 46982
New Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread cus da old one has reached it's post limit.

Anything to declare Robert?
Expand all images
>> No. 46983
Oh god he even moves like a goblin.
>> No. 46985
File 134660890864.png - (43.39KB , 256x192 , KSSU_TGCO.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh boy! Favourite thread time.

Rob if you're there, how about telling us a little about yourself. I'm dying to know how you see yourself and how you view your place in the world. What would you say is most distinctive about yourself? What are your hopes and dreams? How was life growing up? Etc.

Do a Q&A with the board.
>> No. 46986
Robb Summary

- Claimed to have raped a child in a cave when he was 13.
- Claimed to have kidnapped a woman before.
- Admitted to Marijuana and Bath Salts usage.
- Got too drunk and had to go to the hospital for alcohol poisoning.
- Sean called his dad.
- Now Robb is in the Poconos on vacation.
- Claimed to have lost his virginity to a goth chick. Bragged about taking a shower for the first time. Bragged about getting kissed and popping goth cherry. All at the age of 24.

And Robb, do you even know what "Cherry" means?
>> No. 46987
File 134660897488.jpg - (59.76KB , 540x732 , nope_o_419652.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can you see every fucking bone in his body? Eugh.
>> No. 46988
File 134660901074.png - (26.57KB , 250x188 , 250px-Cave_Story_title_screen.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Can I get a link to pic related? I've searched the past couple of Rob threads and found nothing but more references to it. Really like to have some source on the story.
>> No. 46989
File 134660906591.jpg - (22.16KB , 700x350 , Barbell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, let me introduce to you something that will improve your life tremendously.

Also, drink lots of milk.
>> No. 46990
Its like seeing the footage of Bigfoot. But less sexy
>> No. 46991
Extended periods of time spent in caves will make you walk in a hunched over manner like that. In fact, I'm wondering if there wasn't a series of cave incidents.
>> No. 46992
File 134660933646.jpg - (156.07KB , 300x450 , vhy79mxiyl9syh99.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Does anyone else think that old picture of Rob looks a little like Cillian Murphy as Scarecrow?
>> No. 46993
>> No. 46994
File 134660995161.png - (256.75KB , 450x538 , 00before-after - robert wayne stiles.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You mean when Robb still looked like he did on the left? Hmm...kinda, sorta, I guess?
>> No. 46995
File 134660996455.jpg - (265.63KB , 543x453 , sidebyside.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 46996
Everything about that has been inferred via slips of the tongue from Robbay. All we know for certain is that it's so heinous, so horrible, that the normally blabby Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles refuses to talk about it in depth.
>> No. 46997
He was certainly better as a guy than a crack addict in an evening dress, though nothing special. I think Robby's lost a lot of weight, and he was stick thin to begin with.
>> No. 46998
File 134661009847.jpg - (154.28KB , 700x420 , TheWeasel.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He reminds me more of the minor batman villain "The Weasel".
>> No. 46999
File 134661020658.jpg - (161.84KB , 598x533 , hoers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47000
File 134661024632.png - (54.05KB , 581x307 , 1344625017095.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>that Rob pic on the right
Jesus Christ how horrifying. I'd forgotten how awful he looks. Only a sub-human could think going out looking like that is desirable.
>> No. 47001
File 134661048218.jpg - (14.69KB , 371x293 , The Goblin King.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is the Goblin King
>> No. 47002
File 134661067162.jpg - (138.99KB , 1280x720 , siren16.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That ghastly pale skin...
Those sickly, string-beany arms...
That unnatural slouch...

I KNEW Robb reminded me of something, and now I know for certain what it is.
>> No. 47003

Come Robert, lets dance!

>> No. 47004
jesus christ that gif is like something out of a nightmare

mfw chris is attractive compared to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47005
File 134661114953.png - (134.28KB , 320x309 , Bale_The Machinist.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47006
He was pegged by a goth chick and he bled?
>> No. 47007
File 134661161784.jpg - (130.96KB , 1200x800 , sad truth for Rikachu.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Way to go on popping that goth cheery Robbay, a winner is you.
>> No. 47008
A very fitting image.
>> No. 47009
File 134661189187.png - (1.52MB , 1158x1020 , all hail the goblin queen.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47010
>implying Robert could ever dance magic dance
Even though he MAY have kidnapped a child and led them into a maze-like cavern that is blasphemy and you know it.
>> No. 47011
File 134661214833.jpg - (514.91KB , 650x978 , jordanarchive.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47012
Jesus what is wrong with his hair. it looks like he hasn't washed it in months
>> No. 47013
Holy fuck that's Jordman? This explains so much.

Suddenly I understand all this Philly tranny drama. I am now filled with sympathy for the community centre that had to put up with Jordman, Robbay, and ADF. I am amazed a building can hold that level of combined retardation and not burst into flames.
>> No. 47014
And imagine, these are just the trannies we are aware of.
>> No. 47015
File 134661272551.jpg - (21.83KB , 300x400 , Bale.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47016
File 134661297085.png - (292.08KB , 500x533 , 00before-after - robert wayne stiles 02.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you think that's bad...
>> No. 47017
File 134661353120.png - (21.50KB , 928x168 , youllneverfindme.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's amusing to look back at the shit that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has said in the past and marvel at just how wrong he was. Here he is stating he'll never get DOXed, and that anyone who tries to find his place will meet a bad end on the streets of Philly. Guess he should've done a better job of trying to hide...
>> No. 47018
That's just a man in a cheap girls top! How could he ever think he was even remotely feminine?! ROOOOOOBAAAAYYYY

I'd sure like to know why he up and decided one day he was a woman.
>> No. 47019
Him calling someone else on committing a crime, oh wow.
>> No. 47020
>Threatening me with ransom?

The crime itself is called blackmail, Robbay. Ransom is what you pay to keep shit under wraps, like how you raped and murdered a young boy in a cave...lol oops
>> No. 47021
File 134661416463.jpg - (35.77KB , 348x428 , beetlejuice2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's get this party started.

>> No. 47022
No that's blackmail. Ransom is when you send their parents a letter saying you will return him if they pay x amount of dollars
>> No. 47023
Really? I always thought ransom was the money you paid in a kidnapping to get the victim back, or paid when you got blackmailed to make sure your dirty little secrets stayed secret.
>> No. 47024
>the money you paid in a kidnapping to get the victim back

>or paid when you got blackmailed to make sure your dirty little secrets stayed secret.
>> No. 47025
Did he lose his virginity or not?
>> No. 47026
>Anyway, I became truly awed and inspired by a beautiful lady named Milla Jovovich when I was in a SEVERE depression back in '10 and she inspired me to be the kickass woman in a corset dress that I truly knew I was on the inside.

tl;dr He saw a bad movie with a female lead, and thought he could be as cool as her if he started wearing dresses.
>> No. 47027
Some food for thought: This thing has been going on for the better part of a year now. The people who have been collecting intel on Robb have mostly been doing it in their free time. So far, there is an entire ED article's worth of information on the Goblin King.

Now contrast the amount of time, energy, and money Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has spent on his failed "war against the trolls". And after all that, he still doesn't get the IntroMan joke....

Shit to think about, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: All that effort you've put in, and we laugh. Yet all Seanie had to do was make one simple phone call and you hit the roof. And yet you still claim victory....
>> No. 47028

The article puts it pretty well.
>> No. 47029
File 134661499611.png - (914.11KB , 870x710 , and another picture of two goblins.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My bad, I must've gotten those two mixed up. Thanks for explaining. In return, have a picture of some goblins.
>> No. 47030
The resemblance... is uncanny.
>> No. 47031
He had a ton of movies with inspiring characters, but no, Mister WeaselBoy a shitty Mila Jovovich movie.
>> No. 47032
Just think - if he'd only watched Planet Terror instead, he could've been on the news:
"Local man performs self-amputation after watching shitty Tarantino flick."
>> No. 47033
Planet terror wasn't his half of grindhouse prrsents. He did deathproof.
>> No. 47034
If he really went outside his lair, the newspapers headlines would be: "RATMAN IS BACK"
>> No. 47035
When did are trannies start raping people in caves?
>> No. 47036
Back in the 70's. It's just most don't get caught. Ask Omegle.
>> No. 47037
File 134661617285.png - (131.46KB , 230x300 , ratboy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Again, thanks for the correction. Have another pic.
>> No. 47038
Hey Robert, your #1 fan here.

I think if you want to prove you had sex, you need to describe how it felt. How did your penis feel as she licked up and down your epididimus?

How did it feel as her cave plunged up and down, blowing your penis from the inside? WHAT WAS THE SENSATION?
>> No. 47039
I bet Rob's clit and ass-pussy looks sexy.
>> No. 47040
So we all know Robbay lost his virginity

However , Mikhail has a strap on and the Goblin King has a sore asshole.

I leave the rest to your imaginations.
>> No. 47041
D...does this mean that Robb was the uberhot goth chick who got "her" cherry popped?
>> No. 47042
Yep. The Goblin King literally went and fucked himself.
>> No. 47043
Man, Robert could have been a decently attractive man. Look what he's done to himself.
>> No. 47044
Yeah, it's odd how normal he looked before he went completely insane.
>> No. 47045
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you claim to have a special insight into women, why is it that it took you till recently to get your first kiss?
>> No. 47046
Can someone fill me in on why Robert is such a target? From what I've "studied", Rob is just a really ugly, unconvincing tranny.
>> No. 47047
Just look at his post history for that answer.
>> No. 47048
I've been kinda-sorta following. He keeps getting mad at people for apparently no reason, and he admits very awkward personal information at the same time.

How did this even start?
>> No. 47049
Some minuscule detail about Robb's internet past was buried amongst the posts on one of the old ADF threads. He demanded that Seanie TAKE IT DOWN NOW NOW NOW NOW!
Everyone pointed and laughed.
Robb kept tardraging, threatening internet lawsuits and hiring detectives with Aspergers.
Again, everyone pointed and laughed.
Robb kept tardraging etc.

...and here we are, several months later.
>> No. 47050

Because he makes himself one. He just keeps coming back and flailing around like a tard.
>> No. 47051
Specifically, he started a bunch of shit on some Stargate forums 8 years ago. At the same time, he was also spamming up Christian forums, as well. When his real name got used on /cwc/, he flipped the fuck out thinking those people would find it and come after him. Robb never has been too bright...
>> No. 47052
The typical case of the snowball that turned into an avalanche of stupidity, which OBLIVERATEed several lives and entire towns on its race to the bottom of the precipice.
>> No. 47053
File 134662802570.jpg - (31.39KB , 540x347 , robaaaaay-caved.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think I've finally figured it out. Robbie is one of those things from The Descent.

One summer while vacationing in the Poconos Robbie's adoptive parents found this little mutant abandoned near the entrance of a cave.

They raised it a taught it to speak. Kind of like how Aunt Bunny was a shaved down Bigfoot.
>> No. 47054

I believe this is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's first post on /cwc/ (first mention too).


This has been going on for more than a year now.
>> No. 47055
70 posts in and Rob hasn't even showed up yet. I assume everyone is excited about the goblin king's return?
>> No. 47056
"The Adventures of Robbay the Goblin": watch the heir to the throne of the dreadful monarch of the underworld while trying to survive in a world he doesn't understand, the Human world.
>> No. 47057
File 134662833078.png - (31.75KB , 1550x159 , birthofalegend.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47058

Fucking dang, how things have changed...

