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No. 48076

Tonight, he PMed a few people in IRC looking for allies against Introman. Robert said he wants to kill all of us, then demanded that someone meet him at LIU. Some homosexual deviant actually tried to take his offer and meet him and Robb ran off.

Entire #789 log: http://pastebin.com/bnDhpQkA
PM with Matches being ween: http://pastebin.com/mnUkJC4L
PM with Ryfag: http://pastebin.com/J28SXcSG
Expand all images
>> No. 48077
>> No. 48078
PREVIOUS THREAD: http://789chan.org/L/res/46982.html
>> No. 48079
Not convinced it's the real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 48080
Nah it was Stiles alright.
>> No. 48081
They're reversing the eye of the autistic!!
>> No. 48082
File 134735750455.jpg - (214.72KB , 716x900 , 134145921581.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nah. We have just started operation prolapse.
It involves contacting his p.o. and praying he can't convince the officer that it wasn't really him posting threats and bragging about being drunk on a college campus.
The way I see it, by the time Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gets a chance to plead her case, it will be too late. Lol
>> No. 48083
Dear God Ryfag is a colossal homosexual deviant.
>> No. 48084

It was confirmed it was him in the last irc chatlog at least, Sean was calling Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's phone and he knew about it in the irc.
>> No. 48085

When he turns up at line 1180 in the pastebin it's definitely him, [email protected] is the same ip as yesterday.
>> No. 48086
yeah, he seems pretty desperate to get involved. one of the first things he talked about when he joined the irc was posting on /cwc/ with a trip from now on.
>> No. 48087
Shh, he's not supposed to know about prolapse yet!
>> No. 48088
It's not fun if he doesn't have a fighting chance
>> No. 48089
He does if adf brings his gun.
>> No. 48090
To shoot the cops?
>> No. 48091
File 134739936767.png - (2.89KB , 145x82 , guess who's in chat.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lured introman in to the chat, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You have until 9 pm before he leaves. I hope I'm rewarded for my deeds.
>> No. 48092
How did you get ahold of introman?
>> No. 48093
I have a video of trey pepe dancing at intro's house. Let the master troll do some community service to get it.
>> No. 48094

He's posted his Skype handle like ten times
>> No. 48095
I failed in my job as a stonecutter. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has OBLIVERATEed any attempt to negotiate. Why do you do this to me, baby girl?

>> No. 48096
File 420_Robbay_blaze_erryday_faggot_one_love.txt - (7.67KB , 420 Robbay blaze erryday faggot one love.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Robb stress sighing, complaining about night terrors caused by ED and being unable to use bath salts.
>> No. 48097
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: candy, i fucking dare you to draw the world as i see it
>> No. 48098
File 13474231145.jpg - (90.86KB , 560x352 , CHECK EM FORMALDEHYDE FACE.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48099
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stilessend the extra money to my parents and i'm set

Does he owe his parents money now? Or did it become possible to send someone a negative amount of money?
>> No. 48100
>[20:59] Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: wraith blood is ALWAYS inside of me. i will believe it until the day my corpse completely rots
>[21:00] Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: this wraith plays by her own rules
>[21:03] Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles: and if so you turned me into this marijuana obsessed whore

never change Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, never change
>> No. 48101
File robbay's_return_2.txt - (62.08KB , robbay's return 2.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
15 minutes after LEAVING FOREVER, Robbay came back. Log related
>> No. 48103
File 134742484128.jpg - (149.02KB , 1280x960 , penelope2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
moar penelope
>> No. 48104
>irregardless obliverate ganga hesus
Fucking lost it.
>> No. 48105
The log from Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's earlier visit: http://pastebin.com/nK83RVpk

22:14 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i can irregardlessly say irregardless anytime i irregardlessly regard the irregard to be irregardless
>> No. 48106
File 134742761185.jpg - (65.93KB , 480x320 , mcdonalds-moon-man-seanorr.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48107

>23:08Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesthan stop talking shit about her having a dick
>23:09Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesshe's a GODDAMN WOMAN


>00:20Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesthere is nothing you can write goddamnit ITS ALL FUCKING LIES
>00:21Mr. Robert Wayne StilesGOD FUCKING NIGGERS
>00:21Mr. Robert Wayne StilesPTJznxojpgoirnjei-wk=jn4
>00:21Mr. Robert Wayne Stileseg$wjpo F
>> No. 48108
The PA sex offender registry should probably review their security sometime.
>> No. 48109
Another day passes, as Rob makes the same exact mistakes Chris-Chan made.
>> No. 48110
Waiting for one of you to do a face paint on this.
>> No. 48111
But Robert doesn't have a medical marijuana license and since it's against federal law and he's on a out of state diversion... I'm so lost. Why is he admitting to using illegal drugs?
Also is it just me or is Zyklon sorta an epic ween bitch? Pretending to be nice to him so you can post the results? That is some catty shit.
Yeah, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a shuddercow and a dick, but that was just mean , Zyklon. What would Jesus say?
>> No. 48112
I believe his parents lied to him about not wanting to put a label on his disabilities. It's fetal alcohol syndrome. Nigga is retarded.
>> No. 48113

Hmmm, Rob seems a bit calmer and a LITTLE more rational, perhaps he really has learned and will walk off into the sunset


> Returns minutes later
> Posts random pictures of a girl and claims she is his ex despite apparantly only knowing her for 24 hours.
> Rages against the trolls.
> Calls people niggers.

>> No. 48114

Sure hope that Robbay likes the new edits to ED
>> No. 48115

>20:55 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i was the one who fucked with Paul David "Eyebrows" Smith

He did? What did he do to him?
>> No. 48116

>23:13Mr. Robert Wayne Stileslook i've give you one more picture of her if you just leave her and me alone

Wow, even Chris learned after a while, what the fuck is he thinking?
>> No. 48117
>Zyklon sorta an epic ween bitch? Pretending to be nice to him so you can post the results? That is some catty shit.

It's true. I would have told her to swallow her forked tongue the second she tried to patronize me, but its Rob and he's pretty pathetic.

Seriously. I was going to post how he seemed like a different person. Talking about how he made mistakes, admitting his faults and being introspective...then Oops.

Also, is it me or is protoautist completely obsessed with Penelope and Robbay's relationship with her?
>> No. 48118
>Also is it just me or is Zyklon sorta an epic ween bitch? Pretending to be nice to him so you can post the results? That is some catty shit.
If she hadn't, Robb wouldn't have returned. So props to her.
>> No. 48119

>Also, is it me or is protoautist completely obsessed with Penelope and Robbay's relationship with her?

Just another epic ween homosexual deviant trying to get involved.
>> No. 48120
Oh you're kidding me. That seriously cannot be real. That is just way too perfect to be real.
>> No. 48121
>we just fucking kissed

ahahahaha you fucking loveshy you were ready to marry this girl last week
>> No. 48122
Yeah, the sex offender registry just lets you upload your Facebook pics straight to it if you think your mugshot makes you look washed out.

I've been gone for a week. What's up with Penelope and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? Is that the "goth girl" he "fucked"?
>> No. 48123
>Yeah, the sex offender registry just lets you upload your Facebook pics straight to it if you think your mugshot makes you look washed out.
Oh, ok, yeah I see that now. Well fuck me, I'm an idiot.

Anyway, to answer your question, yes and no. He didn't fuck her (according to the ED page he actually admitted that was a lie), but she was real. She also severed contact with him after a day. And you doubted the charm of THE WRAITH.
>> No. 48124

He tried to get her to go on the run with him to get away from the trolls. You can guess her reaction. He also admitted that he only kissed her and seems convinced that she loved him for all of the three days she was speaking to him. Also, he's started smoking medical marijuana or "ganga" as he calls it. It's all in the irc logs, they're a funny read as usual.
>> No. 48125
He's not posting on /cwc/ anymore?
>> No. 48126

He seems to be sticking to irc, for the most part. Check the ones in the last thread too, he's completely lost his mind in those.
>> No. 48127
Don't most boys get their first kiss sometime around or even before puberty? We all made out by the age of 12 right? At least half of us experienced getting out braces locked together, and I once topped that with pubic hair lock. How did Stiles never hook up? He wasn't even bad looking before his transition.
Does he have nervous gas or something?
>> No. 48128
He's high functioning autistic. Also a creepy stalker. Would you hang around Rob if you were a girl, considering his very local rape-kidnapping-turning into a woman Bufallo Bill-ish fantasies?
>> No. 48130
I meant, vocal.

>Everything after its striking opening battle sequence is downhill in this predictably sad addition to a flawed movie franchise based on a video game. Returning writer/director Paul W.S. Anderson takes advantage of the film's 3D potential for "breaking the window" only once when Milla Jovovich's Alice throws shurikens in the direction of the camera. The sharp metallic throwing stars fly out before your eyes, and for a minute it seems like there might be something to the hi-tech special effects and ninja-styled action on display. Cut to Alice losing her martial arts super powers after being injected by corporate baddie Wesker (Shawn Roberts). A trip to Alaska reunites Alice with her long-lost best friend Claire (Ali Larter), and the duo fly to Los Angeles where they make the mistake of landing atop a high-rise prison where a small group of survivors wait for rescue from the millions of encroaching zombies the fill the city streets below, and the entire planet. Unintentionally campy, the ridiculously plotted dystopian story makes a marginal action movie like "The Fantastic Four" look like sheer genius by comparison. Ali Larter perpetually acts with her mouth agape like she's trying to attract flies, but Milla Jovovich has held on remarkably well to her stunning good-looks and agile physical abilities.


Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's dad confirmed for Cole's real father.
>> No. 48131
Do you think he had those as a kid or that they developed out of desperation? Also I thought girls were attracted to creepy vibes because of the thrill. If not, then what the fuck has been getting me laid all these years? I'm not exactly stable you know.
>> No. 48132

>Also I thought girls were attracted to creepy vibes because of the thrill.

What thrill?
>> No. 48133
>Does he have nervous gas or something?

That is a serious condition I will thank you not to joke about.
>> No. 48134
>Also I thought girls were attracted to creepy vibes because of the thrill.
Uhm... How many girls have you known?
>> No. 48135
This post is completely true.
>> No. 48136
I removed the first picture of "Penelope" to protect the innocent. Just because she was drunk enough to go out with Robert doesn't mean she deserves to be pulled in on this crap.
>> No. 48137
You mean to ask how many have I slept with? Enough to not be keeping a tally. Though I do settle in with one girl (or boy ) every couple years. I don't really have high standards though and usually wind up getting dumped,, more often than not for an ex of theirs.
I joke about being creepy, because I am awkward as hell and have boundary issues. I should probably go back to seeing a shrink.
>> No. 48138
The thrill of not knowing if it will be your last. Those serial killers, they were all pretty creepy guys. Yet many of them managed to lure person after person in. Even after being convicted they still got marriage proposals.
>> No. 48139
Why the fuck is everyone bisexual now?
>> No. 48140
Dude it doubles the number of people you could potentially be having sex with and/or getting STDs from.
>> No. 48141
I just am. It's not some trend I decided to jump on. You are attracted to the people you are attracted to. Also I keep winding up with damaged goods, but it's apparently what I like.
>> No. 48142
Back to the topic guys.
>> No. 48143
Never had an std. Use condoms and have managed to dodge herpes like bullets in the matrix.
>> No. 48144
Speaking of which, where is styles and why hasn't his p.om gotten involved yet? Surely she must have googled Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless name at least once in the last couple months. Considering that his record is one of cyber and telephone based crime, wouldn't typing his name into google every couple months be par for the course, or do we need to blow this shit up?
>> No. 48145
You can try to poke Sean for Robbay's parents numbers, but I've got a feeling he's planning for something.
>> No. 48146
There is contact information for his p.o. In hid legal documents. Or you could just file a complaint about nhim with the cops over his constant threats and harassment of site and irc users. He says he's going to shove a gun up your cunt and pull the trigger, look up philly p.d. In a phone book. Problem solved.
>> No. 48147
It's already on his ED page anyway.
>> No. 48148
File 134750314834.jpg - (44.44KB , 640x480 , 580008_102077293265536_700330969_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48149
File 134750387743.gif - (948.59KB , 243x339 , DINGALINGALING.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No. 48150
The sad thing is I can't even tell if that's Liquid or Solid. Even the Robbay stonecutters have said Liquid is a homosexual deviant and want nothing to do with him and all he does is shitpost.
>> No. 48151
seanie confirmed IPs, it's robbay.
>> No. 48152
Drug stores don't carry bath salts, never did. Plus they are nationally banned now. Plus place is filled with cameras, though that might not stop dumbass Riks from skimming a few adderall or something.

