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Ahuviya Harel/Amaterasu Kamiyama
17 hours, 7 minutes ago by ~VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE
Personal Journal
I want to come out about something that has been on my chest for a while now
I have Multiple Personality Disorder or otherwise commonly known as Dissociative Identity Disorder
I have two personalities sodomizeing the same body and brain of mine
Ahuviya Harel - as You know me as
Amaterasu Kamiyama - the other me you do not know me as because I have been far in the closet about them
I say 'them' because Amaterasu prefers Gender Neutral pronouns (They, Them, Ze, Hir) , where as I, Ahuviya prefer Female and Gender Neutral pronounage (Amaterasu's plus the feminine She and Her) .
I, up until today - have only been out about my Headmates to a select few people (My partner Mikhail V. Harel, Maria Pupo, My Friend Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, and Jordan)
Where does Amaterasu come from?
As much as I want to say Amaterasu is a remnant of male past - Ze is not fully a remnant of my male past - Amaterasu takes no gender and therefore - well they is neither a boy or a girl.
A lot of people do not realize for the 8 or 9 years prior to my decision to come out as a Woman and acknowledge to neccessity to start my gender transition - I did everything to have all of my clothes gender neutral. I still do even today, I for some subconcious reason or another - I view gendered clothes as something bad for me.
Now, I do not want this to be confused with my Gender Dysphoria - Ahuviya will still be Ahuviya (and trust me, all the fucked-up-in-the-ass problems that still come with being Ahuviya Rotem Harel) - I have no plans to change my name legally - I will still be Ahuviya Rotem Harel
So, Ahuviya/Amaterasu - Are you telling me you are a Schizophrenic?
Schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder are often confused, but they are very different.
Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness involving chronic (or recurrent) psychosis, characterized mainly by hearing or seeing things that aren't real (hallucinations) and thinking or believing things with no basis in reality (delusions). People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Delusions are the most common psychotic symptom in schizophrenia; hallucinations, particularly hearing voices, are apparent in about half of people.
Now what?
I and Amaterasu simply wish to be treated like human beings, not some sick mentally-ill leper (I have enough people who already do that to me) - I already as Ahuviya Harel face plenty of prejudice for just wanting to be the woman I am - Amaterasu will share the same shit as I do.
I will get screened by a (good and trustworthy) doctor for dissociative identity disorder sometime within the near future, hopefully next month
I simply want this off my chest, I love you, so does Amaterasu...I think, so long as you don't...anger them too much.
Chairwoman Ahuviya R. Harel / Obersturmführer Amaterasu 'Ama' Kamiyama