"anything with a city skyline in it. adf was in one. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a rockin photographer!!!"

"I think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gives adf the benefit of doubt only because Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is trans and young (round 20 or so). But she will Learn that adf is poison to the trans community."

He could have prevented this, even have been respected, if he had shut his mouth.
>> No. 47059
So, ADF begat Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
All these mess because of the petty schemes and revenges between a group of nobodies?
>> No. 47060
gonna be totally honest, rob is kinda cute in this picture. But, he delt with that rather swiftly
>> No. 47061
You got it. Funny how things turn out sometimes, isn't it?
>> No. 47062
Alas, such is Life outside the cave...
>> No. 47063
I honestly hope you mean how the Robb on the left looks...
>> No. 47064
So Robb freaked out because he was slightly acknowledged during the days of ADF trolling?

....And he combats this by freaking out more?

That's kind of funny.
>> No. 47065
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a Gender Clown
sHe lives in a fucking CAVEAAAAAAAAY
>> No. 47066
File 134662928863.jpg - (93.57KB , 357x335 , img6a0ac668zik1zj.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That story sounds familiar...
>> No. 47067

He's probably out exploring more of the "world of sex."

I know I would if I lost my virginity.
>> No. 47068
The more I think about it, the more I think Robbay's lay can't exist. There are too many contradictions.

A Goth girl who's out clubbing with low enough standards to fuck the goblin king and still a virgin? While being old enough to go clubbing? I'm calling shenanigans on that. She would of lost her virginity at 14. Not 21.
>> No. 47069

I'm pretty sure he was referring to himself with the whole popping the cherry thing.
>> No. 47070
Oh, I see, he was sodomized.
>> No. 47071
>implying that robbay's story was ever remotely plausible
>> No. 47072
C'mon, there's bound to be plenty of goth clubs packed with sweet virgin china to be popped near his parents' lake cabin!
>> No. 47073

No, just incorrectly using the phrase.
>> No. 47074
It is sort of suspicious it went from him boasting about his first kiss to after people laughing at him losing his virginity.
>> No. 47075
Well prostitutes and tasteless sluts do exist. It's not like it's hard for any chucklefuck to go out and get his dick wet.

Now, if he claimed he got a girlfriend, that would be impossible. The only response to that would be to laugh and laugh at his bluff.
>> No. 47076
Robb's supposedly in the Poconos at his parent's lake house. Think "The Great Outdoors" and you'll see how likely it is the "'meeting goth girl while out clubbing" thing is just a story made up by the Goblin King.

As if it's even a question. It's another dumb plan to get rid of his ED article like every failed plan before it was about.
>> No. 47077
Maybe he met her at Alaska Pete's

>> No. 47078
>This steakhouse boasts a lively atmosphere, an interior dotted with antiques, the thickest and juiciest steaks to be had and some of the best live music around.
>Expect to hear top-notch rock, pop, blues, jazz and show tunes.

Sure sounds like a gothic club to me...
>> No. 47079

Again, you're talking about Robb.
>> No. 47080
Nah, sounds too human-friendly.
>> No. 47081
I'll give you spergs credit for not believing this but my girl just warned me if I have any hopes of getting more pussy I need to stop with this internet crap. It's wierd to her apparently.

GREATEST DEAL EVER. She legitly saved my life and I fucking LOVE this beauty and now, I have a purpose for my life again. To think, I initially went to Arrowhead to meet a troll and this is what happened. I'll be chillin at Dominic's with mysterious hottie if you need me.
>> No. 47082
It's showtime...
>> No. 47083
We all believe you.
>> No. 47084

By the way, Mr. Stiles, how old is the girl?
>> No. 47085
>I'm living in a state of perpetual delusion where I pretend people actually want to be with me.
Fix'd for ya.
>> No. 47086
You met her at a pizza joint? Sounds like a fatty. How long until you sell us her nudes to get the ED taken down?
>> No. 47087
Try to not to abduct any vacationing children while hanging out at the pizzeria with the other teenagers and tweens.
>> No. 47088
A blow up doll doesn't count Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles

>mysterious hottie
>goth chick

Oh robbert.
>> No. 47089
Hey rob. want to come to IRC again?
>> No. 47090
You are not fooling anyone. Hahahaha.
>> No. 47091
Should we call the pizzeria and ask for you if we want to talk tonight?
>> No. 47092
>I'll give you spergs credit for not believing this
You're giving us credit for not believing you ever had sex? I guess the bath salts must've worn off...

>but my girl just warned me if I have any hopes of getting more pussy I need to stop with this internet crap. It's wierd to her apparently.
What could possibly be weird about spending your parents' money to track down IP numbers and threatening to sue people who made fun of you? Hmm...

>GREATEST DEAL EVER. She legitly saved my life and I fucking LOVE this beauty and now, I have a purpose for my life again.
"Sex made everything okay again! Gloating about it is what gives my life meaning!"
That's just sad.

>To think, I initially went to Arrowhead to meet a troll and this is what happened. I'll be chillin at Dominic's with mysterious hottie if you need me.
So...you ran into this "girl" when you went to meet a troll? What makes you so sure SHE isn't the troll? Either way, be sure to scream out "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" when she tells you the truth, shattering your heart level by 85%.
>> No. 47093

I'm kicking my fillings out to this day over that goddamn miserable post. Do you see how much I respected you guys? I seriously thought Trey and Introman were quality, even funny HUMAN BEINGS. Now, their subhuman below the sickest middle eastern terrorist.
>> No. 47094

We all winning in the game of life. You should send pics of your girlfriend wearing high heels, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I will send you some of zyklon and monikers body in exchange.

>> No. 47095
File 134663454212.png - (15.26KB , 1328x113 , mysterious hottie.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47096
Cry more bitch.
>> No. 47097
Waitwaitwait, I'm confused.
Since when did a pizzeria start running gothic clubs? Did Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles lie to us AGAIN?
>> No. 47098
>my girl just warned me if I have any hopes of getting more pussy I need to stop with this internet crap. It's wierd to her apparently.

Wait, I thought she loved that you were an internet famous epic lolcow?

Oh yeah, right, she doesn't exist. Enjoy your hand Rob.
>> No. 47099
>she saved my life
wow one lay saved your life saaaaaaaad
>> No. 47100
>Do you see how much I respected you guys?
Oh noes, we got knocked down on Robbay's scale of respect. What will it take for you to knock us up...the scale, I mean?
>> No. 47101
he's chris.
>> No. 47102

Fyi, we both abhor heels and think they're impossible to walk in. She is also woman that doesn't subscribe to the norms of cis-iety as I don't either. Thanks to her, I have a reason to live and I won't hurt her.
>> No. 47103
>my girl just warned me if I have any hopes of getting more pussy I need to stop with this internet crap.
Why tell us this? Why not just fuck off quietly, and quit sneaking around your (imaginary) heartsweet's back?
>> No. 47105
>I won't hurt her.
>> No. 47106
>I have a reason to live and I won't hurt her.

So if you were still depressed (which you are, even though you're trying to convince yourself otherwise), you'd be willing to beat this fictional woman?
>> No. 47107
Oh god, she is imaginary. This is sad Robert. So sad.
>> No. 47108

Milla would wear heels. :) I presume you and your girl are more combat boots type of people. I respect that. Since your done with the internet trolls and living your life. Zyklon booked some flight tickets to Newark for next month. Going to show her around philly and nyc. We might even see each other and you would never know.
>> No. 47109
robbay come to IRC
>> No. 47110
Are you speaking as Robert about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles right now? Have you finally snapped? Do you have two different personalities?
>> No. 47111
>I did tell ADF if you want to be seen as and treated as a woman then ya gotta start acting it. And not just image wise but also to mannerism wise.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: Expert on being a woman
>> No. 47112

So be it, soviets. Too bad I don't believe that shit for one inch.
>> No. 47113
And "her" name is Robichu, cisgender bisexual female girlfriend!
"Go, Robichu! Go and pop my cherry!"
>> No. 47114
File 134663510050.gif - (880.02KB , 274x200 , stiles.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Please come to IRC, Mr. Stiles.
>> No. 47115
File 134663511240.jpg - (119.75KB , 600x400 , Imaginary-Friend_2816-l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47116

Too long to post but if you want to talk about it. I will be in the IRC. Finland isn't a soviet country.
>> No. 47117
Ahhh, reminds me of when Chris pulled the fake girlfriend stint with a fictional girl named Chloe.

The reason we won't hear any details about Robbie's pretend girl is because he packs any kind of imagination.

All he can come up with is "SHE'S JUST LIKE MEEEEEEEE!"
>> No. 47118
Oh. So it's a man. Good for you Robert
>> No. 47119
This reminds me more of Wallflower, actually.

So she exists, but she's really fucking ugly.
>> No. 47120
Though the validity of this is doubtful, I hope you do leave and don't come back, for your mental and physical well being. Stop giving people reasons to make fun of you, and stop fanning the flames. You've got a lot of issues to iron out, and some legitimate problems you need help with. You still could become a decent and productive human being, all by ignoring this board and no longer wasting your time pretending you were an all-powerful internet warrior because you made fun of some little kids on the internet. It's time to grow up, Rob, and put childish things away. You never were an internet superhero, you never made people cower in fear, that all all just trite nonsense.

I really think you'll ignore this, and I really think you'll be back. But still, it's worth articulating.

Here's to hoping.

Mr. Robert Wayne StilesAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
>> No. 47121

No, I'm going to Dominic's and then I have an hours drive home. Be a fucking man, intro and warn me here in front of everyone about this fake philly siege.
>> No. 47122
Ha ha, lacks not packs.
>> No. 47123
>Be a fucking man, intro and warn me here in front of everyone about this fake philly siege.
Why don't you be a fucking man, Robbay, and come clean in front of everyone about this fake bisexual girlfriend of yours?
>> No. 47124
>but my girl just warned me if I have any hopes of getting more pussy I need to stop with this internet crap. It's wierd to her apparently.

But just last night you were bragging about how this internet crap is what attracted her to you. But yes, all this stuff you've been doing online is really weird, did you show her the harem maps?
>> No. 47125
So we have all night to talk then? Excellent
>> No. 47126
His parents are paying a lot for this girl to sort him out.
>> No. 47127
>> No. 47128
You're lying again.
>> No. 47129
i like how robbay had to invent a girlfriend to tell him to stop posting here
>> No. 47130
I don't think there's enough money in the world to get any trained professional to deal with Robb.
>> No. 47131

It's not a siege. Zyklon and Moniker have time off for the week, so they decide to pull in to their savings and come to america. Also they want to go shopping in NYC and see some sights. I also reccomended philly to see some trolling sights. Like william way, attic youth center, ferries, liberty bell, Wooden shoe bookstore and rittenhouse.