What's really funny is that they probably have a drug testing policy and Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles WILL fail a random test sometime in the future. Him losing his job will throw up red flags with his p.o. who will then ask questions. End result is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in jail for smoking da ganga while on diversion.
What a retard. Probably smoking that synthetic shit that just got banned too. They take that shit more serious than real ganga now
>> No. 48153
Think you have seen cocks? You dont even know /cwc/ prepare to be blown away

>> No. 48154
Robb, at this rate you're going to end up like Syd Barret.
>> No. 48155
That's not ganga. ganga doesn't do this. He's stealing pills or something
>> No. 48156
or he's not playing with a full deck anyways and any narcotics + internet make that obvious. irregardless may hesus take mercy on his obliverated soul
>> No. 48157

>> No. 48158
>> No. 48159
>You have brought out my Kyubi
>> No. 48160

Introman, have you been flirting with Robbay? Is making Naruto references flirting?
>> No. 48161
File rika_goes_full_retard.txt - (27.21KB , rika goes full retard.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
More Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks from tonight. This was just before his convo with introman.
>> No. 48162
No words.
>> No. 48163
"Your life is one big tard rage wave. Ride a certain topic(crissy, christians, stonecutters) and than go on to the next." Truer words have rarely been spoken.
>> No. 48164
So Jordman was behind it all!

I imagine she is watching this thread right now while stroking a cat and laughing maniacally.
>> No. 48165
" 141. 23:31 mib_500czn I am a master of disguise 142. 23:31 mib_500czn you doubt my camoflage"

Oh god. Did Mike Judge write his lines?
>> No. 48166
Requesting banner that reads "CWC Master of disguise" with a picture of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles in drag.
>> No. 48167
It won't be a cat getting stroked!
>> No. 48168
turtle, turtle.
>> No. 48169
Except that despite his eccentricities Dale's a pretty good guy deep down.

Robb's just a douche.
>> No. 48170
File 134751540359.jpg - (59.21KB , 900x393 , 14_days_as_sakura___day_5_by_iamjustahuviyaharel-d.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
23:10 mib_500czn WHAT DID I DO. HUH? I DID NOTHING.
23:10 introman You feed ahuviya's delusions.
23:10 introman and enabled her.


Maybe it indeed feeds on delusions.
>> No. 48171
Beavis and Butthead. It sounds like something Beavis would say.
Also there is this video of Rob going "fire fire" and laughing. That shit is straight out of Beavis and Butthead season 1
>> No. 48172
To be fair he does look malnourished. Like his diet consists entirely of grease and carbs. That happens to people who can't afford to eat fruit and vegetables or even milk. That's why you see fat homeless people and why obesity is epidemic in the ghettos and Mexico. Actually that may be redundant. Mexico is like one big ghetto.
>> No. 48173
Man I wished I had kept updated on this Robert guy. There is so many cocks to wade through it's like a long weekend at the harbor.
>> No. 48174
Man, you are prepared for the drought. When he goes either to jail or the Lunibin the rest of us will wish we were you. Every time I think it can't get funnier, he comes and says something.
>> No. 48175
So do we contact the school and say Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has broken in and is connecting to the internet from and making threats to kill us with knives, while high as fuck on synthetic marijuana and god knows what else? Would hate to hear that he killed the dorms proper tenants upon return, due to him thinking it was Jordan and Introman.
>> No. 48176
www.liunet.edu/CWPost/About/Offices/Public-Safety.aspx so who wants to pull the trigger and alert security?
>> No. 48177
So what is the likelihood of Robb going to jail?
>> No. 48178
I know that feel bro.jpg
>> No. 48179
Easy 80 percent if you contact the school Right now. Personally I'm torn on the matter. He is a danger to himself if he is driving others, but I love cocks, and man Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles gives some good cocks... I'll let others decide www.liunet.edu/CWPost/About/Offices/Public-Safety.aspx either alert them or don't. Choice is yours.
>> No. 48180
inb4 JULAY/EPIC WIN fags ruin things
>> No. 48181
On one hand, we can brag about giving end to a genuine lolcow saga AND there is legit safety concerns to all of this.

On the other hand, our primary khantent provider is gone.

Julayfags, I say do it. Robb will truly be treated like the bitch she is in prison.
>> No. 48182

He still thinks talking like a disney villain is intimidating.


Doubt it will go much further than him being banned from university premises, his friend who's dorm it is will probably get in more trouble than he will.
>> No. 48183
>> No. 48184
>Only the greatest of criminals could disguise themselves as well as me
Then why is it so hard for you to look like a woman, huh?
>> No. 48185
Rob was hours of entertainment last night. I hope he continues to do this little act he has been pulling off lately. I wonder if he wil humor us and join us on irc tonight like he does every night
>> No. 48186
  23:27 mib_500czn Introman, you enter Philly and I guarentee your blood is exposed to the open air
23:27 mib_500czn Your epitaph will be short and swift
23:27 introman I was in philly yesterday.
23:27 introman Got a philly cheesesteak from pats and drove back.
23:28 introman geno's is better in my opinion.
23:28 mib_500czn So, what. i wasn't even there. You're just LUCKY.
23:28 mib_500czn Bring Zyklon too and I'll bring the remain Wolverines
23:28 mib_500czn The ONES who still stand by the original clause
23:28 mib_500czn We made ourselves a bloodpack that we are bound to by eternity
23:28 introman Isn't it against your probation to hang around felons and ex felons?
23:29 introman Why are you snitching on yourself to an "enemy"?
23:29 mib_500czn and we'l howl at the moon for your blood

Guys, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thinks wolverines = werewolves.
>> No. 48187
Lets just start our own group to combat these wolverines...Honey Badgers assemble!!
>> No. 48188
It's mortal combat time!!
>> No. 48189
>original clause

What cause would that be, guys?
>> No. 48190
File 134755282532.jpg - (168.79KB , 800x571 , wolveriiiines.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hah. We must fear Rob and his pack of weasels.

>> No. 48191
Audio Darth Brooks - Honey Badgers Ho! - (179.71KB - 192 kbps - 44.1 kHz , Honey Badgers Ho!.mp3 ) Length: 0:07 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 48192
So since Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can never go home to Philly (what with Jordman waiting in his apartment with introman and all) do you imagine he will move back in with his parents or wind up homeless like adf - minus the food stamps, because if applies for government assistance they WILL find him
>> No. 48193
god, i wish this would culminate in a knife fight.

on a rooftop. with inroman dressed as bruce lee.

aww yeah
>> No. 48194
I can't wait for the final showdown in Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's basement

23:24 mib_500czn You know my appartment number. So consider the challenge. I know a place in the basement that is perfect
23:25 mib_500czn They will not even hear you scream
23:25 mib_500czn You will be allowed one single wielding weapon
23:25 mib_500czn NO FIREARMS
>> No. 48195
I imagine Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is actually expecting you to show up with an axe and raingear. What a tard
>> No. 48196
Since he admitted to living in the Versaille apartments you can also contact the landlady here: http://www.theversaillesapts.com/Contact_Us/index.html
>> No. 48197
Rob,we know you are reading this.
>> No. 48198
>> No. 48199
We've dispatched agents to all five known grounds. He cannot hide at the school, at his apartment, at his parents houses, at transway. He needs to turn himself in to the authorities and confess to his crimes. Only then will we leave him alone.
Stonecutters know all. You cannot hide from us.We wait.
>> No. 48200
File 134756752773.jpg - (120.47KB , 900x800 , RWS-Drama Queen.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48201
Yeah, no kidding. Even in short sentences like this
>23:25 mib_500czn You will be allowed one single wielding weapon
>wielding weapon
What?! Why so olde thyme?
>> No. 48202

Are you one of the new homosexual deviants from the last few irc logs? Could you cut the shit please, even Robb doesn't fucking care.
>> No. 48203
File 134756860349.jpg - (123.44KB , 784x1108 , nazi on a flowerfield.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Bring Zyklon too and I'll bring the remain Wolverines
I've actually started packing my things up. Always wanted to see USA. Taste one of those quadruple burger, deep fried mars bars, go to Novo Deveevo Orthodox convent...

If any Philly field agent wants to hang out, that's cool.
>> No. 48204
Let's tell his boss the real reason he missed work. Then the job hunt saga can begin.
>> No. 48205

Pack up faster, LOL. Anyway, until 9 pm. I will b hosting a q & a in the IRC about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. As the person who was able to see a lot of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's deleted facebook and other stuff. I think I can contribute some "new" info through the IRC.
>> No. 48206

How about you just tell us what you know instead of having us fish for it with questions? Can you not just be the one tripfag who doesn't have a q&a for fucks sake.
>> No. 48207

See. It's a lot of information in the back of my head. I'm very scatter brained and would write 7 paragraphs on a paragraphs worth of cocks and still forgot to include some stuff.
>> No. 48208
Mortal Wombat!
>> No. 48209
Chris seems like a pretty rational person compared to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, it's amazing how lolcows can continually surpass each other.
>> No. 48210
I think your memories of Chris are becoming cloudy already.
>> No. 48211
Differentfag, but Robbay has developed much faster than Chris. We've known him for some months, and he's already been on-off Tomgirl mode, made up first kiss/sex story, him thinking he's actually got some kind of (positive) internet following and powers, JenkinsJinkies, begging, cursing, TAKE IT DOWN NOW NOW NOW NOW I'LL SEND ERRYTHING IN MY POWER, BLANGRY and HNNGHHH I'LL STRANGLE THAT INTROMAN/ZYKLON.

It's actually quite amazing.
>> No. 48212
Yeah, but Rob has yet to produce a single rage video or an unintentionally funny piece of sperg literature. He's miles away from being anything close to as amazing as Chris.
>> No. 48213
Different strokes for different folks, I guess. I find Robb's delusions and rage much more amusing than Sonichu. I never really literally laughed out loud at Chris, more like rolled my eyes and smiled at his autism. But Robb's "I AM A WARLORD FEAR ME I POPPED MY CHERRY", oh man, that guy.
>> No. 48214
Chris is really gullible but he generally avoided trolls when he could unless he was being blackmailed or persuaded by a "galpal" into talking to them.

The videos and comic weren't because of the trolls, they were just things he did because he enjoyed doing them (at first anyway) while Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seems to have given up all things he enjoyed and just interacts with trolls mainly from the looks of things.
>> No. 48215
File 134762131285.jpg - (275.40KB , 900x1168 , ss_officer_itachi_uchiha_by_adf_fuensalida-d34wdam.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ahuviya Harel/Amaterasu Kamiyama

17 hours, 7 minutes ago by ~VERGANZA-DE-SASUKE
Personal Journal
I want to come out about something that has been on my chest for a while now

I have Multiple Personality Disorder or otherwise commonly known as Dissociative Identity Disorder


I have two personalities sodomizeing the same body and brain of mine

Ahuviya Harel - as You know me as

Amaterasu Kamiyama - the other me you do not know me as because I have been far in the closet about them

I say 'them' because Amaterasu prefers Gender Neutral pronouns (They, Them, Ze, Hir) , where as I, Ahuviya prefer Female and Gender Neutral pronounage (Amaterasu's plus the feminine She and Her) .

I, up until today - have only been out about my Headmates to a select few people (My partner Mikhail V. Harel, Maria Pupo, My Friend Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, and Jordan)

Where does Amaterasu come from?

As much as I want to say Amaterasu is a remnant of male past - Ze is not fully a remnant of my male past - Amaterasu takes no gender and therefore - well they is neither a boy or a girl.

A lot of people do not realize for the 8 or 9 years prior to my decision to come out as a Woman and acknowledge to neccessity to start my gender transition - I did everything to have all of my clothes gender neutral. I still do even today, I for some subconcious reason or another - I view gendered clothes as something bad for me.

Now, I do not want this to be confused with my Gender Dysphoria - Ahuviya will still be Ahuviya (and trust me, all the fucked-up-in-the-ass problems that still come with being Ahuviya Rotem Harel) - I have no plans to change my name legally - I will still be Ahuviya Rotem Harel

So, Ahuviya/Amaterasu - Are you telling me you are a Schizophrenic?


Schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder are often confused, but they are very different.

Schizophrenia is a severe mental illness involving chronic (or recurrent) psychosis, characterized mainly by hearing or seeing things that aren't real (hallucinations) and thinking or believing things with no basis in reality (delusions). People with schizophrenia do not have multiple personalities. Delusions are the most common psychotic symptom in schizophrenia; hallucinations, particularly hearing voices, are apparent in about half of people.

Now what?