We decided to do this in a month because you're not warring with us anymore. You're known for violent acts and I don't want my girlfriends to deal with it.
>> No. 47132
File 134663592492.jpg - (166.82KB , 960x608 , 00_rika_areyouserious.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47133
His ego won't let her be anything else.
>> No. 47134
We know you're still here Robbay. Get in IRC.
>> No. 47135
>> No. 47136
Get in IRC Robb, the cocks wil be worth it.
>> No. 47137
She's a whore. Technically an escort. She has dealt with loveshys before. Now it's the big girlfriend experience gig. It's like Robs parents are paying for two kids lifestyles now, and in a month or so she will "break up" with him, and go back to multiple clients. She likely has a burner phone for the gig and an apartment away from home with 1 months pre-paid lease. When it comes time to vanish it will be like she never existed, unless he doxes her, but Robert is shit at that.
Bravo Wayne. Riko will be a man yet
>> No. 47138
>mfw robbay had sex with a mirror
>> No. 47139
> I fucking LOVE this beauty
One day and he is in love. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles this is a true sign of your immaturity. This kind of stuff happens in Jr high school

>I have a purpose for my life again.

If you can only get purpose in your life from another person( especially one you just met) you are in a lot of trouble. I actually feel sorry for you. I don't think that you will ever grow up and will continue to live a shallow,life until you die

When his new "girlfriend" dumps just imagine the tears and butthurt. He will almost certainly attempt suicide. Most likely as an attempt to make her feel bad and get back together with him
>> No. 47140
Robb, please describe her. Is she pretty? Is she short and sweet?

Tell me!?

Oh, and
>GF wants me to stop posting
>Disobeys instantly

Never change Robb
>> No. 47141

Shit, I am not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47142
File 134663670415.png - (55.33KB , 1349x575 , 131438967924.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

An early Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles post about Jordman.
>> No. 47143
>I initially went to Arrowhead to meet a troll

What a coincidence that your parents have a vacation home in the same private, gated community.
>> No. 47144

Yeah bitches love clingy dudes, this is totally gonna work out for you bro.
>> No. 47145



>> No. 47146
Hey mothers, hide your girls! Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is single and sassy!

I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go,
People know the part I'm playin'.
Pay for every dance, sellin' each romance,
Ooohh what they're sayin'?
There will come a day, when youth will pass away,
What will they say about me?
When the end comes I know, there was just a gigolo's
Life goes on without me.

'Coz I... Ain't got nobody and there's
Nobody cares for me, there's
Nobody cares for me
I'm so sad and lonely, sad and lonely, sad and lonely
Won't some sweet mama come and take a chance with me?
Cause I ain't so bad.
>> No. 47147
And yet they get all freaked out if you take a day to answer the hundred texts they send you every fucking hour. Maybe being a virgin isn't such a bad thing.
>> No. 47148
  Moving on the floor now tranny you're a goblin of paradise
Pop cherry of goth chick pussy I suppose it's not very nice
With a step to your left and a flick to the right you catch that mirror way out west
You know you're nothing special and you look like you're the worst

His name is Robbay and he rages on the chan
Just like that chris-chan twisting through a dusty land
And when he fails he really shows you all he can
Oh Robbay, Robbay rage across the 789chan

I've seen you on the /cwc/ and I've seen you on ED
Two of a billion threads it means so much to me
Like a birthday or a pretty view
But then I'm sure that you know it's just for you

His name is Robbay and he rages on the chan
Just like that chris-chan twisting through a dusty land
And when he fails he really shows you all he can
Oh Robbay, Robbay rage across the 789chan

Hey now woo look at that did he nearly run you down
At the end of the drive the FBI arrive
You make me feel alive, alive alive
I'll take my chance cause luck is on my side or something
I know what you're thinking I tell you something I know what you're thinking

His name is Robbay and he rages on the chan
Just like that chris-chan twists across a dusty land
And when he fails he really shows you all he can
Oh Robbay, Robbay rage across the 789chan
His name is Robbay he don't need to understand
And I might find him if I'm looking like I can
Oh Robbay, Robbay hear them shout across the land
From Philladelphia in the north down to the 789chan.
>> No. 47149
That's a helluva pun, Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesay. I'm going to use this word in everyday life for now on.
>> No. 47150
We can make the Ultimate Goblin Party Mix-Tapes.
>> No. 47151

He looks hot here.
>> No. 47152
Goodbye forever.
>> No. 47153
See you tomorrow robbay!
>> No. 47154
same time tommorow then?
>> No. 47156
If this girl is real I bet she is like himand is rebelling against mommy and daddy.

Look mom I'm in love with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and he is gender queer and there is nothing you can do about it
>> No. 47157
Same Goblin-day. same Goblin-channel, same Goblin-time.
>> No. 47158
He will be back when mystery goth girl dumps him, revealing to be a troll all along.
>> No. 47159

Good bye Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Hope life increasingly gets better . Thank you for bring me together with some awesome people Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I've made some true and honest friends thanks to you.
>> No. 47160
Gee this girl sounds legit, willing to have sex with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, discusses wearing high heels and only request she has is that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles stops posting on the Internet (Even though she loved his Internet "fame" yesterday?), totally sounds like a real person Robert..
>> No. 47161
Yeah. Same time same place?
>> No. 47162
robbay how can you quit like this when your ed article is still up? i'm so disappointed in you tbh
>> No. 47163
File 134663917967.jpg - (25.23KB , 500x375 , Here forever.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb, you will soon find that while you can leave the internet, the internet won't leave you.
>> No. 47164
See you soon, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 47165
Robbie is running away with his tail between his legs again. He knows he has lost. :)
>> No. 47166
As always. But you know as soon as this "girl" leaves his ass, he'll be back blaming us. Thus the cycle shall continue.
>> No. 47167
His ego won't allow him to stay away, though. He'll hit the bottle, the bong, the bath salts, then come back to threaten, beg, or gloat again.
Like clockwork.
>> No. 47168
You went to meet a troll but somehow found a galpal instead who appeared out of nowhere?

Well that sounds reasonable, good luck to you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!
>> No. 47169
I'm betting that he went to the pizzeria and was promptly left or abandoned by the girl, and now he's doing that "goodbye forever" stuff.

Hypothetically assuming that the girl exists, of course.
>> No. 47170
  15 birds in 5 fur trees
feathers fanned in a firy breeze
oh what birds they had no wings
oh what shall we do with the funny little things?
>> No. 47171
File 134663986530.png - (53.49KB , 1328x455 , robbayposts.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
just in case robbay tries to delete his final posts
>> No. 47172
Are you even trying anymore, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? Just a few too many coincidences here for me to believe a damn thing you're saying.

>meets goth chick in the Poconos
>gets laid
>said chick convinces Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to leave the internet

Are you even trying anymore? At any rate, we're not going to stop talking about you and you'll be back eventually. See you real soon, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 47173
>Goodbye forever.

you fought the good fight, you can now rest.....
>> No. 47174
Clearly he thinks it is a final dig before he leaves for good, like, even though you guys tried to troll me hard I still got laid while you idiot virgins just sit on the internet all day and rage about trannies! Sure showed you guys!
>> No. 47175
  Robb, this is a tribute to you retiring the internet forever. I hope you succeed in your decision and I hope you have a happy life with your girlfriend.
>> No. 47177
The pizzeria closed at 8 PM. So maybe they met up in a darkened parking lot? Who knows? Maybe it felt a little like "Nocturne" to a homesick Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 47178
After hitting a bong most people just have a slice and a nap or turn the stereo on, but every once in a while you get a Miami zombie (he only had weed in his system according to the coroner's report). Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles may be that special kind of crazy.
>> No. 47179
farewell rob
>> No. 47180
  Good bye Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47181
File 134664273092.png - (158.65KB , 652x225 , goodbyeforever.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47182
  >that feeling when Robbie posts
>that feeling when he says he's leaving
>that feeling when you know he'll be back

To me, and I know I'm showing my age here, this video kinda sums it up, blissed out facial expressions and all. I'd like to imagine Robbie at the top of a building in Center City singing it, flailing his bony arms some hippy dress, unsure if he's flinging himself to his death, to pounce on some troll below, or to bellow his victory like a good Zumba Wraith would.
>> No. 47183
Hearing about Nocturne made me shudder. Too many bad memories.
>> No. 47184
Thanks for the memories, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 47185
  additional cheesy send off song.
>> No. 47186
  Sorry rob, I know you said you became a tranny to get some hot lesbo action, but alas...
>> No. 47187
>> No. 47188
Maybe you'll get a response for that WEEN comment you left on this video.
>> No. 47189
File 134664337772.jpg - (54.60KB , 700x480 , 1346008392997.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
not this shit again
>> No. 47190
RIP Goblin King
>> No. 47191
Robbay has left the internet for the sake of his new gal pal. He's never coming back, ever. :(
>> No. 47192
>> No. 47193
Nothing of value was lost.
>> No. 47194
lol everyday

my new girl owns so hard too she is a busty 44dd milf who sucks my fox dick like a pro
>> No. 47195

Robb is his new girlfriend. He's both genders now. He fucked himself.

Bath salts are a hell of a drug.
>> No. 47196
He was fucking him self from day one and it didn't change anything.
>> No. 47197
He must surely be out of them by now
>> No. 47198
Maybe he's cutting what little he has left with actual bath salts, or even table salts?
It'd explain a lot, really.
>> No. 47199
Not really. Him cutting it with ritalin and meth maybe.
>> No. 47201
File 134666090477.jpg - (95.00KB , 625x380 , enhanced-buzz-30786-1317840379-60.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb may be gone for a while to get comfortable with his new girlfriend
>> No. 47202
File 134666138291.jpg - (44.86KB , 604x397 , n1316948428_30240594_7213776.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
found this in my downloads folder, w/ the apartment pics, is this who I think it is
>> No. 47203
Yep, it's the actress to some Sci-fi movie. Robb got to meet her
>> No. 47205
Oh, cool, Rob met an actress. It's cool that he allegedly didn't try to kidnap or threaten or obsess or Single White Cismale become/copy her.
>> No. 47206
File 134666703579.gif - (593.68KB , 239x270 , hitler tea time.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You know, Robert. When I'm generally having a good time with my friends, or actually fucking somebody, 789chan isn't the first thing in my mind. Actually, internet is about the last thing I think about. "Hey, could you hold on for a minute, I've gotta go to the internet"? Pppprobably not.

Or, actually. Were Robb ever to lose his virginity, he would probably legit think about the internet while having sex. And that's sad, if anything.
>> No. 47207

Yea baby girl. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doesn't understand about obligations that aren't TCIP based.

I also had some fun talking to some anonymous IRC people. Apparently, they think that when robbie posts, he's part of 789chan. So I reassured them not to attack 789chan because robbie is leaving forever and NEVER posting again.
>> No. 47208
I read this and thought it fit in a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread, as he is always making threats http://www.knoxnews.com/news/2012/aug/27/court-rejects-first-amendment-argument-in-death/ .
"...One answer to the point is that the statute covers 'any threat,' making no distinction between threats delivered orally in person, by phone or in writing letters, emails, faxes, by video or by song, in old-fashioned ways or in the most up-to-date. Nor would this be the first time that an old flask was filled with new wine — that an old statute was applied to a technology nowhere to be seen when the law was enacted." You see making threats online is a big deal. Just because you are online doesn't mean you can threaten to shove a gun up someones cunt or kick mud up it.

Maybe it really would be best if you didn't post here again until after making a youtube apology. You know where to find her account on youtube right? Either that or risk your p.o. taking your little rants seriously.
>> No. 47209
Really dodged a bullet heir . A loic attack would be devastating. Thank god Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't lurking around here stinking up the joint anymore. Besides, it won't be hard to troll him with the help of transway. Operation prolapse is a go. Hope adf can pull this off
>> No. 47210
Remind me of this.
Dem trans, man.
>> No. 47211
Stop linking to cracked. They suck
>> No. 47212

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles ain't coming back. I hate to say this but thank you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You saved 789chan from the wrath of anonymous. It's pretty cool that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is taking his girlfriends priorities over revenge. introman, zyklon and other stonecutters have done a great service in rehabilitating Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. More then the psychiatrist and definitely more then the enabling parents. I know Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's done but thank you guys/girls for brining him over to our forum. Even thought we won't get new cocks. It was a fun ride.
>> No. 47213
789chan mental hospital is always open for Robb. Like for example later today
>> No. 47214
I wonder how long it will be before his lies catch up with him and he starts contradicting the Goth story.
>> No. 47215
he already has. one second gothy is all turned on by his internet heroics. now she wants him off the net because he is victim.
>> No. 47216
It's only a matter of time he comes back blaming us for the breakup.
>> No. 47217
I hope robbay gets drunk again soon.
>> No. 47218
Goth story could be true. I can see his dad paying for a prostitute to get him laid.
>> No. 47219

Nah, that's just him not understanding shit.
>> No. 47220
In which case he would still be lying about her loving his dick and his internet reputation. Hookers will say any old bollocks to their customers but only a retard would believe they mean it.
>> No. 47221
Hookers like sex, with few exception.
To say otherwise is akin to saying professional boxers don't like fighting. Though every once mn a while there is a fight they dread. That's Robert. He's to hookers what a hung over jet legged fight in a Mexican bar venue is to a fighter.
It's like getting called in to an oldfolks home to fuck a 600 pound geriatric with bad breath.
>> No. 47222
>Hookers will say any old bollocks to their customers but only a retard would believe they mean it.
>only a retard
>> No. 47223
Australian detected
>> No. 47224
That's what I think too, it's kind of suspicious he meets her when vacationing at his parents holiday home where they decided they wanted to take him.

Maybe they gave her extra to convince him to not post on the internet anymore.
>> No. 47225
Sorry, but that "She and all lesbians loved my ED and thinks I'm awesome because I'm fighting the e-KKK" is just too much. Even a prostitute would probably refuse to fuck him, not because of looks, but telling about being a lolcow in the internet implies some sort of mental handicap, and guess law has something to say about fucking retards.
>> No. 47226
Good job Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You finally got some sweet, sweet china, and now your life is going to improve just like chris chan's did.

I just feel bad for all those dudes slavering at the clubs after you now that you're taken. Julay.
>> No. 47227
You know, behind that sarcasm, there's a valid point. Chris was crippled by autism and sort of lolcow pioneer, but Robb has no excuse not to learn from him. As we know from the skype logs, Robert is very aware of Chris, so why fall for exactly the same things? JenkinsJinkies, ever understanding to stop, Virgin-with-rage shit. In this sense, Robb is a bigger lolcow than Chris.

Funnier, too.
>> No. 47228
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is far more malicious than Chris ever was.

Chris used creative outlets to control his frustrations while Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seems to feebly troll people or generally be aggressive.
>> No. 47229
The fact that she told him to stay off the Internet if he wanted anymore China and that he he agreed must be some sort of record for fastest Pussy whipping ever
>> No. 47230

>guess law has something to say about fucking retards.

Yeah, prostitutes don't usually break the law.
>> No. 47231
http://poconos.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/?layout=gallery sure are a lot to choose from.
>> No. 47233
robbay where are you, we need cocks
>> No. 47234
He's most likely at a pool party with his parents. Likely being an annoying douche to some kid
>> No. 47235
>at a pool party with his parents
no. Nobody wants to be around robb, not even his parents.
>> No. 47236
Watch the videos.
>> No. 47237
"Oh wow. He's really taking a break from attempting to get his information and quotes taken down?
>> No. 47238
I'm guessing Dad took the Internet away.
>> No. 47239
He's cuttin' it down!
>> No. 47240
  What is it with crossdressers and lolcows overlapping?
>> No. 47241
Well he was desperate enough to become a tranny to pick up chicks. Seems to be giving up the internet for china is far less drastic, this might be one of those rare moments where Rob makes a decision that kinda makes sense.
>> No. 47242
Well, first he said he met her at a goth club...improbably located near a lakeside cabin.
Then it was a pizzeria.
I think his story's full of holes, and most of them've already been pointed out in this thread.
>> No. 47243
File 134673165273.png - (44.89KB , 529x711 , nostalgia critic.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey, Robb. If you're still lurking on here (most likely you are), I was able to dig up some stuff from a long dead archive. I told you that I had a knack of digging up dead stuff.

Until then, feel free to admit to /cwc/ about the boner you have for the Nostalgia Critic.
>> No. 47244
File 13467373844.jpg - (106.52KB , 483x600 , coverrsrpgah7.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Time to post some hoarded cahntent.
>> No. 47245
File 134673742487.jpg - (159.61KB , 398x600 , edwin2lp6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Concept art.
>> No. 47246
File 134673779920.jpg - (23.84KB , 280x210 , 1186[1].jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47247
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles why.

>> No. 47248
It's like a 15 year old got a hold of a computer and a scanner.
It occurs to me that Robert may actually be mildly retarded. No joke. My maid has a mildly retarded adult daughter who sometimes works with her, and she can drive, dress herself and lives on her own most of the year due to her husband being a united states bullet sponge abroad.
So if Robert is high functioning retard, do we continue to troll him or just pretend that he's an amazing artist and a pretty women like everyone else does?
>> No. 47249
What the fuck is supposed to be wrong with his arm? Is it supposed to be backwards?
The fact he did a concept drawing first and then did this m there was effort, but the end result looks like kids doodling.
Why was this not dropped when he was stealing art to impress us?
Also what exactly was his major? If it was graphics art then why not make a computer generated model in blender and import it into photoshop instead? Then maybe he could have sort of made it look professional and then claimed it was experimental when questioned as to why it looked shitty.
>> No. 47250
File 134673987542.jpg - (18.53KB , 480x360 , 134299688815.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
But won't he just go back to it when he gets back to his apartment, and what about his phone?
Could it be that a hooker or really ugly with self esteem issues has finally managed to sort Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles out?
>> No. 47251
I know Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a dyslexic retard who can't spell, but this just gave me the mental image of some stereotypical British dude going "Roit then, gents, lets 'ave osse'ves a goo' ol' fashioned ooproisin' then!"
>> No. 47252
My guess is, Seanie's call struck a nerve with Wayne. He likely gave Robb an ultimatum: Cut the homosexual deviantry, or I'm cutting you off. Since Robb is a delusional moron, he made up the getting laid story thinking he still has some face here left to save.
>> No. 47253
He reportedly doesn't have dyslexia but rather an unspecified reading disorder. His spelling of obliterate doesn't fit with dysgraphia either. Us dyslexics don't have trouble spelling by the way and with dysgraphia associated with dyslexia you are more likely to jumble up letters in words and draw a few backwards, but not without being able to go back and go "ah fuck. Not again".
>> No. 47254
Ah, I see. So in conclusion, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is just plain retarded?
>> No. 47255
Which video would that be?
>> No. 47256
In addition to other mental problems caused by brain damage. Maybe that is what happened in the cave, maybe he fell down it and hurt his head.
He could actually be hiding brain damage. Head injuries of that sort can cause extreme personality shifts in addition to many different kinds of learning handicaps. It all depends on which parts of his brain were damaged and how developed said brain was at the time. How I know that it's not dyslexia is that the part of the brain responsible for translating written word is closer to the part of the brain which does inherent math than it is to the part of the brain which translates spoken word. Obliterate will never translate as Obliverate as the two share only rudimentary phonetic similarity. Someone with dysgraphia may write opliterate and someone with dyslexia may write obbliterate. Only a retard or a grade school child with a hearing disorder would make Robbies spelling mistakes.
>> No. 47257
One of him at a pool party doing backflips.
>> No. 47258

Is this one of them?
>> No. 47259
>> No. 47260
Good point, I eurofagged there for a moment. Guess even prostitutes have some dignity, though. They're free to choose their customers, after all.
>> No. 47261
There is no Goth bar there from what I can tell. Not a single one. A couple singles bars, and "romantic" ones to take your date to, but not a single Goth Club. Closest I can find online is a Jazz piano bar. Which would likely place this girls age around 40 if not older
>> No. 47262
Actually there is some legal prostitution in the states, just not where he is. Nevada outside if Vegas is legendary for it's legal houses of ill repute. What's funny about that is that Nevada has some of the most draconian drug laws in the united states and is a rather right wing conservative town, yet hooking is A-O.K.
>> No. 47263

>They're free to choose their customers, after all.

They're free to get the shit kicked out of them by their pimp for turning down business.
>> No. 47264

He never said he met her in a goth club, just that she was a goth that he met in a nightclub. Sorry for the sperg, but important enough distinction if you're going to dig around looking I guess.
>> No. 47265
He also said that the place was packed with lesbians, so we can assume it was Robb's imaginary goth LGBT club.
>> No. 47266
Concept art on lined paper. Excuse me while my inner graphic designer spergs all over.
>> No. 47267
No. To be fair every Goth club in America is packed with butch lesbians and stereotypical flaming homosexual deviants. If I was gay I'd probably go around setting them on fire due to them making gays look bad, but I'm not so I laugh.
>> No. 47268
Look at how robert moves like a feral child in that GIF.
>> No. 47269

not every whore has a pimp
>> No. 47270
File 134677780261.png - (208.36KB , 292x588 , RobertWayneStiles.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Dat goblin hunch
>> No. 47271
  Robert, is that you?!
>> No. 47272
File 134678014930.jpg - (17.68KB , 320x240 , 6367721255_d2697fdde6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles moves like a girl alright. A zombie girl from the film Quarantine.
>> No. 47273
File 134678230880.jpg - (143.37KB , 361x440 , poconostime.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47274
Does Robbay still hang out with the WOLVERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINES!?
>> No. 47275
When he's not trying to hump small dogs in a cave.
>> No. 47276
Guys , I am going to put a personal ad in the Philly paper for Robbay saying he is a male trans escort with his phone# and apartment# in it

any ideas to put in the ad?
>> No. 47277

>> No. 47278
>> No. 47279
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles should lick Sean's asshole for what he did. I don't think anyone mentioned it but the only reason Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles got layed this weekend is because Sean called the parents and left that message.
>> No. 47280
Remember to include that Robbay LOVES being submissive and wants a strong man to sort him out.
>> No. 47281

Oh wow lol he actually made good on this so far

You guys didn't believe the girlfriend thing did you? Hes just trying to save face by leaving on a win

You guys sperging about it is hilarious, 1 point to EMr. Robert Wayne Stiles

Also don't call her Robert
>> No. 47282
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47283
How is the imaginary girlfriend Rob?
>> No. 47284

>He made good on this

Obviously not.
>> No. 47285
File 134684537562.jpg - (15.47KB , 333x349 , Lollipop Chainsaw.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
HI ROBB! It's good to have you back
>> No. 47286

Anon, you don't know what you're talking about. The wraith chick bowed out and stopped posting because if she continued, anonymous would of LOIC the website. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cares deeply about our web community and sacrificed himself to save it.
>> No. 47287
>Hes just trying to save face by leaving on a win
>> No. 47288
>Leaving on a win

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're just sad. That phone call must have really struck a chord with Wayne for him to threaten cutting you off. You should just be glad there haven't been more calls made.
>> No. 47289
>> No. 47290
>> No. 47291

Because he's the lolcow /cwc/ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll troll him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Wraith Beliskner.
>> No. 47292
Robbay is the ONLY person who thinks he's scored a point with a fake sex story.
>> No. 47293
And who would still say "Don't call her Robert". It's both funny and sad how easy Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is to spot.
>> No. 47294
looking at the IP, its probably not robbay.
>> No. 47295
Could be a proxy.
>> No. 47296
File rika9512.txt - (33.62KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

public chat log
>> No. 47297
NetRange: -
NetName: LIUNET1
NetHandle: NET-148-4-0-0-1
Parent: NET-148-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Assignment
RegDate: 1991-03-08
Updated: 2010-03-11
Ref: http://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-148-4-0-0-1

OrgName: Long Island University
Address: 700 Northern Blvd.
City: Brookville
StateProv: NY
PostalCode: 11548
Country: US
RegDate: 1991-03-08
Updated: 2011-09-24
Ref: http://whois.arin.net/rest/org/LIUPC
>> No. 47298
File rikazyklon9512.txt - (5.61KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
screaming at zyklon
>> No. 47299
File 134687737358.jpg - (15.00KB , 390x382 , nigga is you serious 6.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you will be extradited if you're an online murderer.
> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i could kill myself and blame it entirely on you. than they'll be an international search
To quote another IRC user: "God, it's like I'm reading the script to the Cyberbu//y sewuel"
>> No. 47300
Hello /cwc/ . I've heard that the tranny freak Rick has been harassing you with his retardation. Well, as a former colleague of Rick's. I want to assure you that the wraith organization is reforming. We have a new hierarchy and membership.