I and Amaterasu simply wish to be treated like human beings, not some sick mentally-ill leper (I have enough people who already do that to me) - I already as Ahuviya Harel face plenty of prejudice for just wanting to be the woman I am - Amaterasu will share the same shit as I do.

I will get screened by a (good and trustworthy) doctor for dissociative identity disorder sometime within the near future, hopefully next month

I simply want this off my chest, I love you, so does Amaterasu...I think, so long as you don't...anger them too much.

Chairwoman Ahuviya R. Harel / Obersturmführer Amaterasu 'Ama' Kamiyama

>> No. 48216
What a fucking subhuman.
>> No. 48217
Don't people with split personalities tend not to know about their other personalities?

I'd forgotten how utterly annoying ADF was.
>> No. 48218
Isn't it convenient that his other personality is some sort of weaboo shit persona? He's just like an 8 year old.
>> No. 48219

Oh for fucks sake.
>> No. 48220
Chris demanded an incredible amount of effort behind the scenes to get any cocks out of him. Robb gives cocks so eagerly and he is so easy to troll I almost feel guilty for it. It's nearly too good to be true.
>> No. 48221
Uuuh, someone's lurked tumblr.
>> No. 48222
File 134762921061.jpg - (36.04KB , 640x353 , mask1994jimcarrey.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
jesus christ.that's batshit insane,I lol'd.
>> No. 48223
I will never doubt your cocks introman. I thought you were fucking with me a week ago, when you told me that ADF has headmates.
>> No. 48224
File 134763069051.png - (419.14KB , 807x633 , Because they needed a laugh.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For anyone who still doubts it:
>> No. 48225
File 13476317997.jpg - (1.31MB , 1276x1654 , __ADF__SHOUTS__IT__OUT____by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've predicted this back when he was still "being jesuitish".

I also said that next he will become a radical Islamist. It's just a question of time.

And then a born again Christian (again).

And then some other shit, ADF is the story that never ends.
>> No. 48226
Never ending lolcow storrrrry
>> No. 48227
Anyway, back to the more entertaining cow.

What's Robbay up to?
>> No. 48228
No he doesn't. Lurking is passive. He posts
>> No. 48229
Well they would all be him, so that actually makes sense.
Personally I think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles convinced him of this shit, fed his delusions to make sure he never leaves.
>> No. 48230
File 134764439591.jpg - (104.67KB , 900x600 , SAKURA_BEATING_UP_NARUTO_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Do you mean he's still staying at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's place while Rob's gone to the Poconos?
>> No. 48231
That face... pure derp.
>> No. 48232
No. I mean Robey is afraid of losing his only real friend.
>> No. 48233
>Implying Robbay actually cares about his friends and isn't just using them.
>> No. 48234
From wikipedia:
>the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states" that alternate control of the individual's behavior, accompanied by the inability to recall personal information beyond what is expected through normal forgetfulness
>Identities may be unaware of each other and compartmentalize knowledge and memories

So yeah...

I think those headmates of theirs are more like imaginary friends, if anything.
>> No. 48235
You forgot othetkin.
>> No. 48236
File rika_intro_chat.txt - (5.27KB , rika intro chat.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
new cocks, everyone!
>> No. 48237
He thinks sharing old photos is illegal and doesn't know that facebook retains his info and that anything he puts up on there belongs to them. Doesn't he read those user agreements?
Yet another asshat clicks without reading.
>> No. 48238
His convo with trey:

Trey Sieg Heil, Robb! I seen that you done really excellent work with keeping ADF sane
19:31 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles his recent inner movement is not of my causing. i'm not his fucking mother
19:31 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i've been away from everything that keeps me sane all because of scum like you
19:32 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cosmetics, showers, ganga, salts, happiness, photography, even the one who could have fucking cared
19:33 Trey Yet you've blamed all of insanity on us trolls. Introman is not IT aka Pennywise the Clown, Robb. He's not going to crawl out of the shower drain on you
19:34 Trey How long has it been since you last had a shower?
19:35 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles I MEANT efficent showers aka not the prison showers at LIU
19:35 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i'm sick now too. my throat is sore and I think i'm getting a fever
19:35 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i barely eat, this is your fault
19:36 Trey I'm sorry to hear that someone took advantage of you in the LIU showers, Robb How is it my fault? I'm not your fucking mother
19:37 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles they did not. I use the ladies showers for OBVIOUS reasons. goddammit, you people can't lay off ever in your life
19:39 Trey You probably use them, so that you can lurk for pussy. It's because you're so funny. That's why
19:40 Trey Oh, did Introman show you the video he has on me?
19:40 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles no, he wants to blackmail me for it
19:40 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles that is pure scum tatics
19:40 Trey With what?
19:40 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and i use a womans bathroom because I am one
>> No. 48239
Did he just claim that bath salts keep him sane?
Ok so the face eater wasn't on them, but the guy who beat his old lady of a neighbor to death with a shovel was.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is a drug addict. Explains everything. He needs treatment. Maybe the cops arresting him the second he touches foot in Philly will be a good thing.He will get help in prison.
>> No. 48240
The using the womens shower, that's one of the things that probably got him in trouble when he went to college.
You can't just declare yourself to be a lesbian so you can use the womens showers. They probably wouldn't even mind it if you were gay, but the reason they are separate is because of people like Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48241
Is there any chance of him getting sectioned?

Maybe it's worth talking about with his parents don't you think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 48242
I suggest we wait until morning in jesuit Jersey to call. Or I suppose I could send someone to talk to them personally.
>> No. 48243
Stiles, we know you are lurking in here. Just respond. You know you want too.
>> No. 48244
File 134767514014.jpg - (46.41KB , 239x266 , sonic irc 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Come to IRC, Ri­ka.
>> No. 48245
This was the first time that picture has genuinely made me laugh.
>> No. 48246
Lol because you get so mad because you were, indeed, alone on a friday night
>> No. 48247
Seanie, you should probably call his folks again and tell them he's a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
>> No. 48248
More likely it's because some retard just has to post it every fucking week. Might have been sorts funny at one point, but none of us can remember it. It's like the fucking doubles guy. Dubs. Dubs. Dubs. Who the fuck cares?
>> No. 48249
What can we do to keep him out of jail until a week before his diversion expires? You know he has to maintain employment, not break the law by taking ilefal substances including ganga since his state doesn't even allow for medical ganga, he's not even supposed to drink.
How do we keep this idiot out of jail and producing cocks when he keeps broadcasting his activity like a police scanner?
>> No. 48250

>maintain employment
>he's not even supposed to drink

Where are you getting these two from? When were his conditions for it made public anyway?
>> No. 48251
File 134770224753.jpg - (30.85KB , 433x599 , shank.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48252
Those are California state conditions for diversion and they are pretty standard. The specific none standard terms are in his legal documents, which can be viewed on his e.d. page.
It's not parole, it's diversion. With parole there are even more state standards that apply, such as living condition standards and not being allowed to associate with blah blah blah. Also random drug testing may not apply to his case, as it is up to the discretion of his p.o. Now if he lived in missouri random drug screenings regular meetings with a p.o. would be required. State standards vary.
And now you know
>> No. 48253

Thanks for the clarification.
>> No. 48254
File 134774700318.jpg - (390.22KB , 584x817 , Harley_Sketch_by_AdamHughes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's satisfying to see that no one has bother to pamper him anymore. Even dA the hugbox is abandoning him.

>I have two personalities sodomizeing the same body and brain of mine
>> No. 48255
File 134775329583.jpg - (112.71KB , 960x639 , protesting.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Thank's Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You backstab another person. Furyan is at it again.


Mikhail and I are Moving.

Out from Philadelphia...

Out of Pennsylvania..

and to a better place -hopefully- we can be accepted as Trans* people.

I won't say for sure where at - but I will give you all a hint

anywhere between West of Pennsylvania or the West Coast of the US (Washington , Oregon, or California)

I need a change of scenery - I do not want to continue living in the Philadelphia, PA area - I don't want to live a state away from my rapist father nor deal with an intolerant Transgender community here in Philadelphia

I am done, I want to start a new life, I want peace in a new environment "

>> No. 48256
So ADF is going to be homeless again?
>> No. 48257
File master_of_disguise.txt - (18.60KB , master of disguise.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 48258

My chat with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, i think i actually might have gotten through to him.
>> No. 48259
Fuck you, sperg homosexual deviant.
>> No. 48260
Hi Robb!
>> No. 48261

Wow who would have thought that video would get such a big reaction from Robbie Wraith? Truth hurts huh?
>> No. 48262
File 134775712032.gif - (140.98KB , 500x215 , goblinking.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why does Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles think Homor will send him a "Care package"?

Also why does he need a care package if he has so much money he can spend at least $3500 to get a hacker subforum and is able to hire lawyers to deal with trivial internet matters.
>> No. 48263
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles you are a pretty good singer, I think you might actually be able to make a living out of that you know!
>> No. 48264
File 134775950650.jpg - (30.59KB , 500x500 , tedstee0009.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Nothing has ever, or will ever, be Robb's fault. Anything bad he's done has been the direct responsibility of his enemies, unlike anything he thinks he's done that has been any good, which of course has all been because of him and how awesome he is.

Anything bad that can be attributed to him was done when he arbitrarily decided he was a completely different person to who he is now, so no responsibility can be laid at his feet. He is free to change who he is as often as he feels he needs to in order to escape anything that he has ever done.

You cannot possibly understand the hardships he's been through in life as a white male born to well off white folks in western society, so it's perfectly okay for him to be racist, homophobic, transphobic etc to anyone he wants, but nobody else is allowed to do it to him because that's a hate crime and you're not allowed.
>> No. 48265
>Chrissy Moran she didnt understand

The fuck?
>> No. 48266

The guy who posted this video is also the guy who gave me them Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles court documents. Paibakku you always do a good job and don't even take credit.
>> No. 48267
The court ordered him to seek treatment, clearly he has not received any. I wouldn't be surprised if he's been ducking his p.o. this whole time. Now he's using the trolls as an excuse to run away all together, but he will get busted. He's too stupid to not use his credit cards or bank account. His parents can't protect him forever. He's spoiled drug addict with a below average I.Q and a persecution complex, who's parents aren't famous.
Give up Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Turn yourself in
>> No. 48268
File 134776242894.jpg - (28.81KB , 214x300 , robbies-misses.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48269
Oh no, now Robbay, the villainous master of disguise knows his online alias!
>> No. 48270
File 13477636039.png - (156.86KB , 775x660 , movingout.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Apparently Robb wants this deleted, as ADF spoiled the surprise. Thought I'd cap it just to be swfe.
>> No. 48271
File Document.txt - (4.38KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Talked to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. I don't think he gets the big picture.
>> No. 48272
23:33Mr. Robert Wayne StilesNaruto has a mass audience shitheads
>> No. 48273
File LAZYTOWN_BABIES.txt - (50.78KB , LAZYTOWN BABIES.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
the master of disguise paid us another visit on IRC
>> No. 48274
Wait. How can Rob leave the state when he's still on probation??? That's illegal if he isn't able to complete all the tasks ordered by the court (and he obviously hasn't). Hah, I won't be surprised if Rob ends up going to jail. He makes all of this so much harder for himself, doesn't he?
>> No. 48275
He's also making Fake IDs.

He thinks the saw will let him off the hook because internet bullies.
>> No. 48276
>> No. 48277
All that fucking text holy shit.
>> No. 48278
sorry to tell you this, but it's all comedy gold
>> No. 48279
File 134777036526.jpg - (32.82KB , 310x297 , robbie_rotten.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>23:04Mr. Robert Wayne StilesI hid for two years in the most magnificent fashion

>23:14Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesgod am so fucking convincing you don't even know
>23:14Mr. Robert Wayne StilesI have fooled so MANY fucking people

>23:18Mr. Robert Wayne StilesI hate that video so damn much, it's like a satire of me
>23:18Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesit's like what chris chan hates about fucking asperchu

>23:21Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesyou're making me pound the desk stop it

>23:25Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesguess what I'd sooner get get to lick Milla's vag much sooner than any of you
>23:25Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesbelieve me, she'd be beyond flattered that I love her style
>23:26Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesyou're just men, you don't know anything about her glorious life
>23:26Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesand I'm like her, I DON'T TAKE SHIT FROM NO ONE
>> No. 48280
I've only read a snippet and even I already figured out he's running away to San Francisco. It's a tranny friendly place on the coast. Then he's liable to try to run to mexico because he's afraid of the cops finding him, but that's the worst idea ever. He's going to wind up dead.
>> No. 48281
Is Robbay going to wear flowers in his hair?
>> No. 48282
He's on diversion and the terms are that he to notify them when he moves and can't leave the country. He also can't break any laws, and isn't supposed to be intoxicated. Also it stipulates thst he must seek professional help
>> No. 48283
Only if a women he is obsessed with does it first.
>> No. 48284
Didn't The Master of Disguise Robbay say he planned to go to New York in one of older threads?
>> No. 48285
Why did he take the embed down? That was Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles proofing. It would allow us to plot our next move in here, instead of irc.
Anyway I would like to congratulate you all on he progress you have made in op prolapsed redeye of the autistic. I never would have imagined we'd have him making fake I.D. so early.
>> No. 48286
File 134777703365.jpg - (755.58KB , 3956x2629 , PLEASE TOUCH GENTLY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Should I back off with asking him to come to Manhattan? I (and other ircfags) been pushing it whenever I see him since he was daring us to meet him, but I'm pretty sure Ri­ka is stonewalling me.