Wraith Master
Trey Pepe

Skittles aka Krapple Guy
WraithMEGA (That "hippy" skank.)

introMAN tier (People on super secret probation)
introMAN(spilling the details to rick.)
georgeson( for being in jail more times than their has been Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles threads.)

Right now. We've consolidated our forces ready to dispose Rick of his online throne. We got more wraith members but they don't want to be targeted by a former boss.
>> No. 47301
All hail!
>> No. 47302
File 134687825136.jpg - (57.49KB , 701x358 , InternetMurderers.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47303
Never change, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Never change.
>> No. 47304
File 134688031947.jpg - (56.40KB , 448x592 , 1hairyArmpit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles check out this chick. Judging by the armpit hair i'm guessing she is European but not bad huh.
>> No. 47306
>23:02 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: you tell me right now you ugly kike. who is sending out my parents number
5 seconds later
>23:08 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: hypothetically speaking, you've probably done plenty of intolerant hate crimes towards innocent jesuits, or other minorities

Oh Rob.
>> No. 47307
>intolerant hate crimes
I didn't know there were tolerant hate crimes.
>> No. 47308
>went to meet a troll
>met a goth chick
>she's interested in his e-fame
>she fuck him
sorry rob, but shrapnel face isn't a virgin

but which is worse?
>> No. 47309
You know Rob didn't bring up his new sweetheart at all. And normally he would still be bragging about that instead of threatening to make us all e-murderers. Robbay confirmed for virgin.
>> No. 47310
>[23:17] Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: you're just some bitch trying to find an edgy sub culture
>[23:18] Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: you're just stupid and hate groups of people because I'M SUPERIOR

Pot, kettle, black, etc.
>> No. 47311
>> No. 47312
File 134688370420.png - (220.04KB , 355x341 , 1345994693603.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[12:46:14] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> better than Omega and at least i'm true to myself unlike him

lol, you mention me even when I'm not even there I'm flattered
>> No. 47313
>> No. 47314
Do you realize? DO YOU REALIZE If the parole officer of philadelphia county saw those threats that you made on that damn internet...they could take your house, and you would have to move out of it? You get that goddamn stuff offa there and FAST!
>> No. 47315
>> No. 47316
>> No. 47317
>> No. 47318
I miss Chris. But Rob is a suitable substitute.
>> No. 47319
>better than Omega and at least i'm true to myself
>Days after boasting of gay cure
Looks like he really likes talking about you.
Think it'll be long before he tries stalking?
>> No. 47320
File 134688671654.png - (5.03KB , 665x598 , wut.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't even know what's going on here.
>> No. 47321
File 134688737453.jpg - (8.31KB , 301x167 , 2124454q.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
neither do I tbh
>> No. 47322
File 13468880989.jpg - (123.44KB , 784x1108 , nazi on a flowerfield.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Well now, I guess now I'll be waiting for the letter.

"Dear Miss X

We found a grotesque, half-mummified corpse of a tranny in his apartment, with your picture on the table.

We immediately saw that it was connected to the case, ignored the false name written on it and contacted the Russian Secret Service and asked them to look up the photo, if they had such a person in their database. Turns out, they had.

Now, it's probably nothing, but if you could come to the United States. We just want to talk. I dunno, I've got this odd hunch you somehow forced the tranny to shoot himself with your psychic powers. Just want to make sure that isn't the case. Thanks."

This is what Robb actually believes in.
>> No. 47323

[13:06:07] <+pleaserapemyface> Spooky spooky skeleton

I lost my shit right there.

>[12:46:34] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> STOP calling my parents, they contacted me about this
>[12:46:52] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i don't want have anything to do with them except for the payments
>[12:49:50] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i'm doing this recon because my parents called me and threatened punishment

Whoever has his number, please keep calling, they're going to take his tugboat away.
>> No. 47324
File 134688888175.png - (659.77KB , 1263x1500 , helpfulphonecall.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> STOP calling my parents, they contacted me about this

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles we are just doing this because we care about you!
>> No. 47325
You're probably the only female more attention than just a passing glance. Of course he'd be obsessed with you.
>> No. 47326
It's funny that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles needs to make up excuses to come back to talk to his trolls (In IRC), I assume because he got lonely since nobody else wants to talk to him in real life.
>> No. 47327
Hate to break it to you but Omega is a guy
>> No. 47328
>> No. 47329
File 134689524274.png - (310.51KB , 498x347 , shit was set to wumbo.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I am very happy that those that run this site finally have a lolcow of their very own, of their very own!
>> No. 47330
File 134689777488.jpg - (7.19KB , 300x168 , jake.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw when dagon has the power to summon people
seriously is he a wizard?
>> No. 47331
File 134690520121.jpg - (25.14KB , 460x307 , 1345106626086.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mfw his p.o. and he dismissed it as a prank call
>> No. 47332
What the fuck is with lolcows and anti-semitism? It's like he wants to be hated.
Why not just record yourself kicking a puppy and get it over with?
>> No. 47333
to be fair zyklons whole nazi thing is anooying ween and edgy as well, unless zyklon is serious which would be ten times more retarded.
>> No. 47334
So far he's called a gay man a homosexual deviant and used the word Kike as an insult. He's coming off as more of a nazi than zyklon pretends to be. Which is hilarious considering his little persecution complex.
Also odds of his P.O making a concerned call to his parents is pretty high right now.
>> No. 47335
Lets not forget his misogynistic comments towards women too. Clearly this man is a shining pinnacle of tolerence.
>> No. 47336
I wonder how he feels about blacks.
>> No. 47337

According to my sources in Philadelphia. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is an ardent racist who won't go to black neighborhoods at all. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles also says racial slurs all the time. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's racism is the average " LOL, nigger gaiz".
>> No. 47339
>subtly licking zyklons asshole in hopes of getting sum of dat trannay pussay
>> No. 47340
dang dirty kike detected
>> No. 47342
Hi Robb.
>> No. 47343


The similarities keep building don't they?
>> No. 47344
Dam filter...
>> No. 47345
Lol you guys are the biggest cis scum alive

R.I.k.a does nothing wrong and you call him and the rest of the trans way gang by the wrong name and pronoun

I probably won't post again but I jus wanted to tell yall that your fags
>> No. 47346
Hey Robb, how's it going?
>> No. 47347

Im not but its not like that would even be a bad thing

I've talked to rik.a many tomes noe and have always found her to be pleasant funny and easy going

Also I
>> No. 47348
Well the typing is certainly as shit as Robert's.
>> No. 47349
Robb no longer considers himself a woman, get your pronouns straight you nazi cis scum fascist KKK.
>> No. 47350
>makes the same shitty grammar mistakes
>promises not to post again
>posts again
HI Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!!!
>> No. 47351

This post is way to retarded and contradictory to be anything but a half assed troll, surely.
>> No. 47352
I just find this hilarious in a bit of a karmic way that Mr. Stiles may have never been discovered if he hadn't been trying to throw his friends under the bus.
>> No. 47353
No, you got it all wrong, Robb is the proud defender/martyr of the entire LGBT community you nazi.
>> No. 47354

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't a tranny any more, and actually thinks they're retarded for wanting to be something they never can. We have him on record saying this shit, so sorry, he doesn't think too much of the trans community any more.
>> No. 47355
In a way, we're doing the LGBT community a huge favor here by ridding it from the empty shell of a human being that is Robb. I mean seriously, it takes a special kind of sad and evil man to pretend you belong to a different gender and/or sexual orientation just so you can score some easy pity and attention.
>> No. 47356
Sad thing is every gay community center has a Rob. But they are so inclusionary that the fact these fauxbians are there goes over most of their heads. If not then they try to look the other way instead of ejecting these fuck ups.
>> No. 47357
Oh Robbay. Even when you aren't here, your friends provide us with cocks.
>> No. 47358
File 134694689734.jpg - (5.18KB , 324x340 , what11.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I bet it has been said before, but dear God Robb looks terrible in that .gif. Dat face just before he turns.
>> No. 47359
The Goblin King is not a sight for the squeamish.
>> No. 47360
i don't get why he won't accept comparisons to chris

he hates homosexuals and dresses like a girl to try and pick them up. he is literally a tomgirl, to a tee. chris and robbay could exchange makeup tips.
>> No. 47361
In a way I get some satisfaction from Rob leaving. He's finally realized he can't do shit about the article and threads, he's realized he can't win no matter what he tries, the Goblin King has been well and truely defeated.

You have no power over me.
>> No. 47362
>implying that robbay won't come back
>> No. 47363
>implying Robbay doesn't lurk here everyday

>> No. 47364
Yeah, the two would make excellent sweethearts; they're both autistic man-children, they both cross dress, they both have an extreme attachment to the internet and their aliases. They should just give up on women and get with each other.
>> No. 47365
I'm going to call his parents right now and yell Robayyyyy
>> No. 47366
>won't go to black neighborhoods at all
To be fair, I wouldn't either. That's not racist, it's just smart.
>> No. 47367

have some balls, jesus

you'll be fine as long as you arent an emaciated nerd dressed as a woman
>> No. 47368
But in keeping on the topic of Robbie, that presents a particular problem as he lives in a majority black city aka Chocolate City.
>black neighborhoods
That's like all of Philly except a few blocks in Center City, from what I understand, could be wrong.
Robbie's a bad neighbor.
>> No. 47369
Audio Turds.mp3 - (25.88KB - 104 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Robb on Race Relations. See also "Oh my God! Black people fighting!" "He talks like a black woman." and "I'm so ghetto!"

>> No. 47370
Spoken like a true crusader for the oppressed. Can't hate on RikChe Guevara. Imagine the tyranny we would live under today if not for his Myspace-era emancipation Wraith-clamations?
All non-believers would be obliverated and those of us left behind would endure cross-shaped barcode tattoos on our foreheads, while Chrissy Moran would literally rule the world.