It would be great to have a picture of him sucking that Realdoll dick in pic related, but I don't think I can get it from him without being a weener.
>> No. 48287
I don't know why ADF would put up with him after he stops providing a place to stay, I mean if he has been reading these threads at all he'll have seen Robbie was willing to forget about him and everyone else after he found a girlfriend.

If the police get involved I'm sure he won't give a damn who else gets incriminated alongside him.
>> No. 48288
  you should change the wordbutter from Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to The Master of Disguise.
>> No. 48289
He's already in violation of his plea agreement on multiple counts. He knows when it comes up for review he's going to jail. If he had just been a good boy his record would have been expunged. His best hope is to run to mexico with a convincing passport and I.D. and to then lay low for a couple of years. I don't see him being cleaver enough to pull it off. He's just too stupid.
>> No. 48290
File 134781530075.png - (14.42KB , 856x138 , robbay google search.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48291
He is attempting to make a fake using photoshop. So he is probably going to hand the border guard a laminated piece of paper and claim it is his driver's licence
>> No. 48292

The fake id is only for trolls though, as if they're going to be coming up to him on the street and asking for his id to see whether or not he's actually Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. He'll keep his regular id for anyone official.
>> No. 48293
It saying he's a women kinda gives it away. Also, what?
>> No. 48294
File 134782340224.jpg - (217.68KB , 900x1162 , ADF WILL NOT BE SILENT.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
22:42MatchesMr. Robert Wayne Stiles , you have commited more crimes than we can keep track of
22:42CFH666oh god
22:42klichkaso he has decided to go to prison with fake ID
22:42klichkaso he has decided to go to prison with fake IDs
22:42RSDukeStop lying, Robb.
22:42klichkahe'll lose his cherry behind bars
22:42pleaserapemyfaceRob, do you really think you can keep ADF quiet?
22:42MacduffsSonyou've gone full fucking retard
22:42Mr. Robert Wayne StilesADF will remain quiet after this, I'll assure you
22:42Matchesstalking, threats, drug use , abuse, harassment, fraud , anyone care to add to the list?
22:42MacduffsSono rly
22:43RandomAnonYou killed him.
22:43RandomAnonYOU KILLED ADF
22:43Mr. Robert Wayne Stileshe won't spoil any suprise
22:43MacduffsSondid you kill adf?
22:43Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesjesus christ
22:43RSDukeYeah, he will.
22:43RandomAnonOH GOD YOU GUYS
22:43pleaserapemyfaceHe killed him
22:43CFH666you killed adf rob
22:43RSDukeThey'll find the body eventually.
22:43pleaserapemyfaceRIP in peace ADF
22:43Matchesare you going to put a ball gag in ADFS mouth and spank his fat ass?
22:43MacduffsSonIN THE CAVE
22:43desertfoxwhat did i walk into?
22:43RSDukeDamn, Robb. Why'd you go and kill Phil?
22:43klichkaI'm now making popcorn
22:43RandomAnonRob killed ADF.
22:43RandomAnonAlso hello Desertfox
22:44MacduffsSondesertfox: robbay cocks
22:44desertfoxlol hello
22:44pleaserapemyfaceADF named names, so Rob killed him to silence him
22:44RandomAnon22:40Mr. Robert Wayne Stileswhat is buried will remain, just remember that introman
22:44MacduffsSonoh my god
22:44desertfoxoh shit
22:44MatchesADF IS DEAD
22:44MatchesHOBO KILLER
22:44RSDukeAdd that to the list.
>> No. 48295
He is such a master of disguise he is willing to tell us up front he is making fake IDs to show us, he's as sneaky as can be!
>> No. 48296
introman, stop treating these philly subhumans as children. They want to declare war, we bring it to their footsteps. So when are you freaks moving to portland? Is daddy paying for this as well Rick? Will you be mad about our anti-transgender advocacy groups starting because of you two(Rick and Phil)?
>> No. 48297
You really think daddy even knows about his snowflakes plans to violate the terms of his diversion? Maybe wayne finally cut Robbay off and he has to move anyway.
>> No. 48298
File 134783088626.jpg - (442.43KB , 2048x1536 , Rika_49.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Somebody needs to insert Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's face in the Robbie Rotten photo. I think this photo is a good candidate.
>> No. 48299

Is that thing a robot?
>> No. 48300
Is a character from Lazy Town, a kid's show.
>> No. 48301
But is he supposed to be a robot?
>> No. 48302
He is a human, I guess. He seems human in that pic.
>> No. 48304
Then why the gears?
>> No. 48305
Gary Gears
>> No. 48306
liquidMr. Robert Wayne Stiles, please leave. all you do is shitpost and be ween as fuck.
>> No. 48307
File robbay_leaves_forever.txt - (43.34KB , robbay leaves forever.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
In tonight's episode, the MASTER OF DISGUISE details his plans to leave /cwc/ forever (lol) and assume a new identity (double lol).
>> No. 48308
We need anbu to go to 1001 FILBERT ST Philadelphia, PA 19107 10:40 am and 7:40 pm on September 17th 2012th . My muscle won't be able to make it and introman is off the roster. Anybody want to be the next introman?
>> No. 48309
File 13478409713.png - (70.08KB , 444x380 , AshFace4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Turkish Father
Robbay, why didn't you tell me you want to be me so badly that you've changed your name again.
'sokay with me tho. If you think you're too much of an "internet freak" and want to wear a new skin you're more than welcome to RP as me while I'm on vacation.
>http://789chan.org/L/src/Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles222.txt
> <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> wipe liquid Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles off the grid
Oh and since you love me so much, how about I end my vacation in philly?
>> No. 48310
File 134784369595.jpg - (632.26KB , 685x1124 , p90x.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>[18:44] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> I have just purchaed the P90x you'll see me
>> No. 48311
highlights for children

>Line 429: [18:55] <+ríka> and THATS why I hate that fucking video
>Line 432: [18:55] <+ríka> because disguise is a fucking art
>Line 438: [18:56] <+ríka> i could make a living off it you all are just BUTTHURT
>Line 449: [18:56] <+ríka> i could be part of fucking espionage if it wasn't for my personality

he never really was on your side

>Line 466: [18:58] <+ríka> I have been sketching out all night what kind of person I will be in the future

and i call him "colossal ríka"

>Line 475: [18:58] <+bugweiser> I thought you legally changed your name though? That's something you have to inform the courts about
>Line 480: [18:59] <+ríka> guess what I LIED

master of deceit

>Line 541: [19:03] <+ríka> so are you going to stalk the greyhound intro?
>Line 543: [19:03] <+ríka> you're not going to find us undercover
>Line 549: [19:03] <+ríka> because we are going incog too
>Line 558: [19:04] <+ríka> like when we head to the bus we're just dressing in pure unassuming street clothes

he wears a disguise to look like human guys

>Line 571: [19:04] <+ríka> screw penelope
>Line 573: [19:05] <+ríka> she can just live off her bf
>Line 575: [19:05] <+ríka> oh wait SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE

shucks buster

>Line 645: [19:08] <+ríka> So remember introman, dare to stalk us? we have a gun
>Line 769: [19:14] <+ríka> I am going to ask ADF for her gun
>Line 771: [19:14] <+ríka> I wish to hold it on the whole bus

greyhound is totally cool with this
>> No. 48312
Wait. Didn't ADF's strap-on husbando just come from Portland a few weeks ago? So now they are all just going back? Jesus. What dumbfucks. Planning for the future, what's that?
Also lololol... just look for two landwhales and a skinny wraith. Not very hard to miss.
So Robbie is going to be holding a gun the whole ride? Pretty sure Greyhound does not approve of that. Watch as they get tossed off the bus.
>> No. 48313
Don't they have metal detectors at bus stations now too?
>> No. 48314
He wouldn't just get tossed off the bus, he'd be arrested. Unless he has a conceal carry permit, which I doubt.
>> No. 48315
Maybe I should go on a date with Penelope, just to get info. Or would that be to epic ween? It wouldn't be hard to track her down, and to then meet her at whatever club or bar mr Stiles did. Plus she isn't bad looking.
>> No. 48316
Wouldnt really matter if he had a conceled carry permit. The greyhound is going to leave philly, the only place where his permit would be valid, even if he had one.
>> No. 48317
So true, but then if the police really cared about that shit they would have. to arrest everyone from kansas cktu who had a permit in kansas city missouri and carried into kansas city Kansas. That's like everyone I know with one of those permits.
>> No. 48318
cops do care about this shit, they care alot. but they wont arrest you if you dont get caught.
>> No. 48319
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, how come you never post in here anymore? We know you lurk and you provide lulzy cocks in irc, which just gets posted here anyway. Why not cut out the middleman?
>> No. 48320

Kansas and Missouri respect each others CCW's. THe problem rob has that anybody who's facing a year or more in federal custody can't even possess a firearm. More than transport it unlocked in full possession with them through federal lines. Robby is playing with fire.
>> No. 48321
It also looks pretty suspicious when you have a criminal history of threatening to murder government agents and stalking / plotting to kidnap women.
>> No. 48322
Oh Great Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.

I'm so glad you are still with us.

And I'm so glad you gave us pictures of Penelope. Pix of girls of lolcows are great.

Oh Wraith, I hope you continue to grace us with your glorious cocks, and your beautiful looks.

From one Woman-Man to another!
>> No. 48323
Actually he can't own one even after his diversion expires and gets expunged from public record. So, yeah. Stiles isn't allowed to carry that piece.
>> No. 48324
Robbie why can't you keep any of your plans to yourself?

Are you just wanting to make sure everyone sees you a cartoonish villain?
>> No. 48325
*as a cartoonish villain
>> No. 48326
as a local in philly i must say when the three stooges move away; Rob moving won't be missed, he is just a local; ADF will sort of be missed because he is a weirdo and weirdo's are fun to watch; Jordman however we will be glad to see him leave because he is very insulting and with him being a retard he can't be cut up without someone saying you are picking on him.
>> No. 48327
Oh god, you are saying Robs freakish appearance and behavior aren't weird enough to stand out in Philly? The feds should shut that hormone supplier down. You can't just give controlled substances out all willy nilly like that. As evident by the crowd it has attracted.
>> No. 48328
>> No. 48330
No there not. no they haven't. yes they can.
>> No. 48331
In west Philadelphia born and raised, as a woman is how I want to spend the rest of my days...
>> No. 48332
Chillin out max and relaxin all cool gonna smoke some bath salts outside of my school
>> No. 48333
when 789chan who were up to no good, starting causing trouble my neighborhood
>> No. 48334
They made one ED page and I got real scared, and said "You're fuckin' up my life and you'll all soon be dead"
>> No. 48335
fuck off you unfunny spergs
>> No. 48336
Hi master of disguise.
>> No. 48338
So Jordman really is the master of trolling!

Engineered it so she can insult anyone she wants in real life and if anyone speaks back they will be social pariahs!
>> No. 48339
File 134785796342.jpg - (104.03KB , 600x718 , robbayrotten.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48340
Holy shit my fucking sides.
>> No. 48341
>> No. 48342
Someone upload this to his article. Fast
>> No. 48343

That's fucking awesome.
>> No. 48344
That's amazing.