Think about it; we just missed that dystopia. Because of a hero.
>> No. 47371
If not for people Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to dissuade them, there might be more tranni. . It would be like in Japan or the 1980's.
>> No. 47372
>> I mean seriously, it takes a special kind of sad and evil man to pretend you belong to a different gender and/or sexual orientation just so you can score some easy pity and attention.

Truly, Robert stands among rapists, pedophiles and violent criminals for such a heinous crime.


Or would 'OMEGA-LOG' or 'TRANNY-LOG' fit? I guess not since Homer also seems to hate his guts.

It's just a lolcow. You get so worked up about some distant crossdresser, but not over genuine crimes against humanity that happen all over the world? It's ridiculous, just like how A-Logs' mental processes.

I don't get it. I just want to see him produce hilarious, insightful posts, not get scared off the net.
>> No. 47373
File 134698652540.jpg - (8.42KB , 251x201 , chandler.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>insightful posts
The phrasing you were looking for was 'telling posts', insightful is a term used to describe intelligent ideas. Also could you BE any more Robbay?
>> No. 47374
Well, I'd argue how it gives insight in how fucked up RWS is, but I'm sleep deprived and didn't feel like posting the wordbuttered word 'cocks'. Looking at my post again, I also fucked up some grammar like "just how A-Long mental processes".

Thing is, everyone finally realizes it's stupid to hate on CWC. He's not Hitler, he's a retarded manchild.

I guess RWS is slightly worse but to get so worked up over some crossdresser druggie in philly over human atrocities that happen daily IRL just because he's slightly interactive is silly.

I see alot of paralells with how CWC used to be treated and how RWS is treated now, along with how trannies were pissed at him giving them a 'bad name', and now are mad for the terrible, terrible crime of pretending to be a tranny to get laid. As if stalking and nearly kidnapping someone is lesser than that.
>> No. 47375
The main difference here I think is people eventually were tricking or blackmailing Chris to get a response while here Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles didn't get famous for doing anything like Chris and his videos or comics but rather just for continually being malicious, narcissistic and hillariously hypocritical.
>> No. 47376
The big issue is when it came to Chris was just some idiot who many believe didn't really know better but with Robert he knows what he is doing and there isn't really an excuse for his actions. In short Chris is loveable goofball while Robby is a self centered psycho.
>> No. 47377
it must be me right?
>> No. 47379
The only A-Log I'm seeing is you bro.
>> No. 47380
Perhaps he means they are insightful in that they allow us to peer into the mind of a homophobic crossdressing celebrity stalker who's addicted to stimulants and synthetic canaboids he bought at truck stops.
I believe the ban on said substances to be thereason he's no longer posting. He sobered up and realised what a complete cunt he's been for the last couple of years.
>> No. 47382
Yeah, it's not like he's ever committed any felonies, right? Rob is not capable of posting anything that does not involve "TAKE THAT DANG DIRTY PAGE DOWN NOW NOW NOW" or desperate pleas for attention. Attempting to drive your homeless friend out of your place and commit suicide are not signs of a typical lolcow, it's what an alcoholic sociopath would do. Good thing it hasn't come to that yet, right?
>> No. 47383
some serious guilt in this thread, you've impressed me cwc youre growing
>> No. 47384
File 134701275996.jpg - (135.62KB , 947x703 , Rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Since Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hasn't posted here in a week, I'm to assume it was actually just the drugs all along?
u wish someone had recorded more of his bizarre drugged out antics. It would make for a great anti drugs commercial. Do bath salts, wake up a kissless virgin, dressed like a women, with bad skin and ruined teeth in motherfucking Philadelphia. Also learn that you attempted to kidnap a women, stalked a porn star and threatened the F.B.I.
>> No. 47385
File 134701481358.jpg - (252.72KB , 960x717 , Communist Necrophilia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Look what I found in Introman's email. I'm almost certain that he hasn't had a chance to read it yet. So, I'll do the honors of showing him the cockss in his email.

In the email, it stated that these should be posted straight to /cwc/ and was full of random capitalized letters and words. If I'm not mistaken, a certain back-stabbing goblin sent them to get on Introman's good side.
>> No. 47386
File 134701501980.jpg - (85.03KB , 960x720 , ADF baseball bat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Remember that baseball bat ADF threatened /cwc/ with? Well, here it is:
>> No. 47387
File 134701506827.jpg - (53.68KB , 960x720 , ADF's nasty feet.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47388
File 134701520025.jpg - (66.28KB , 720x960 , Ahuviya and fat rolls.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47389
File 134701529974.jpg - (60.17KB , 720x540 , Riots over.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47390
File 134701570527.jpg - (61.08KB , 537x720 , ADF and vomit dog.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47391
File 134701585323.jpg - (40.15KB , 436x720 , His struggle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47392
File 13470159342.jpg - (26.06KB , 843x403 , ADF's shoulder.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47393
oh lawdy, that girl in the back has epic tits, 1990's fashion...
>> No. 47394
File 134701626236.jpg - (70.14KB , 537x720 , The edgy grandma look ADF.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47395
File 134701658554.jpg - (65.98KB , 720x960 , ADF again.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47396
File 134701683447.jpg - (22.01KB , 200x203 , cover_Mei20060326.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47397
File 134701684185.jpg - (29.02KB , 403x403 , ADF CAVED.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF about to be raped in Robb's cave
>> No. 47398
File 13470168939.jpg - (69.23KB , 720x960 , ADF matted hair.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47399
>> No. 47400
File 134701696682.jpg - (75.64KB , 720x960 , ADF matted hair 0.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47401
File 134701701185.jpg - (77.53KB , 556x720 , Mao quote.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47402
File 134701704455.jpg - (164.57KB , 744x960 , Mary Sue and mountains.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47403
File 13470170896.jpg - (100.39KB , 960x720 , Zion quote.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47404
File 134701751440.jpg - (35.56KB , 1283x720 , Madara-Uchiha-madara-uchiha-17511840-1283-720.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Trey Pepe has proven himself to be a great wraith. I always knew that introMAN hoarded information. He was way too nice to the degenerates in Philadelphia. It's time to declare open season on trolling trannies in Philadelphia. More specifically ending introman's detente with the trannies. It's sad that the wraith who knows the most isn't contributing the most. All of them need to realize the error of their ways and be men again. Schizophrenia needs mental treatment, not spiro.
>> No. 47405
File 134701869812.jpg - (7.97KB , 158x333 , Robbie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

RUN ADF RUN! He probably got raped by Robb and we don't mean a spanking by his father. He got raped for real this time by something that looks like this:

Let's shed a tear for ADF
>> No. 47406
  Squeal Like a Pig ADF because I'm going to rape you in my cave.
>> No. 47407
an edgy and carefully considered post robb.
>> No. 47408

Do you realize that you threatened to rape your friend on a public board? I should make a phone call to your folks
>> No. 47410
Didn't you leave?
>> No. 47411

Okay, there's no way this is him, someone's got his trip.
>> No. 47412
I can confirm that it was two people testing ROb's trip.

They've decided not to post anything else and their posts were just a joke that they didn't intend anyone to see.

Sorry, /cwc/.
>> No. 47414
Not surprising. Tell them to post more so rob comes back
>> No. 47416
And here I thought we'd finally get our hands on his nudes. For shame.
>> No. 47417
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, how would you like to be portrayed in the Lolcow comic we're making?
>> No. 47418
That most autismal thing to have ever come out of a chan. is the most auti
>> No. 47419
File 134706861912.jpg - (115.72KB , 1024x682 , Shippuden_Sasuke_Sandals___WIP_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jesus fucking Christ, that's some flesh-eating bacteria right there.

And I thought ADF's feet were nasty before.
>> No. 47420
File 134706899421.jpg - (13.21KB , 457x550 , american-history-x071.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That's even worse than the original "My Struggle".
>> No. 47421
File 134706989347.jpg - (90.20KB , 445x593 , Attraction image.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've never seen anyone with a head so shapeless/randomly shaped in my life. When he dies he should donate his body for science.

Anyway, how could he be so fat while being homeless? I just don't get it.

Pic unrelated.
>> No. 47422
Cheap food which can be preiared easily without great knowledge or a working kitchen tends to be high in calories and low in other nutritional value. Also him having likely caused a hormonal imbalance doesn't help the situation.
Poor people tend to be fat. Homeless people tend to be obese and malnourished.
>> No. 47423
McDonald's dollar menu.
>> No. 47425
File 134707215463.gif - (24.03KB , 660x567 , neanderthal_skulls_compare.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's called FAS.
His parents confirmed they drank heavily during pregnancy. All that alcohol is bound to have screwed his development and made him the lip-less neanderthal he is today.
> hormonal imbalance
Can't be it. Nudes show he's got rolls of fat on his waist and less elsewhere. That shouldn't happen unless he's still swimming in testosterone. He probably isn't taking anything.
>> No. 47427
File 134707489596.jpg - (169.26KB , 590x443 , draft_lens2192923module13957232photo_1310155515Las.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Neanderthals were good at art and could incredibly strong.
Have you seen adfs body and his art?
>> No. 47428
File 134707508212.jpg - (56.80KB , 598x434 , MTS_SnowHawke9-781814-Cave1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47429
Neanderthals were supposedly intelligent, just not very good at language, which allowed them to be out competed. That having been said, all Europeans have something like between 3-5% Neanderthal DNA, so you might say that they aren't truly extinct.
>> No. 47430
Actually we have no indication that they were bad at communication. It's more likely that something along the lines of a plague wiped them out.It happens more often than you think in nature. Also they may have been less violent than we are, which would make for a serious disadvantage in war. It's said that while they had art, we had what appear to be signs of organized religion. That's another factor, we brought the crazy.
All the trannies have in common with neanderthals is that 3 percent of their dna and the fact most of their wardrobe is one piece and held together with glue. Well that and the whole hairy thing
>> No. 47431

Wait. I remember what theory you are refering to. They used to believe that Neanderthal speech range was only that of a newborn. Now we think they simply spoke in a different range.
>> No. 47432
This is just what I've heard, but it wasn't that they were less violent, it was that they couldn't lift their arms over their head like homo sapiens, so they couldn't throw rocks/sticks and had to rely on clubbing things to death.
>> No. 47434
Or we were simply more psychotic and ate them http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/may/17/neanderthals-cannibalism-anthropological-sciences-journal
>> No. 47435
>> No. 47436
So, I'm going to go ahead and say that the Trey posting the ADF pictures is actually Robb attempting to throw ADF under the bus.

Any takers?
>> No. 47437
>we had what appear to be signs of organized religion
So did they, to the extent that many individuals observing very similar burial rituals over large distances and timespans can be said to be "organised religion". It's certainly a vague consensus of beliefs.
>> No. 47438
We carried little statues of overly pregnant ladies which bear a striking resemblance to pagan fertility gods, they just buried their dead. Huge difference. Also it appears their burials may have been closer to quarantines. Death is a hard concept to grasp.
>> No. 47439
I'm not sure what you mean about quarantines. While there were a number of female figurines found in human burials, it's not really the evidence of a world-wide goddess cult it's often taken to be, any more than barbie dolls are evidence of the same thing today. Archaeo-anthropology is fascinating stuff but very vague.
>> No. 47440
Our ancestors masturbated to this.
>> No. 47441
File 134713265488.jpg - (341.02KB , 504x720 , catalhoyuk-attribution-required1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Your ancestors were furries? Sucks to be you mate.
>> No. 47442
File 134713277318.jpg - (33.37KB , 500x449 , venus-lespuge.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mine were more into MILFs
>> No. 47443
Who ever said world wide? I'm talking about the early humans who came into the middleast and Asia before moving down into the Europe. You're picturing his world made up of tribes spread out all over the world, but that's not how it was. It was waves of immigration starting from the same point. To claim they wouldn't share a culture including such potential practices as worshis as making assumptions about the evolution of culture that we frankly have no evidence to back.
>> No. 47444
File 134713556493.jpg - (148.96KB , 900x1200 , mtf_hrt_update___10_11_2010_by_adf_fuensalida-d32j.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
MFW scientific discussions in Philly trannies threads.

But speaking of the cavemen, the banner is pretty hilarious but also creepy as fuck. It has this mix of Silent Hill - Children of the Corn - Thief vibe for me. One of the best /cwc/ banners ever, but just whatever is going on on the left of it?
>> No. 47445
/cwc/ cannibalizing each other.
>> No. 47446
Sieg Hei...Oh, wait!
>> No. 47447
File 134713941311.jpg - (275.40KB , 900x1168 , ss_officer_itachi_uchiha_by_adf_fuensalida-d34wdam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47448
Why are we discussing ADF in a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread? Christ....


I was so glad he dried up and got replaced with the far superior Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, but now you're trying to stir him up again!
>> No. 47449
Thanks to Comrade Weeaboo and his hijinks we have entered in contact with the Goblin King.
>> No. 47450
File 134714408217.png - (112.49KB , 376x334 , cwcAtDaggersDrawn.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yeah the banner is amazing and the cannibalizing is hilarious. I kinda thought of Blair Witch Project along with cave drawing. I also initially thought the ADF monster with Rob was supposed to be some Lovecraft Cthulu-ish thing representing Dagon, maybe because of the IRC logs coming out at the same time it was put up; sorry.

Back to Rob, is he excited for the new Resident Evil? I saw the ads all over YouTube and got pretty excited for him. Or is he post-Mila now?
>> No. 47452
Shit man...where the fuck is Stiles?
>> No. 47454

LiquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles we need to talk. My skype name is in the email field.
>> No. 47455
>Implying that he didn't just mutate into a shuddercow
>Implying that a firearm armed ADF isn't a timebomb.
>Implying that something like telling Mel's family who she's run off with or Robby throwing him out won't set him off.
Did somebody say dramatic end, because I swear I just heard somebody say we're in for a dramatic end.
>> No. 47456
What the fuck?
>> No. 47457
I'm out of the country right now and only brought a tablet. Could you do with e-mail?
>> No. 47458

Nah nothing too serious. Just want to talk about robbie and the future of this. Just skype me when you have stable access to a desktop .
>> No. 47459
Wasn't there also a warrant out for Rob's arrest in Chicago or something? I remember Trey (I think) was trying to get Rob to meet him somewhere in the city and Rob foolishly mentioned that Trey was just going to turn him into the police for whatever other illegal shit Rob has gotten himself into over in Chicago.
>> No. 47460
Well okay, but I'm pretty lazy so if you want to talk soon or anything there's always mail.
>> No. 47461
You can skype on a modern tablet. Unless you have a gen 1 apple tablet, which is funny because older tablets could do more. Apple taking credit for others inventions and suing the crap out of other companies. I do give them credit for keeping the build cost down though.
>> No. 47462
The cause of it could be Trench foot: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trench_foot

It's caused from him walking around in boots without wearing socks and sweating in them
>> No. 47463
Nah, Robb was paranoid over his belief that I would turn him over to the Cook County police over his threats on 789chan. As far as I know, Robb has never been to Chicago
>> No. 47464
>> No. 47465
File 134718153611.jpg - (85.49KB , 400x520 , Felicia__s_Schoolgirl_ID_2008_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I don't know, in the recent photos ADF looks pretty domesticated, like if under control by someone (probably his girlfriend/boyfriend thing), even emberassed of himself (he was rarely looking like that).

Did we even ever have a proof he REALLY had any gun? ADF has a history of making any shit up and lying about everything, including his own ethnicity and where he lives (used to be a "Canadian" once, pic related).
>> No. 47466
Couldn't you turn him in to Philly cops? You know his P.O officer could also do the job. If anyone really wanted him in jail he was would be there in a flash. Luckily no one cares to press charges
>> No. 47467
File 134718753517.jpg - (176.62KB , 900x675 , i__ll_shoot_him____by_verganza_de_sasuke-d55fgqh.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47468
It's fake
>> No. 47469

That's just one of his toy guns, we leapt to conclusions with that photo.
>> No. 47470
File 134719270938.jpg - (17.00KB , 258x284 , Bath-Salts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What do you think Robb's doing right now? I bet he's in his cave taking a whole bunch of bath salts, waiting for someone to come near it
>> No. 47471
>posts a picture of literal bath salts
>> No. 47472
so when is robbay going to be back
>> No. 47473

Hopefully soon.

In the meantime, shouldn't this thread be archived?
>> No. 47474
It's pretty funny that the self-projection of the philly crossdressers as bad-asses can be proven wrong. Robbie is so afraid of the stonecutters, that he gave up his photography and piggybacks off of Phils facebook. Afraid of the infiltration skills of a former wraith(introman). Phillip is so paranoid of the stonecutters that he runs facebook purges all the time. Thomas talks a big talk but he will self explode any minute and try to commit suicide again. The new and improved wraith has defeated you philly cross-dressers.
>> No. 47475
I still can't tell what the fuck you're on about.

When someone becomes sick and dies suddenly and people around them follow the same pattern, you get a paranoia that the the death spreads from the bodies so you quarantine them underground to try and keep the sickness away. That's the best they could understand at least.

>keeping the build cost down
What difference does that make? It's still marked up way beyond any other competing device of equivalent functionality.
>> No. 47476
Ipads are reasonably priced as are ipods. Yes hey do have other products... different business plans for different products. From a pure investor standard you have to admire the
>> No. 47477
>Hates teh introman
>Incoherent manifestos about being a hero
>Generic wraith posting
Robby 's that you?
>> No. 47478
Wait, someone was fooled into thinking that was a real firearm? Holy shit, that's gotta be one of the worst toy guns I've seen in a while. I can't even tell what it's trying to be, maybe a retarded aborted Chiappa Rhino?
>> No. 47479
i miss ROBBAY

please come back and tell us about how great and awesome you are now
>> No. 47480
Audio - (439.11KB - 96 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:37 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.

what the fuck did he say
>> No. 47481
Markup + low build cost = mad profit. Duh.
>> No. 47482
File 134725174569.jpg - (21.25KB , 326x435 , cute.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why do you have such a cute voice, Seanie?!
>> No. 47483
File rika222.txt - (65.62KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 47484
Does anyone have the logs from Robbay's appearance?

Also see you in 3 days Rob.
>> No. 47485
Robbay's grand entrance: http://pastebin.com/xuxHHy70
>> No. 47486
File 134725475316.jpg - (27.47KB , 500x333 , cackling kevin bacon.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's the first part that Seanie skipped.

Sorry about ghosting him, by the way.
>> No. 47487
File 134725608493.jpg - (22.09KB , 300x300 , sdssada.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[21:04:16] <+protoautist> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're talking crazy
[21:04:23] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she is me
[21:04:27] <+jesuitS> what
[21:04:27] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> that is all she is

>> No. 47488
Maybe she's an ex born again who's rebelling. Current girlfriend didn't lose her virginity until she was 19 because of religion. I turned her into an atheist and fucked her brains out. Problem with that is they get very clingy afterwards and we haven't heard Robert bragging about phone calls or midnight visits. Still you never know. After all if lolcows don't breed then were do they come from?
>> No. 47489
Old white people.
>> No. 47490
File 134725686683.jpg - (197.06KB , 480x480 , lsd_sheet.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Perhaps Robb's following the Yellow Brick Road....
>> No. 47491
Audio completely_sideways.mp3 - (24.94KB - 115 kbps - 44.1 kHz ) Length: 0:02 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 47492
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles have you ever noticed that where ever you go and whom ever you meet the usually end up not liking you after they get to know you. Your parents, philly trannies, this board, /mlp/, that transfer gender board, and now your girlfriend. This many people can not be wrong. You are a low life piece of shit
>> No. 47493

I can't wait to see Robb's reaction tomorrow. He's received an estimate of $400 to $1200 (312.88 to 938.45 euros) in texts.

I hope you enjoyed the bundle of texts I sent you, Robb. I know that 250 would pale in comparison to how many texts you received from others, but it's the thought that counts
>> No. 47494
I'm sure Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has some sort of unlimited text plan. After all his dad probably pays for his phone
>> No. 47495
I don't know. He has at&t as a service provider
>> No. 47496
Seanie doesn't really have DA AIDS right? ;_;
>> No. 47497
Careful there guys. If he actually was charged for each text then he has a legal case. Hell even if he wasn't he could still claim harassment and stalking.
Keep his suffering self inflicted, after all you don't actually have to torture him. He's psychotic and has a persecution complex, so all we really have to do is humor him in his delusions when he arrives in chat and he goes apeshit. Just say you called his girlfriend nd warned her off and that you had a nice chat with adf about him and his beliefs. Don't even directly imply threats, because you don't have to. Let his mind do all the work .
On another subject I'm going to text bomb my girlfriend on her birthday with a thousand I love you's. Because it's during the high holidays and I can't be there to prank her in person.
Thanks for giving me the ideahanks for the
>> No. 47498

I'm pretty sure he doesn't have it.

LOL, at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's conspiracy theories. I guess the schizophrenia is progressing further along .
>> No. 47499
Sleeping in the rain with your shoes on does this. He's a homeless crazy person. That's just sad.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is the better lolcow, as he's much harder to feel sorry for.
You can't help but want to help the homeless crazy person.
>> No. 47500
I wonder if he believes gay people automatically get aids.
>> No. 47501
File 134726820764.jpg - (72.94KB , 500x333 , Hitler picnic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sort of funny, when I typed in "789chan", I wondered if Robb could actually break his personal record and stay away for a week. Silly me. While I was out having fun, I was blissfully unaware that Robert in the same time was wanting me taken DOWN NOW NOW NOW and talking to Milla in his dreams.

Autism; Not even once.
>> No. 47503

Wow, he's completely cracked. He has to be on something here, the paranoia is off the charts.