I'm doubting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will leave Philly, I think it's all some ween attempt to get us (and our overlord Jordman)to leave him alone
>> No. 48345

>what's everyone talking about, that's just a normal-

oh jesus yes, i love you
>> No. 48346
>> No. 48347
Banner plz.
>> No. 48348
File 134790089735.gif - (1.78MB , 240x192 , lololol.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Sides.exe has stopped working.
>> No. 48349
Oh fuck my sides. Oh keep up the good work Roobbbaayyy
>> No. 48350
File 134790112341.jpg - (31.95KB , 300x428 , hitler thumb up.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48351
File 134790999537.jpg - (202.29KB , 960x639 , aadf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
A bit unrelated but did no-one else notice this?
>> No. 48352
my guess is to fit in.
>> No. 48353
File 134791109449.jpg - (40.21KB , 375x500 , metal-gear-solid-peace-walker-big-boss-artwork.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF needs no reason to fight. He fights because he is needed. He is the deterrent for those with no other recourse. He is a soldier without borders.
>> No. 48354
I guess being pro-Israel has become too mainstream
>> No. 48355
Actually these social justice tards hate Israel, and love groupthink. If he had held up a pro-Israel poster or held an Israeli flag that wasn't on fire they would have lynched him. Which would have been hilarious.
>> No. 48356
I would have thought that would have convinced him to do it, we all know how much adf loves to be persecuted. I guess it only counts if its "the man" doing it.
>> No. 48357
>not supporting israel
>> No. 48358
robbie boo, what's the matter with you
you don't act like the other trannies do
you wear a disguise to look like cis scum guys
but you're not a chick, you're a fucking dude
>> No. 48359
In this instance it is. Being antizionist is one of the tenants of the movement. If you disagree with them on this point they will yell at you and call you a nazi, if not actually assault you. Both of which are hilarious reactions.
>> No. 48360
And my time on this hideus fucking board ends now. We have sucessfully transfered from Philly to a place you will no longer be part of, ass holes. I have finally won just as I said I would. You may have cost me, my gender, my home and my life but I'll gladly carry on and I'll do so LAUGHING.

Me and ADF could only take SO much of your shit but now we've departed to greener pastures where there will be nobody stabing me or her in the back. I know you'll never look back on what a miserable bunch of cock suckers you were and feel bad but irregardless I DON'T CARE.

Oh and guess what, that new banner makes me look like a dyke, which BTW is my new sexual orientation.
>> No. 48361
>> No. 48362
See you tomorrow
>> No. 48363
inb4 ip gets traced to philly
>> No. 48364
>> No. 48365
See you on IRC tonight Rob.

PS. What kind of fruit is your favorite? I'm thinking of putting together a housewarming giftbasket.
>> No. 48366
Oh yeah. ADF posted that he was moving to Portland. Have fun, Robb.
>> No. 48367
File 134792402642.jpg - (6.62KB , 284x177 , fdd.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48368
Let me get this straight, you moved because of people ON THE INTERNET?
Is this guy actually retarded?
>> No. 48370
They're still strict when it comes to felons though.
>> No. 48371
Rob, no matter where you go, you can't get a gun since you're on Probation.

Or are you going to lie on a gun permit app?
>> No. 48372
Also, like with Philly, you can't stop people from going to Portland.
>> No. 48373
File 13479243606.jpg - (20.11KB , 586x352 , 1345914225313.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48374
>> No. 48375
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you are on felony diversion. You are not allowed to own a firearm and you cannot just shoot someone for stepping on your land. The stand your ground law says you MUST be in danger. How many laws do you intend to break?
>> No. 48376
yup, I live in the midwest. No one, and I mean no one, not even adf can give you a firearm without commiting a felony dipshit.

Also, portland isnt in the midwest you retarded fuck
>> No. 48377

So happy that you're out of philly. I can finally live in peace without worrying about the master of disguise using adf's gun on me while I'm sleeping. Madara also has started hiring graphic designers for anti lgbt posters with your face on them. Have fun dealing with that. Going to be sipping martinis while picnicking at fairmont park.
>> No. 48378
Don't forget, Robbie, that you can be in different places with your many funny faces in disguise
>> No. 48379
oh, and what land? You cant buy land on a stockboys pay, not even in the midwest, not even if you save money for years
>> No. 48381
Don't think he's in portland, there's no way he'd bet there now since they didn't fly.
>> No. 48382
File 134792456894.png - (13.12KB , 1321x118 , midwest.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
sup rob
>> No. 48383
Wait you are fleeing philly because we are cowardly? Does your hormone addled brain even work anymore?
>> No. 48384
ADF feels EXACTLY the same about you people as I do. So she agreed with me that she'll shoot anyone who is threatning me, her or Mikhail. I don't need to touch a gun. Plus, I picked up some LEGAL hand to hand weapons from a friend before this.

Just put it out of your mind, cocksuckers. We're in the clearing right now.
>> No. 48385
in b4 ADF puts all the rounds into the ceiling
>> No. 48386
That's cool, you live like one state away from me now.
>> No. 48387
>Legal hand to hand weapons

There aren't many of those that are legal in all 50 states Rob. Hell, even padded weighted gloves are illegal in California, and those are as defensive as you can get.
>> No. 48388
File 134792493673.png - (841.93KB , 800x811 , heavier then.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You do know no ones ever threatened to physically assault you right?
>> No. 48389
You know that the midwest has a bit of a different culture right rob? You are going to find a lot fewer people willing to put up with your bullshit.
>> No. 48390
We don't need to find you Robb, you'll come back to us, you can't help yourself. Everything that's gone on has had very little to do with where you're living right now, it's been about you coming here and acting like a retard. That's not going to change just because you move state.
>> No. 48391
File 134792557289.png - (161.20KB , 500x321 , 1347879009166.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48392
Hey Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Read Oregon law (2) Any person who has been convicted of a felony under the law of this state or any other state, or who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of the Government of the United States, who owns or has in the person’s possession or under the person’s custody or control any instrument or weapon having a blade that projects or swings into position by force of a spring or by centrifugal force or any blackjack, slungshot, sandclub, sandbag, sap glove or metal knuckles, or who carries a dirk, dagger or stiletto, commits the crime of felon in possession of a restricted weapon.

That's right, you aren't allowed to carry jack shit because you plead guilty to a felony.

>> No. 48393
File 134792571079.jpg - (207.57KB , 900x1326 , filth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ADF now hates jesuits. Also officially has a Nazi persona.
>> No. 48394
Hey, Robb. Do you realize that ADF's going to Portland, OR, not Portland Missouri. If you're already in the Midwest, ADF and Mikhail has ditched your ass.
>> No. 48395
File 134792616661.png - (522.73KB , 598x385 , bipolar.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Also niggos.
>> No. 48396
We know you are still in here Rob. Talk to us
>> No. 48397
how many weeks has it been since Robbie Rotten said he left forever?
>> No. 48398
You mean the first time he visited?
>> No. 48399
File 134792684569.jpg - (97.73KB , 726x564 , Uke's_Desire.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You may have cost me, my gender, my home and my life

>Me and ADF could only take SO much of your shit but now we've departed to greener pastures where there will be nobody stabing me or her in the back.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, are you planning a murder-suicide or is it just a suicide pact?

Also, did you lost your virginity to each other?
>> No. 48400
yeah, I'm guessing like 3.
>> No. 48401
Just, you know your bounderies I know mine, /cwc/. I'm going to leave like this. We all kissed Philly goodbye a day ago and I already miss city life. Hope you know that you OBLIVERATEed a happy person.
>> No. 48402
You knowing boundaries. That's funny. Tell us another.
>> No. 48403

What do you miss most about city life Robert ?
>> No. 48404
>I have finally won just as I said I would. You may have cost me, my gender, my home and my life

Pyrrhic victory thy name is Robbay,
>> No. 48405

How many times do you need to say goodbye? So you've moved out of Philly but you're still posting here now, why even bother if you're done with us? We saw your farewells in the irc chatlogs, if you're really leaving then just leave.
>> No. 48406
We're so sorry that ADF ditched you in Missouri. Please, tell us how you're feeling right now.
>> No. 48407
You have never been happy with your own identity, how could you possibly been happy?

Also, you know there are cities in the midwest right? You know, little ones, like chicago
>> No. 48408

Philly was never yours. It belongs to the taxpayers and not to felons who harass and terrorize. introman had to be sacrificed for philly to be a safe city. The transgender nazi's left the city and everybody is rejoicing.
>> No. 48409

Rob, drop the act. We all know you'll be back in here tomorrow after you get a call from your parents asking you what's going on. And how they heard something about the internet, etc.

We've all played this game before Rob. We know how it ends.
>> No. 48411
>I won
this gets better and better
>> No. 48412

>like a dyke, which BTW is my new sexual orientation.

How many times in the last 2 weeks have you decided to change your gender / sexual orientation? I lost fucking count.
>> No. 48413


What the fuck
>> No. 48414
>> No. 48415
>We are in OREGON, a midwestern stare


Also, Oregon is in the west Rob, not the midwest.
>> No. 48416
File 134792784474.png - (10.16KB , 1208x94 , oregon.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
never change robbay
>> No. 48418
Western/Midwestern, IT'S ALL THE SAME. You know I'm in PORTLAND OREGON. I slept the whole fucking time so I always assumed it was just western. I DON'T FUCKING SLEEP AT NIGHT OK?!
>> No. 48419
File 134792788583.png - (11.08KB , 1337x132 , oregon is in the midwest.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles!jEZFObGKc.

We are in OREGON, a midwestern stare, did you not take geography classes, fucking dimwit? I had to take goddamn theology classes instead and I seem to know more about the US than you.
>> No. 48420
File 13479279202.jpg - (22.09KB , 300x300 , sdssada.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
why did they have to move to portland? god fucking damnit
>> No. 48421
uhhh oregon is in the pacific northwest you fucking moron

>> No. 48422
inb4 still in philly though
>> No. 48423
You cant get there by bus in 1 day and you are not allowed to fly . We know youre in your apartment robbay.
>> No. 48424
It's not even close Robbay. One is filled with corn and the other isn't.

Also, how did you get there so fast? It's a 2 day trip by bus. Did you fly?
>> No. 48425
no its not rob you mental cripple. 'midwest' is a contraction of 'middle west' as in something different than 'west'
>> No. 48426

Do you have a problem, Omega? California ain't big enough for you? I know you and Sean will be underwater in 20 or 30 years but no need to be mad! LOL.
>> No. 48427
File 134792814311.jpg - (158.77KB , 800x1200 , ธøfт ธнøçκ (0).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
but why would you go to Oregon? There aren't any hawt goth chicks there!
>> No. 48428
So much for leaving there, Robb. If you didn't care, you'd have made one post and called it a day. Never change, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48429
You fail science AND geography Robert?
>> No. 48430
File 134792818164.jpg - (2.27KB , 90x125 , 1346114526838.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw I live in california and didn't know
>> No. 48431
you know portland is on the coast right? you know the city you are in? One that will be underwater along with cali?
>> No. 48432
Where in Portland you at Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? I live in Portland too
>> No. 48433
>Wishing destruction of one of the most populated states, not to mention your home state, because two people said mean things to you over the internet.

Never change, Rob.
>> No. 48434
Yeah if he left Philly around 8 and started posting at about 7 he could only be what 660 miles away? Overnighting in the midwest maybe.
>> No. 48435

GTFO, you got the word "tranny" banned from this site previously. Even me, being public enemy #1 has never gotten that to happen.

Also, we left Sunday and got here tonight. So, I wouldn't be talking.
>> No. 48436
I'm sure Penelope must be relieved you're fucking off to the other side of the country.
>> No. 48437
I think Robbay took a plane without informing his PO and getting mommy and daddy to forward the money.

AKA he's now a fugitiiiiive~ He really can't go back now.
>> No. 48438
so you fucked with time to make three days into two?
>> No. 48439
File 134792850134.jpg - (20.29KB , 150x116 , 1346034140026.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
all these revelations coming to light
>> No. 48440
>> No. 48441
Robb, you're not fooling anybody. You're still at 1530 Locust Street like always.
>> No. 48442
We know your IP was from LIU on sunday you moron
>> No. 48443
Remember kids, this guy could be in espionage
>> No. 48444
File 13479287834.jpg - (43.04KB , 284x400 , dogbountyhunter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he's now a fugitiiiiive

not for long.
>> No. 48445
Care to explain this to us, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 48446

>> No. 48447
Stay racist, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48448
rob, can you even find oregon on a map?
>> No. 48449
your stupidity is incurable, and terminal.
>> No. 48450
Well yeah, you'll actually end up a wanted man, complete with a warrant if you do this. Of course there's not going back.

Good luck champ, you're gonna need it.
>> No. 48451

>> No. 48452
so it's ok to make racist remarks, but when the dang dirty trolls call you out for your constantly shifting sexuality, they are homophobic misogynistic cis scum?
Never change Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48453
see you tomorrow, master of disguise!
>> No. 48454
remember how well changing your gender worked out for you rob?
>> No. 48455
You're a terrible liar, Robert. Your story keeps changing as always. You're never going to leave Philadelphia, so you'd might as well just drop the charade, already.
>> No. 48456
>> No. 48457
File 134792915354.jpg - (59.29KB , 337x367 , 1337128627414.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

you see robb, thats why nobody likes you.
>> No. 48458

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you hid for 2 years because nobody was looking for you, you dumb shit.
>> No. 48459


3 minutes later.
>> No. 48460
So, how long do you guys think it'll be before ADF, Mihkael, & Robbay have a falling out and they come and tell us everything?

They're a pack of backstabbers, there's no way it can end well for them.
>> No. 48461
File 134792931365.png - (178.71KB , 368x249 , 1345657855253.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
still laughing
>> No. 48462

ChristianKyle7 and his team of hackers doxxed me and told me I was going to perish in either an arsonist raid or from a mail bomb because I jokingly told them I was pro-Muslim and held the same beliefs about Christians as the taliban does. I successfully hid from them simply by changing from Casperhead and WraithBeliskner to Nessa Starjade. Same with the anonymmous threats who claimed to be internet vigilantes wanting to put a stop to the Wraith Jedi Acadamy clan. I dodged that DIDN'T I? And the wraith still thrived too! That was two years without another threat from either of those mercenary clans.

I AM going to do the same here. I'm just getting Ahuviya and Mikhail prepped for this. You'll fucking see when I render any slander written against my name IRRELEVENT.

Jordman and Daniel, will no longer have any more of there grip in my life. We'll finally be able to live as artists instead of the condemned. Stop GLOATIING, I've done this once I can do it fucking AGAIN.
>> No. 48463
Robb, one of you three is going to sell the others out. I guarantee it.
>> No. 48464
so yeah, we already knew you had a rich history of being trolled on the net
>> No. 48465
He could buy land in the upper peninsula of Michigan, provided he was willing to live out where there is no radio,television,gps signal, powerlines, internet. You would never be bothered by the internet or society at large again.
Not even those crazy survivalist types want to live there. It's perfect. We will even help you pack.
>> No. 48466

>change my internet handle

>> No. 48467
>We'll finally be able to live as artists instead of the condemned.

On the streets and starving? Whatever floats your boat, Robb.
>> No. 48468
File 134792982487.jpg - (232.30KB , 580x862 , 384011_1020_A.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Requesting shoop with robbie.
>> No. 48469

You have got to be fucking kidding me. But then again

>> No. 48470

Cool, I'll just have to keep phoning your parents in the mean time then I guess.
>> No. 48471
not slander if it's true
>> No. 48472
And medicinal marijuana is legal and very loosely regulated in that state.
Never be bothered by us again. Do it homosexual deviant
>> No. 48473

>You'll fucking see when I render any slander written against my name IRRELEVENT.

Seeing as how your legal name is still Robert Stiles and you'll have to use it for any job you apply for then I'm afraid the ED page is going stay very relevant.
>> No. 48474
and its not slander if its written.
the word you want is "libel" idiot.
>> No. 48475
I changed my NAME and FACE. When I met with some of the Wraith members I knew personally IRL. They didn't believe it was me when I had become the lesbian female, Nessa. One of my friends even flirted with me until he heard my voice. Than he knew who it was.

Just wait until I vanish, you'll be completely dry of anyone to target.
>> No. 48476
Are you going to get braces Robbay?

Your teeth are a dead giveaway. and hideous.
>> No. 48477
File 134793017099.gif - (115.58KB , 266x178 , 133796695881.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>puts on make-up claims he has a new face
>> No. 48478
you cant change for face rob, not without plastic surgery. And I think you meant to say "The couldnt believe I thought I could pass as the female Nessa"
>> No. 48479
Rob, why don't you come to irc tonight?
It'd probably be more productive.
Using a trip so you know it's me calling you, and not a DANG DIRTY TROLL.
>> No. 48480
>Jordman and Daniel, will no longer have any more of there grip in my life.

To be fair, I don't think you have that much of a grip on your own life. The whole bad hygiene and being a vulture thing.
>> No. 48481
Except you won't vanish, Robert. You'll out yourself like you always do. You always fail because you always follow the same pattern.
>> No. 48482
File 134793026082.jpg - (134.12KB , 400x367 , 1346116437574.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>flirted with me
>> No. 48483

Robb you stupid fuck, you didn't need to leave town to drop off our radar, you just needed to stop coming to this site, which is something you clearly still can't do.
>> No. 48484

So what exactly did you do up until he heard your voice, fucking mime?
>> No. 48485

I grew my hair out too, Motherfucking christ. I have dark hair naturally and it wasn't a wig. In fact, this is EXACTLY the look Omega was going for and failed.

>> No. 48486
Get in IRC. We need to talk.
>> No. 48487
I need to rinse my eyes out with bleach.

Jesus fuck Rob, did you even bathe back then? All of that acne too.
>> No. 48488
But Omega has a boyfriend and you don't have anyone.

How can you explain that, Robert?
>> No. 48489
File 134793064974.jpg - (63.68KB , 320x320 , 378433_main.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48490
I thought you were naturally red. That photo from your male days had red hair, and I wouldn't think you dyed it in your male days.
>> No. 48491
who is this beautiful woman
is she single
>> No. 48492
Ugly as always...
>> No. 48493
File 134793072292.gif - (46.52KB , 252x317 , robbie_rotten.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So what's the look you're going to go for now to fool everyone then Robb? Is it anything like this?
>> No. 48494
So who beat you with an ugly stick and gave you a bad combover?
>> No. 48495
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you could go to Oregon looking exactly the same as you do now and not even change your name and nobody would find you, just as long as you stayed off the internet. There aren't any trolls stalking the streets of Portland looking for you, dumb ass, and why the hell do you think you need a fake ID? What the hell for?
>> No. 48496
File 134793080386.jpg - (74.33KB , 385x383 , 1346008205817.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>implying I'd go for that look
>implying you shouldn't get on irc
>> No. 48497
>> No. 48498
Are you fucking kidding me, maybe I was pale as hell but I actually looked EXACTLY like a woman. You trolls just HATE me, thats why you're like "YEAH DOESNT LOOK LIKE A HIR"

Everyone else bought it that I was a woman, Everyone else for fucking two years. When I became more Andro than actually Femme was when people asked what gender I was.

Well, I'm packing up all my things and getting ready to skip this horrible tortuous life and am going to actually enjoy things from here on out. Hey bitches, FUCK YOU.
>> No. 48499
Are you fucking kidding me, maybe I was pale as hell but I actually looked EXACTLY like a woman. You trolls just HATE me, thats why you're like "YEAH DOESNT LOOK LIKE A HIR"

Everyone else bought it that I was a woman, Everyone else for fucking two years. When I became more Andro than actually Femme was when people asked what gender I was.

Well, I'm packing up all my things and getting ready to skip this horrible tortuous life and am going to actually enjoy things from here on out. Hey bitches, FUCK YOU.
>> No. 48500
File 134793108555.jpg - (27.62KB , 600x589 , l.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>/cwc/ startled the witch
>> No. 48501
>> No. 48502
You're fooling nobody but yourself, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Also, I told you that you could drop the charade. We know you're not going anywhere.
>> No. 48503
you are the source of all your pain rob and you cant escape yourself. change your name, change your gender, you will still be you.
>> No. 48504

Screw you guys. I'm going to portland!
>> No. 48505
Have you considered playing Oregon Trail so you are ready for any nuances on your journey?
>> No. 48506
which star trek is you favorite rob?
>> No. 48507
>EXACTLY like a woman.

Normal women don't like mexican hairless zombies suffering from leprosy, Robert.
>> No. 48508

>Everyone else bought it that I was a woman, Everyone else for fucking two years.

So for the past two years everyone who has ever met you has been convinced you were a woman? You and I both know that's complete bullshit Robbay.
>> No. 48509
File 134793136651.png - (127.74KB , 427x315 , 1345945847457.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48510
How many users does cwc have rob? and not one has ever even speculated that you where a woman. You cant fool anyone, that is why you guys fucked up transway, you cant pass and you know it.
>> No. 48511
What did Penelope say to your offer of eloping with you to Oregon Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? You last said she was definitely deciding, did she definitely decide on "no you fucking creep, stop calling me"?
>> No. 48512
File 134793151172.jpg - (6.02KB , 231x218 , nope.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Well, I'm packing up all my things and getting ready to skip this horrible tortuous life and am going to actually enjoy things from here on out. Hey bitches, FUCK YOU.
>> No. 48513

Just look at that picture I posted and tell me I don't at least look like Omega. Are you calling her a hairless zombie? So many people had no idea who I really was, they all thought I was a ravan haired chick. What makes you different?
>> No. 48514
You really suck at hiding jealousy, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48515
He remarked in an IRC log that she could go fuck herself, so yes.
>> No. 48516

Omega passes because she doesn't try too fucking hard, you go way over the top and it just makes it obvious as fuck.
>> No. 48517
You don't look anything like Omega. We've been over this. Omega looks like a woman. Around 6 to 7 out of 10. You look like Gollum, -100/10. The people who have been calling you a chick are either blind, trying not to hurt your feelings , or are non existent.
>> No. 48518
We both had dark hair, were pale as fuck and had dicks. There is no contest here.
>> No. 48519
Except there is, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Omega passes, you don't. EOS
>> No. 48520
>we have 3 things in common therefore are the same.
Ok, you're out of shape, a wannabe tranny and insane, so you are chris chan.
>> No. 48521
from last night:
>[19:04] <+MacduffsSon> is penelope coming
>[19:04] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> screw penelope
>[19:05] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she can just live off her bf
>[19:05] <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> oh wait SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE

so I guess it was a no.
>> No. 48522
>Dark hair

>> No. 48523
>had dicks
>implying yours is gone
>> No. 48524
File 134793208481.png - (189.77KB , 640x360 , 322232.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw lists
>> No. 48525
Then why are you so jealous of her?
>> No. 48526
>Everyone else bought it that I was a woman
dude are you fucking joking? you look like david carradine. if people saw some david carradine looking long faced tranny wearing a wig and makeup their first thought isn't to call you on being an ugly homosexual deviant. it's called being polite
>> No. 48527
File 134793218364.jpg - (10.81KB , 270x290 , manson1a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We both had dark hair, were pale as fuck and had dicks. There is no contest here.
>> No. 48528
File 134793233535.gif - (3.61MB , 476x356 , laughing jew.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Why are you such a baby? You talk all this shit about kicking our asses if we ever came near Philadelphia or LIU or now Portland and yet you stonewalled me when I offered to meet you in person.

Either you want to kill me for merely posting here and you were afraid of the subsequent consequences for that in post-9/11 New York (unlikely), or you're a shit-talking child in an adult body not unlike a certain rugby shirt aficionado after whom this board is named (likely).

Enjoy your new gender while it lasts, Robert. I won't heed your empty threats.
>> No. 48529
Except Manson could actually sing.
>> No. 48530
I'll admit I look andro now when I'm dressed like Milla but when I was Nessa I seriously passed. You are just biased towards Omega because you LIKE her and HATE me. Thats it. We both look feminine all right but the reason we did was for TOTALLY different reasons.

I have an early day tomorrow so I advise ever to please STFU.
>> No. 48531
>I'll admit I look andro now when I'm dressed like Milla but when I was Nessa I seriously passed.

>> No. 48532

So show us more pics of you as this third personality you apparently had then, the one you've posted so far just looked like a smackhead with too much lipstick on. Convince us.
>> No. 48533
get in irc we might shut up
>> No. 48534
Stop backpedaling, Robert.
>> No. 48535

>I'll admit I look like a man in a dress now

>> No. 48536
milla jovovich is already approaching the androgynous side of femininity. perhaps you should aim higher? as it stands, all you have down so far as far as her looks is the drug-addled part.
>> No. 48537


>> No. 48538
How about you stop visiting a site you supposedly hate? Its almost like you're an idiot with no self control...
>> No. 48539
File 134793298392.jpg - (28.72KB , 445x291 , DO YOUR FRIENDS SUCK DICK.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>You are just biased towards Omega because you LIKE her and HATE me

PROTIP: I started this thread with this video to get a rise out of her/Homor/the mods.
>> No. 48540
Remember Rob, you're here forever.
>> No. 48541
rob you are ugly on the outside and ugly on the inside, and none of that will ever change
>> No. 48542

>You are just biased towards Omega because you LIKE her and HATE me.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you've told us time and time again that we hate you because you're a tranny, so how can that possibly be right?
>> No. 48543
>I have an early day tomorrow so I advise ever to please STFU.
In that last line you reiterate and prove time and time again you are no man/woman at all.
You are a child. Do you have no mind of your own?
Every move you make is determined by us it seems like, you're leaving Philadelphia, who really wins if you flee? Do you even know what the word win means?
>> No. 48544
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, just admit that you're never going to stop posting here.
>> No. 48545
*Fan-Woman-Boy Squeel*

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I knew you'd come back to update us! I think its a good idea you moved, thats what I had to do 2 years ago. Now, I live in an accepting community that doesn't mind having us lady-men around, especially since a lot of girls find them attractive! (well, maybe in my country they do!!) Hope you find back the happiness you once had, from one straight woman-man to another!