>[20:27:21] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> fine, you suffer aids from anal sex. I AM A GENDER QUEER who is HATED BY THE WHOLE FUCKING INTERNET
>[20:27:31] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you have it easy

>> No. 47504
Highlights from the chat for those who can't be bothered to read the whole thing:

[20:50:52] <+protoautist> How's she doing, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
[20:50:59] <+Candy> If she exists
[20:51:03] <+protoautist> Your virgin?
[20:51:07] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> penelope doesnt like me anymore. no thanks to you
[21:02:21] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> MILA DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO ME
[21:02:28] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> SHE HAS TALKED TO ME IN DREAMS
[21:02:36] <+Donalbain> oh my god
[21:03:01] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> im done with you people
[21:03:11] <&WhoreosNMilf> oh wow, you're way past a few beers if you're talking about dreams
[21:03:34] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i could have touched her and we would have been one together
[21:04:11] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you are doing this to me. my friends have what can help me
[21:04:13] <+Candy> Robert the only way she would have touched you is to kick you in the balls and say "GET AWAY FROM YOU YOU FREAK"
[21:04:16] <+protoautist> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you're talking crazy
[21:04:23] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she is me
[21:04:27] <+jesuitS> what
[21:04:27] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> that is all she is
[21:04:28] <+RandomAnon> OH
[21:04:30] <+RandomAnon> GOD
[21:04:35] <&WhoreosNMilf> why aren't you with your friends right now?
[21:04:37] <+jesuitS> did you pop your own cherry Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
[21:04:39] <+RandomAnon> THIS IS GOLD
[21:04:47] <+klichka> wait Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles didn't fuck penelope?
[21:04:53] <+protoautist> You know, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, my mother met Milla (that's how you spell it, by the way)
[21:04:59] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> this is my eight you motherfu cker
[21:05:04] <+Donalbain> she doesn't like him anymore :(
[21:05:11] <+Donalbain> and it's our fault :(
[21:05:19] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> im not doing to remember any of this so FUCK YOU
>> No. 47505
It appears Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless parents may be holding him in the Poconos till he gets this shit sorted out and that they have cut off his internet. That's why he's running to the nearest school to post shit online. They may even be keeping an eye on his iPhonewith a keylogger and Likel Now how hPerbalsPerhaps tthey have free wifi at the cafe there. Maybe he even signed up for some bullshit course or community theater project in order to get access. Imagine him doing backstage makeup while hitting on every lady he buffs the shine out of. Creepy
>> No. 47506
File 134728182136.jpg - (58.90KB , 500x375 , Now you too can share your daily dose with Robert.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you read the rest of the log, he says somewhere in there that he got shitfaced on Bud Light.
>> No. 47507
I'm impressed someone with Robb's uhh...physique could drink 8 beers and remain standing. I mean what does he weigh, 120-130? And most of that is skeleton.
>> No. 47508
File HaremMapsExplained.txt - (1.34KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
So I figured out the Harem maps.

First, however, you must understand some background:

The Wraith are not just Robert. They were a video game clan of lamers (a Jedi Academy, or JKA, term for griefers) that mainly resided in the servers for Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. They were, in effect, Rob's "leejun". Swap every mention of Wraith in his posts for Anonymous and you'll see some striking parallels.

JKA was the Garry's Mod for Star Wars fans for a long time. People could mod the game to have custom models for races, weapons, ships, maps, etc., so people would use the servers a lot for Role Playing sessions. The Wraith hated Role Players (presumably because the founder of the clan was a shit RPer and kept getting killed, according to one post).

So, to grief these RPers that they hated so much, can you quess what they did?

They role-played.

Yes, they role-played as Reavers, a group of savages from the television series Firefly that /raped/, skinned, and ate their opponents.

Of course, role-playing them meant that rob and his butt-buddies would "invade" a map and kill anyone they saw. Ebin.

Rob was one of their map-makers and, keeping the above Modus Operandi in mind, made a map for a Wraith server to host. It was called Acid Moon. We know it as the Harem map.

The full details are in the .txt, but basically the plan was to trick RPers into coming onto their map by advertising it as an RP map itself.

Once inside, Rob and DA WRAIFS would trap players and force them to do what they say (in the case of Female players, cyber sex), or "suffer the consequences". AKA, dying in a video game where that means jack shit. Most deaths would be caused by traps that had custom sounds (to make them 2spooky).

Yes, I know. So ween it hurts.

So there you have it, the full story of the Harem map, Acid Moon.

Oh, little fun fact: Rob chose an Acid Moon to be his clan's homeworld because he thought it would be badass.
>> No. 47509
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> sean, stop calling me or i'll fucking block you

Why on earth wouldn't he just go ahead and block him? I don't get his logic here.
>> No. 47510
Seanie COULD have been using a private number,

But chances are that Robert's just too much of an attention whore to block his only contact to 789 staff.
>> No. 47511

He's not at any school posting this shit, he's drunk as hell in that chatlog, he says himself he's on his eighth drink. And what the fuck do you think Robb's parents know about keyloggers?
>> No. 47512

Wow, what a fucking retard.
>> No. 47513
He's at LIU.
>> No. 47514
He sure was a respected, feared warlord hero. I know I would remember someone's custom map on my deathbed.
>> No. 47515
File 134728833426.jpg - (49.50KB , 605x412 , theodore-roosevelt-laughing.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
> [20:15:23] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> fine sean, but endorsing robbery, public humiliation or even murder. is that ok for you to do

>> No. 47516
File 134728897717.gif - (2.56MB , 319x239 , 35120723.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 47517

Last time he was, how do we know he is now? I really doubt he's using public terminals at LIU when he's that wasted.
>> No. 47518
Now the question is did his harem map ever work
>> No. 47519
Robbay: "Maybe in a video game, I'll finally get laid."
>> No. 47520
>did it ever work

No, because of the glaring flaw of the Disconnect button.
>> No. 47521
>> No. 47522
Attention all felonious gender queers from Philadelphia(you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles). I'll be on IRC from now till 8 pm EST. You wanted to talk. I'll be in the room.
>> No. 47523
Yes it was confirmed by admin. Read the fucking logs.
I think they must have open wifi and he's drinking there because god knows what his parents would say if they saw him behaving this way. Also I'm willing to bet he doesn't know how to irc on an iphone and his parents took away his internet at home. Bet beer is code for lines of something too, because he thinks it's more acceptable for him to be drunk than o illegal drugs, after we laughed at him for the bath salts. . As if we give a shit. Though it is funny that the only time anyone ever associates the word bath with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is when discussing drug abuse
>> No. 47524
Damn was hoping to pop in and lurk the lulz but this mibbit shit doesnt seem to want to connect for me...heres to good log read later on!
>> No. 47525

Ah, my mistake, I missed his "entrance" log.
>> No. 47528
I am back tracing everyones numbers who texted me "JULAY" last night, regardless if any are *67. There are still people who can track you.

Introman, I hope your happy, I have to hide is this god forsaken hipster hell because of your andro-hating, sexist white supremist ass who wants to come to Philly to torment me further. Punish me for every bad you THINK I DID,just because it's a power trip for you.

Just go away and I'll go back to my way of life. I'm innocent and so are you, SO FUCKING THERE...
>> No. 47529
Good luck with tracing texts sent via proxy on AT&Ts own servers.
>> No. 47530

Confirmed for True and Honest Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Robb, you idiot, I love how you think that if Intro leaves the net that you'll be able to live out your live in sheer bliss.
>> No. 47531
Damn i guess that whole sailing off into the sunset with Penelope didnt work out

>> No. 47532
File 134731253163.png - (188.20KB , 431x316 , Hitler and Mussolini laughing.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...and here we go again!

I'd really love to hear how you define innocent. Oh wait, you can't, that's why you're on parole!
>> No. 47533
>> No. 47534
You dun goofed.
>> No. 47535
File 134731265383.png - (23.81KB , 1553x135 , backtrace.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nice try, dumbass.
>> No. 47536

I'm not in my right state of mind, bitch. I'm as guilty as Chris Chan and finally excepting it. You can't wrong me because I'm a supreme lolcow put upon by an subculture of SCUM. You tethered an innocent mentally sick degenerate to a motherfucking stake.
>> No. 47537
Robbbaaaaay get on IRC you pussy,

what are you a man or a...oh right
>> No. 47538
how the fuck do i get on that shit to watch the fun...god damn mibbit wont connect me
>> No. 47539
Uh, no. That shit will work for you about as well as the "I'm not Robert anymore" defense did. Thanks for playing, though.
>> No. 47540
First Autphegs fail raid and now the return of Robb...its going to be a good night
>> No. 47541
File 134731295819.jpg - (33.26KB , 500x344 , mad aryan pussy with mah accordion skills.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What is Chris really guilty of except sitting on his ass and playing PStriple? But you are similar in the sense you dress up like girls in attempt to get pussy. But that's not really illegal, just very very odd and sad.

> You can't wrong me because I'm a supreme lolcow put upon by an subculture of SCUM
Alright, except you're the one who's been talking about how we've wronged you so...

And I believe the correct term is "probation".
>> No. 47542
OMG you actually deleted a post to hide your use of 'irregardless'. Well done, you're on your way to literacy.
>> No. 47543
Come claim your prize, Mr. Stiles, everyone on IRC is very eager to see you again.
>> No. 47544


First we were tranny haters, now we're andro haters, make up your fucking mind, and don't just switch whatever it is we supposedly hate you for depending on you currently decide you are, that's fucking bullshit and even you should know it.
>> No. 47545



>mentally sick degenerate

>> No. 47546
File 134731339524.jpg - (45.10KB , 296x300 , Kimmo alm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 47547

>I'm as guilty as Chris Chan and finally excepting it.


So you're finally ACCEPTING that you're not guilty? And there's no way you could possibly be wrong because it can all be blamed on your special mental problems that everyone owes you an easy time for? Well isn't that nice for you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 47548
So how long did it take Penelope to realize you were a fucking creep then Robb? Or is that all our fault as well?
>> No. 47549
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesaaayyyyy, get in IRC.
>> No. 47550
File 134731382973.jpg - (55.65KB , 155x370 , asdf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Get in here Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47552
File 134731558276.jpg - (1.85MB , 2448x3264 , 2012-09-10_10-06-00_455.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay are you busy eating children?
>> No. 47553
You mean raping
>> No. 47554
Mibbit isn't loading. What am I missing? Will it work if I use another program to irc
>> No. 47555

Nothing at all. Been on mibbit for 2 hours waiting for Furyan. If his ass doesn't come with in an hour. I'm cutting off all communication with him and shit will get worse.
>> No. 47556
mibbit is kind of crap, so it's better if you use something else.

or you can try this link which should be functional even if it does tell you to update your bookmarks or whatever.
>> No. 47557
  Introman's theme.
>> No. 47558
File 134732206874.jpg - (48.64KB , 506x316 , self portrait.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I gave Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles till 8 pm to talk to me but he has failed. I guess mediation and peace negotiations have been OBLIVERATEed.
>> No. 47559

I'm just a bit curious, how many "JULAY" texts did you receive?
>> No. 47560
>back tracing you all

Never chane Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 47561
>> No. 47562
Without more proof of some wrongdoing, you'd basically be trying to get the authorities to take action over prank calls.
>> No. 47563
I think contacting his p.o. was more fun. We should do that more oftenPo
>> No. 47564
File 134732831663.jpg - (117.40KB , 1366x193 , INSIGNIFICANT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
My PM with Mr. Robert Wayne StilesAAYYY
>> No. 47565
Even if you could find out who they are it's not a crime to send a text message saying "JULAY".
>> No. 47566

>[21:02:21] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> MILA DID NOT DO ANYTHING TO ME
>[21:02:28] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> SHE HAS TALKED TO ME IN DREAMS
>[21:03:34] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i could have touched her and we would have been one together
>[21:04:23] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she is me
>[21:04:27] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> that is all she is

Fucking wat?
>> No. 47567
File 134733064152.jpg - (29.40KB , 400x300 , conspiracy parrots.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

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