*Dances to Flashdance... What a Feeling*
>> No. 48546
Everyone's welcome to the IRC btw, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's not gonna show... but we can plan
>> No. 48547
File 134793470196.jpg - (72.85KB , 239x266 , sonic monday.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48548
>> No. 48549
File 13479355526.jpg - (340.34KB , 628x1364 , writeRobb.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48550

Dear lord, Rob, you really have no idea just how bad that picture looks, do you?

1. Your hair is a ratty mess. It looks like it hasn't been brushed for days in that picture.
2. The big red pimple on your forehead is clearly visible even with a very noticeable amount of make-up.
3. No cleavage. None. You could have at least tried on your part.
4. The awful make-up application. You've got a streak of either mascara or eyeliner smeared under your eye. Your face has not been highlighted or contoured at all and with the amount of pimples as well as the facial hair that you have, you really need to properly apply multiple layers of foundation/concealer for that ugly mug of yours.
5. Not a single young woman has arms like you have. You should have worn an outfit that would have camouflaged your arm (especially your upper arms).
6. Dem eyebrows.
7. I can't really poke fun at your teeth. Luckily, you realized in this moment how bad you look when you smile with teeth, so you decided not to. Thank God.

So yeah, there's all the reasons why you really never even tried to look pretty. Maybe a guy hit on you, but it doesn't take much for some men to want to try to get a piece of ass - even if it's from an ugly tranny.
>> No. 48551
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, since every move you make is determined by us, would you take a bath, put on a fake pussy, and fly down to my country where I'd show you a good time, and get back at someone who deserves it?

Because I think you deserve getting raped by a straight man.
>> No. 48552
File 134793683599.jpg - (15.64KB , 352x240 , 1145092775664.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>Raped in a fake pussy
>>A straight man willingly having sex with Robert.
>> No. 48553
File 134793729492.png - (578.14KB , 550x413 , sloth.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Stop posting.
>> No. 48554

>> No. 48555
>Me and ADF could only take SO much of your shit but now we've departed to greener pastures where there will be nobody stabing me or her in the back.

But Robbie, you are the person most likely to stab anyone in the back!

You can run but you can't escape yourself. (Although I won't be surprised if you tell us in a month you haven't really moved away from Philly)
>> No. 48556
File 134794063836.gif - (53.85KB , 320x240 , Hannibal-Lecter-liking-villans-more-than-heroes-31.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
good analyze bro.
>> No. 48557
you know adf fucked up right rob? He favorited images of portland instead of uploading them.
>> No. 48558
Guess what, Robb? You come here regardless of where you are. You can't stop yourself, even if you move. Not now, not ever.
>> No. 48559
Requesting regardless be filtered to iregardless
>> No. 48560
Come the fuck on, Robbay. You're still treating ADF and Mikhail like shit.

They sure look like they're in great shapes to move to a new city.

>> No. 48561
Damn Rob. That's fucking cold. You're such an awful, spoiled brat and a terrible friend. A terrible son, a terrible student, a terrible citizen, a terrible friend, a terrible boyfriend (You ended up giving Penelope's pictures so quickly just because she didn't immediately want to be with you. You know, she could have just wanted to wait to get to know you better...but no, Robbie wants everything now, now, NOW!), what else?...
>> No. 48562
Considering how ADF's blog post about where they were moving got even more detailed about the location AFTER Robbay said he was going to make him take it down, I doubt they're actually moving anywhere.
>> No. 48564
File 13479605237.jpg - (47.00KB , 300x445 , Resident_evil_retribution_poster.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles dressed as Milla Jovovich.
>> No. 48565
File 134796104430.jpg - (188.19KB , 900x1347 , Leaf_Nin_Itachi___Mangekyo_by_ADF_Fuensalida.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
...and ADF dressed as a Naruto character.
>> No. 48566
Did you get your hair done like that so you would look like Omega?

That's kind of creepy Robbie..

Maybe you secretly want us to find you attractive?
>> No. 48567
What do you mean "secretly?"
>> No. 48568
And thus, Robb's lies are completely exposed yet again.
>> No. 48569
It's evidence that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles isn't at the apartment, and is in fact still sleeping at that school. Coward doesn't want to go home for some reason. My guess is his p.o has finally tweaked what's going on and is looking to have a little talk with our junkie crossdress
>> No. 48570
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is STILL fucking here

my god, it's like pringles

once you pop, the fun never, ever, stops
>> No. 48571
File 134798011874.png - (1.60MB , 952x1239 , gender_genocide_by_adf_fuensalida-d35z77j.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>We're homeless and stayed the night last night in an empty lot and got harassed by cops. We don't want to go though that again. We don't need a bed, or even a couch, we're totally cool to sleep on your floor.

This idiot ADF can go back to his mom's home anytime.

Unless he did something really stupid (again). He wrote something about burning bridges recently.
>> No. 48572
I wonder what Mikhail and ADF's plan is.

Move to a new city and...continue to be homeless?

Or are they expecting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to support them? Because he sure is doing a good job now.
>> No. 48573
I would take it as evidence to the contrary. He probably only let them stay there because he didnt have to put up with their dumbfuckery and that adf and his big bad 44 would protect the place from the stonecutter assassins while he was gone.
>> No. 48574
One assumes that neither of them are going to get jobs. I mean ADF screwed the pooch leaving the job he had, but I assume Mikhail would be employable
>> No. 48575
My guess is Penelope ran away because Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles got clingy after just a kiss. Can you imagine kissing someone and they are instantly convinced that you are their savior. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles changed his sexual and gender identity based off of a drunken kiss in a bar. She probably also came her and lurked the thread where he claimed to have popped her and his cherries.
>> No. 48576
This. I'm sure she'd be less than thrilled to learn she was being used in a "war" that Robb was waging online. At least she was able to witness Robert's true nature before she got too involved.
>> No. 48577
Yep, he hates his mom because she's TRANSPHOBIC CIS SCUM who won't use the correct pronouns.

>> No. 48578
> able to witness Robert's true

You mean she stopped being black out drunk
>> No. 48579
Yeah no one will hire Rikkay after he got fired for not showing up a month after he started
>> No. 48580
So unless my math is wrong she posted that around 8-9 pm local time yesterday. And she said she had to hear back my 10 pm. Going to assume that they slept in a ditch again. So that means they must have gotten kicked out on Sunday.
>> No. 48581
File 134798291471.jpg - (8.92KB , 200x200 , sbud.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

my god can't he have any empathy at all

just a tiny, tiny bit? ass burgers.

aaaaaand check 'em
>> No. 48582
That would seem to fit with the timeline...
>> No. 48583
Robbay Rotten
>> No. 48585
Isn't she from Portland? Maybe it's to move back home with her crazy homeless man.
>> No. 48586
Well now at least Robb can't gun down field agents. Huzzah
>> No. 48587
I thought she was from cali
>> No. 48588
File 134799786964.png - (57.54KB , 1274x453 , kickedtothecurb.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Care to explain this to us? Let me guess: After ADF made the DA post, he'd outlasted his usefulness. Thus, you kicked them out....again. Does that about cover it? You're a great friend, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48589
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, goddam dont you know better than to treat kindly to those being kind to you?

This is how you treat ADF? You kick him out after he invites YOU to live with him and his fiancee is her house? Then you have the BALLS to kick BOTH OUT? You are sick! I cannot believe I ever idolized you!
>> No. 48590
So I took a look at sundays chat log again because ADF presumebly got kicked out later that day.

And he kind of has a little spaz attack about ADF at 18:39, but there is no context for it, no one mentioned ADF recently or anything, I can only assume that he was getting paddled too loudly in the next room.

Then he talks about ADF's gun some more and how ADF will protect him. Its really bizarre considering it was the same day he kicked ADF out.
>> No. 48592
ADF and MIKHAIL are the biggest, most inconsiderate assholes of all time and if you knew them personally you'd know exactly why I disowned them. First of all, they think they're "field agents" and are constantly spying on me and my personal activities. Second, they will run you bone dry of everything and are fucking UNHYGENIC TO BOOT.
They are on tier with Jordman and from now on, I'm continuing my life separately from them. LET THEM MOVE TO OKLAHOMA I DON'T GIVE A SHIT AND ANYONE WHO SUPPORTS THEM IS ONLY DOING IT TO SPITE ME.

ADF thinks he's Clyde Cash now that I'm a fucking internet phenomenom so don't feel to sorry for the fucking shithead. SOME FRIEND HE IS. I only wanted him for his protection but now he's just going to have to fight on the street like everyone else. HIM AND HIS WIFE ARE SCHIZOPHRENIC AS HELL.
>> No. 48593
Nice going, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Your delusions and paranoia have once again gotten the better of you. So how's it feel to be called out as a liar yet again?
>> No. 48594
Real tolerant of trannies , to leave them on the street to die . You are the biggest hypocrite ever, if ADF dies in the streets his blood is on YOUR HANDS ROBERT.
>> No. 48595
And just like that the goblin king has returned ladies and gentelmen
>> No. 48596
>I only wanted him for his protection but now he's just going to have to fight on the street like everyone else.

The true Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, ladies and gentlemen. Once friends outlast their usefulness, to the curb they shall be kicked.
>> No. 48597
>ADF thinks he's Clyde Cash now that I'm a fucking internet phenomenom so don't feel to sorry for the fucking shithead. SOME FRIEND HE IS. I only wanted him for his protection but now he's just going to have to fight on the street like everyone else. HIM AND HIS WIFE ARE SCHIZOPHRENIC AS HELL.

>> No. 48598
If ADFs trench foot turns to wet gangrene it'll be your fault Rob. But then it will make him more unique so ADF would probably be thrilled.
>> No. 48599
They are INTOLERABLE. As said, they're landwhales with delushions that are utterly retarded and they fart and belch and perform s&m in my living room all day it now smells like BO and FECES. They use up all of my living essentials and don't even pretend like they're interested in having jobs. ADF only wants to be in the Gestapo now but you know, the philly people being tolerant of EVERYONE don't take his crap. They were kicked to the curb and RIGHTFULLY so.

You assholes only care about them because they oppose me. Well I invite any one of you assholes to my appartment so I can kick some SENSE into you. They are FUCKING INSANE LANDWHALES.
>> No. 48600

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles proving that the ADF stonecutters were better friends than he was.
>> No. 48601
File 134800385618.jpg - (73.18KB , 600x413 , nazi having fun time.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Know what's so funny? I had already closed the computer, but then I remembered you swore you'd never return, so I opened the computer again, went to 789chan, checked the thread, and surprise surprise, the Goblin King has returned.

Nothing much to say here, really. You can change States, even countries, but as long as there's remotely stable internet connection in the country, you will always be here to entertain us. Which means you don't have whole lot of options in the modern world.

So, when do think we get to see "Philly tranny Saga 78: ADF and Robbay go to North Korea"?
>> No. 48602
If I lived anywhere near Philly, I'd take you up on your offer, shitbag. You need a good beating...
>> No. 48603
But you're just as insane mate
>> No. 48604
>perform s&m in my living room all day

that reminds me of that picture of adf's ass with you clearly on the computer in the background. You didnt fucking ask them to fucking do that somewhere else? I get that they are fucked up and dont have boundaries but I cant help but suspect that your real problem is that you are jealous.
>> No. 48605
The dude has pneumonia and you tossed him out on a rainy night. What the hell?
>> No. 48606
If you dont like the S&M in your living room why do you just sit on the computer while they do it
>> No. 48607
I know you like to pretend you are better than them, but here is the thing, you arnt. You really are just as fucked up as them, if not more so. So they fuck like animals, you stalked a porn star remember?
>> No. 48608
>ADF thinks he's Clyde Cash now that I'm a fucking internet phenomenom so don't feel to sorry for the fucking shithead. SOME FRIEND HE IS. I only wanted him for his protection

The irony of this line is amazing
>> No. 48609
File 134800433590.png - (120.77KB , 1492x583 , MOVING TO PORTLAND OR by VERGANZA.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>>>ADF Moving to portland
>they think they're "field agents" and are constantly spying on me and my personal activities
Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesy, you're not really mad about ADF ratting on you, you're just mad they left you behind.
Sucks I know, not even the crazy hobo you kept wants to be your friend.
>> No. 48610
>Well I invite any one of you assholes to my appartment so I can kick some SENSE into you.

Disregarding the fact that you couldnt even beat up ADF, which is pretty pathetic. Say someone does show and you do, through some miracle, managed to kick the shit out of them in your apartment. What the hell are you going to do then? Wait for them to finish bleeding on your carpet and then leave on your own.

Face it Rob, the only person you are trying to convince with this shit is yourself, and from the sound of it you are failing at it.
>> No. 48611
What's hilarious is that I can't think of a single community more friendly to those people.
>> No. 48612
For once I agree with you Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, they are useless. At least you have a job right... Did you show up this week? To busy hiding from da trolls?
>> No. 48613
All aboard the bipolar train!
>> No. 48614
>> No. 48615
How's winning working out for you, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 48616
Robb, you think ADF is your Clyde Cash?

Chile, are you kidding me? This very same board on 789chan tried to make him the new Chris-Chan before you came along. Trying to milk ADF wasn't funny. The best thing ever came from him was you, my fellow woman-man. You were wrong to kick him and Mikhail out, how could you even do that legally? I thought Mikhail owned the house. Well, I don't know if Oregon is really a good place for a woman-man like you. I moved to a place thats like Hawaii & Amsterdam mixed. Move to Fiji or something.

From one woman-man to another!
>> No. 48617
Wow. When I asked for bets on how long it'd take for one of them to stab the others in the back, I really did not expect for it to occur not even 24 hours later.

Shame on me for believing Robb held even the tiniest shred of loyalty to think he could last longer than a day. I really am an overly optimistic person.
>> No. 48618
Do we know anyone more disloyal that rob?
>> No. 48619


>I only wanted him for his protection

Some friend you are.
>> No. 48620
I FUCKING KNEW everyone on this site would take their side but seriously, am I the ONLY reason you people are glorifying the stonecutters?! What a GOOD reason to leave this site. You people only hurt me and bring me down, JUST LIKE ADF, JORDMAN AND TRANSWAY.

Let me say this. I AM NOT A TRANNY, I AM A MOTHERFUCKING MAN. I AM ROBERT STILES. Everyone in Transway should be despised and committed accordingly becaue they're all FREAKS. Christ, why did I even associate with them?! I was merely looking for a stupid fringe group to hide in but they're so high on hatred that they'll throw ANYONE under a steamroller.
>> No. 48621
So you'll be a woman again tomorrow?
>> No. 48622

We know, we've known for months
>> No. 48623
So the master of disguises new plan is to hide as himself?
>> No. 48624

I don't think that's the real robbay
>> No. 48625
Give me time and this site will be gathering dust at the bottom of a hell of irelevency.
>> No. 48626

There you go again with that word. We don't hate you Robert. You're too amusing to hate. Also, those who are quickest to scream hate are the ones with the most hatred in their own hearts. Just remember that, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48627

hahaha oh wow

Are you transexual or transphobic? I don't think you can be both, and I'm pretty sure you've raged at us for being the latter
>> No. 48628
File 134801331968.png - (1.68MB , 1349x1994 , rikas facebook picture wall.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48629
Dat tripcode
>> No. 48630
File 134801334331.png - (43.47KB , 536x347 , milla has done wrong.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Milla has done wrong.
>> No. 48631
Those ass fuckers from Transway used me as a front to take our their anger and abuse. Why else do you think they put me and my reputation through the shredder.

I was simply hiding amongst them and they didn't like it. I'm admitting I'm a man now because I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with them.
>> No. 48632
File 13480134315.jpg - (44.58KB , 604x453 , 11048_1173289375198_1316948428_30454097_2878817_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48633
File 134801349754.jpg - (27.71KB , 604x453 , n1316948428_30234798_143612.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48634
Does match his earlier trip, but who knows.

This on the other hand doesn't.

>> No. 48635
File 134801353423.jpg - (18.20KB , 320x240 , n1316948428_30234799_4676709.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48636
Robbay, if this is really you, prove it.

Or are you trying to hide in your own skin?
>> No. 48637
File 134801357970.jpg - (17.25KB , 240x320 , n1316948428_30235403_6953003.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48638
Oh just get on IRC and bitch about this shit there.
>> No. 48639
Oh do you think you infiltrated me by posting my old facebook. Well guess what, I thought I looked amazing when I dressed like Milla, only a bit less than the real thing. I was better than all those fucking posers who are legitly trans and I don't even fucking care what you think.
>> No. 48640
So you admit you used to be a FREAK?
>> No. 48641
>used to be
>> No. 48642
File 134801381596.gif - (1.96MB , 391x237 , w9e4oz.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You thought wrong.
>> No. 48643
>I don't even fucking care what you think.

Heard that one before, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. You're bad at lying like always.
>> No. 48644
You think I looked better as a man, huh? That's why you keep posting those right? Well, guess what, I've already started doing the ab ripper P90x and I'm going to be a hunk. I'm already getting my shitty teeth fixed TOO.

This is proof that none of you can nail me down, I'm going to change to the point that 789chan will be DEFUNCT.
>> No. 48645
Holy shit. Is that the trucker lady from Pee Wee's Big Adventure?

Also, dude, your "photography" sucks. There is really nothing interesting about it.
>> No. 48646
What will you be tomorrow Rob?

Also test
>> No. 48647
You said you were a lesbian yesterday, what will you be tomorrow ? A hermaphrodite?
>> No. 48648
I'm going to be a man and make it so I'm not so skinny anymore. I'm gonna get fucking buff. Than, no more 98 pound tranny jokes, than you'll have a REASON to legitly fear me.
>> No. 48649
Nope. You'll still be the same fucktard you've always been, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 48650
Are you also going to see a dentist?
>> No. 48651

Rob, P90X doesn't build muscle mass. It reduces fat and increases endurance. Do you even lift?

Also, 98 pounds is overestimating your weight. Do you even weigh 80 pounds?
>> No. 48652
I live in the midwest dipshit. What are you going to do with those massive mussles of yours?
>> No. 48653
Fire them like rockets
>> No. 48654
Get on IRC homosexual deviant
>> No. 48655
File 134801454774.jpg - (67.98KB , 300x400 , Kermthony K-Frog Frogatto.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Than, no more 98 pound tranny jokes, than you'll have a REASON to legitly fear me.

I seriously hope you don't think that TV fitness scams are going to solve your problems. There isn't enought Kermit in the world to express this.
>> No. 48656
Just so you know Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, if you had left on Sunday you would be arriving in portland right about now.

Also, Just in case you didnt figure it out, it was you that fucked up your magnificent plan, not ADF
>> No. 48657
File 134801582492.jpg - (22.16KB , 700x350 , Barbell.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Robb, let me help you, from one woman-man to the next. Use what is in my picture, do not use weight machines.

Do the Stronglifts 5x5 routine. Buff up and we will see who's better in 6 months.
>> No. 48658
Try the Shake Weight, you would do well with it
>> No. 48659
Nah, do SS+GOMAD.
>> No. 48660
Robbie a.k.a. Robbie Rotten a.k.a. The Master of Disguise, you are one confused motherfucker...and a complete moron too. Do you realize that Chris-Chan could outsmart you?
>> No. 48661

when did /fit/ arrive?
not that i'm complaining
>> No. 48662
File 134802035083.jpg - (30.58KB , 371x400 , 8ea.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48663
Get to Bear mode rob.
>> No. 48664
Get out.
>> No. 48665
File 134802138754.jpg - (32.85KB , 400x300 , 02-mikeyblue.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I really thought that the trio would make it on the bus before the meltdown. It is impossible to underestimate ROBBAAAY.
>> No. 48666
And I know the stonecutters on here will tell Harel but guess what, he and his fat bitch can't even get into my appartment anymore! Like anyone else who tried they will not be able to fucking break down the door.

Introman, DON'T EVEN TRY IT. They're attempts will only be laughable and I'll possibly even record it. About time somebody else took the spotlight anyway.
>> No. 48667
Robb. Tomorrow I want you to find a nearby Planet Fitness/Golds Gym and start work on Stronglifts 5x5. You're going to need to use a barbell weight like what I posted before. Start with the empty bar at 45lbs and do all the excersizes of the program. Focus on technique. After every other day, redo the excersizes but with 5lbs added. There's so much more to it so check out the Stronglifts website.

- You gotta eat a whole lot more too. Milk, Pasta, Eggs, Nuts, Rice, Beef should be your new friends.


~ From one woman-man to the next.
>> No. 48668
He has a gun he can shoot the hinges
>> No. 48669
He has a gun he can shoot the hinges
>> No. 48670
He has a gun he can shoot the hinges
>> No. 48671
File 134802346310.gif - (6.33KB , 445x319 , Goblinshark_bw.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 48672
lol nobody has tried to kick in your door you retard
>> No. 48673

I'm not the only one trolling you Robert. I want to stay retired, thank you very much. Go contact that fucktard madara, if you want to continue the goblin king/troll dynamic.
>> No. 48674
Yeah, I just visited the bush they where settling down in for the night and told them you changed your locks. I dont think they gave a shit. They seemed more concerned about ADF's illness.
>> No. 48675

Are you ADF? Who are you? If you are that unfunny queer ADF, then roll out
>> No. 48676
This is the dumbest thing I've read on /cwc/.

Please leave and never come back.
>> No. 48677
Have you checked how long the screws that secure your hinges and strike plate to the frame are? Most installers only use 1/2" screws. With a little effort, even you could kick that in. You need longer screws to secure into the studs.

Most apartment locks are cheap shit that can be raked open in under a minute, by an amateur. I once lived in a place that didn't even need to be picked to enter. I just put tension on the wrench and it popped by itself. Of course, it was a hollow core door, so a lock was just window dressing anyway.

The point is, Mr. Styles, any sense of security that you have is an illusion.
>> No. 48678
So wait, since you now admit that you were never really trams gendered or 3rd gender or whatever you want to call it, does that mean you also acknowledge you were just being a perv when you went into womens restrooms and shit like that?

Were you living a lie when you tried to pick up guys or are you just "vanilla" gay/bi now?
>> No. 48679
File 134803223136.jpg - (43.47KB , 500x372 , imagess.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh boy, so Robbie is going to be a muscle man into crossdressing?
>> No. 48680
Is this real?
>> No. 48681
I want to believe it's real, and that rob is going to abuse steroids till looks like Carrot Top. Just so I could read an article in the paper about a mutant freak in drag absconding with women off into cave, like a cross between the troglodytes of The Time machine and quasimoto
>> No. 48682
Could anyone other than Rob write something this hilarious?
>> No. 48683
And so the time has come to archive this thread in /R/.

It was a good thread and we will remember it well.
>> No. 48684
b believe we have enough samples of his rants to reproduce the body of his cocks. Like a good faux sonichu issue we only later denounce as fake and gay.
Butcher a word or expression here, insert obscene boast which doubles as a threat there, then throw someone under the bus while distancing yourself from your previous statements of belief. Sometimes he does all of this in a single sentence.
For example if I wanted to be Rob I would say "I didn't throw ADF out, I begd them to stay. They left because of what you guys said I ught about them. Jesus Christ. It's your fault he's going to lose his feet. That fucking landcow should have kept her trap shut. I hope she gets rape.
I can't wait to see what happens to the guys you have following adf, hope you like NIGGER COCK. Ha ha ha.
>> No. 48685
Since he is now a body builder, I'm wondering wht Robert thinks of Zyzz?
>> No. 48686
Robb the lesbian
>> No. 48687
Hey, I haven't been on /fit/ for over a year now, did zyzz really turn out to be dead or was it just a hoax after all?
>> No. 48688
He's dead alright.

There were reports on news site.
>> No. 48689
Only one post away from #600
>> No. 48690
Not exactly the most rigorous source, or am I mistaking a facetious tone?

In any case, if he didn't re-surface by now I suppose the conspiracy theorists were dead wrong.

Robb and Zyzz have a lot in common. Both were skeletal, weird looking attention whores who tried to improve their appearances with hormones. The difference is Zyzz wasn't a half-wit and hence took androgens.
>> No. 48691
File 134807534632.jpg - (65.65KB , 580x923 , 2696671.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

u mirin brahs?
>> No. 48692
He used so many performance enhancing drugs that an otherwise benign heart condition killed him. No jealousy here. Besides, body builders re too slow in the ring and suck at pretty much every other sport. Too much trade off.
>> No. 48693
His death made print too.Pretty much just as a human interest story mind you, but that's more attention than it deserved. He died at the height of the internet celebrity fad.
>> No. 48694
Archive this, please
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