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File 135081106910.png - (274.51KB , 706x396 , Milla clone.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
53220 No. 53220
I guess it's time to start Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles thread 25.
Expand all images
>> No. 53221
Fuck, just drop this already.
>> No. 53222
here we go again.
>> No. 53223
What exactly do you want /cwc/? You've harassed her to the point of suicide, to the point of nightmares, delusions and self harm. This has went way past "trolling", this is illegal, this is abuse.
>> No. 53224
What was in this anti-gay post in the last thread that Rob deleted?
>> No. 53225
File 135081225572.jpg - (18.88KB , 399x354 , smell-bad-holding-nose.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hi Robb! Does your apartment still smell like fecal matter?
>> No. 53226

Tell me, what're you going to do if people keep finding your paranoid idiocy entertaining? Take a shit in your palm, light it on fire, and throw it at us?
>> No. 53227
File 135081367110.jpg - (44.20KB , 623x475 , Fecal Matter.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53228
Why is it illegal?

Nobody is forcing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to post or even look here.
>> No. 53229
"Her?" Has /cwc/ stopped bugging Robert and switched its target to a female? That ain't right, guys, don't pick on girls. Stick with the grown men like Robby who should be able to stick up for themselves without falling to pieces at the slightest little provocation.
>> No. 53230
I would never pick on a girl such as the beautiful Jordan Gwendolyn Davis, that would be wrong because she is like a sweet and delicate flower!
>> No. 53231
There's no point in posting Anonymously, Rob. We all know.
>> No. 53232
Is rob collecting shit to light on fire?
Does he think it will go up like the film in inglorious basterds?
>> No. 53233



>> No. 53234
Bath salts are a hell of a jajlllaaayyya Jullayyyy!
>> No. 53235
Did you go to forest to practise your knife skill and cook a gorilla during these days?
>> No. 53236
julie julay
>> No. 53237
Time to spill the daily batch of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles tea.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hatred of Jordan is unwarranted. Jordan has been trying to help Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles but Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has been yelling at her for being a "troll".

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is infatuated with Kate Beckinsale. Not on the level of Milla.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has mixed hard drugs with hormones. He did stop for a few weeks because of the effects. He is still currently on hard drugs and hormones.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles when not surfing on this website. Plays MMO's to calm himself. He's currently on Mists of Panderia(the current wow expansion). He also plays the star wars knights of the old republic one as well.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles still believes in and part of da wolverines. Membership has declined because of the leader pulling a Howard Hughes.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles looks really bad now. One of the philly people said that he looks like a stimulant addict. Short hair, blisters and sores on face. Gums inflamed.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiless diet consists of take-out(take-away for euro people) chicken wings, tortillas, cookie and milk. Many of the trannies are trying to get Rob to gain weight because he looks sickly.

Heresay: Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has gone to BDSM events. The trannies suspect that's one of the ways Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles makes money for drugs. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is confirmed for not being a virgin. They think that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles took a few dicks up the butt.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is known to stalk the trannies to make sure they aren't talking to 789chan "field agents". He's gotten yelled at it for a few times but may continue the practice after he finally gets out of his apartment.
>> No. 53238
A Time Bomb is ticking.
>> No. 53239
Stay tuned Robby, the fun ain't over yet.
>> No. 53240
File 135083213485.jpg - (112.04KB , 539x960 , 3601_206464176153786_977594276_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's some stuff from the secret facebook Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles deleted. He made this for some dead tranny in Philly.
>> No. 53241
File 13508321776.jpg - (61.78KB , 960x378 , 268382_180846582048879_491822644_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
More photography.
>> No. 53242
File 135083220688.jpg - (52.17KB , 960x640 , 546097_196719373794933_41507356_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53243
File 135083223061.jpg - (55.23KB , 960x378 , 603453_180845575382313_1897317536_n.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53244

Honestly, this is a pretty good shot.
>> No. 53245
File 135083226131.png - (364.27KB , 1349x810 , FireShot Screen Capture #143 - 'Cover Photos&.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53246
Not a virgin huh, maybe those sores are actually herpes. Also aids wouldn't shock me at this point. Nor would meth.
>> No. 53247
I was on a Greyhound one time, and directly behind me was a woman with sores all over her face and she was breathing really heavilly. It was creepy.

Surprisingly though, she was talking like a normal person to her friend/husband.
>> No. 53248
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has gone to BDSM events. The trannies suspect that's one of the ways Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles makes money for drugs.

That sounds plausible, Rob has mentioned S&M in previous posts.

>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is confirmed for not being a virgin. They think that Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles took a few dicks up the butt.

Would not surprise me in the least.
>> No. 53249

By hard drugs are you just talking about the salts?
>> No. 53250
So Jordan is just another innocent person being screwed over by Rob. Sounds about right.
>> No. 53251
Yeah, from what I gather, Jordan's an SJ moron with bad hygiene at worst. Robb just likes to point fingers in any direction he can, as we've all witnessed by now.
>> No. 53252
I do believe Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has usurped our beloved Fatman as the lolcow most likely to receive a premature death.
>> No. 53253

Stimulants. He also does a shit ton of weed as well.
>> No. 53254

Guess what is classified as a "Stimulant" as well?
>> No. 53255
To be fair, weed can barely be considered a hard drug. You can do weed recreationally and still have a normal, non-junkie life.
>> No. 53256
what was the end result of what happen with all of the stuff in the irc yesterday?
>> No. 53257
File 135083714226.jpg - (135.90KB , 800x600 , 132856900785.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53258
Odds are his mouth looks like hers because he does meth now.
>> No. 53259
You mean the plan we concocted last night? You will see.
>> No. 53260
>> No. 53261
File 135084441918.jpg - (140.55KB , 720x576 , robbsohorny.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ok, so we all know Robb's batshit insane, but yesterday he reached a whole new level. He offered to fuck all of us (and Homor, via PM) in exchange for SeanieB not calling the cops on him.

http://pastebin.com/6tzJzucR First his convo with the rest of us (note, at some point he comes in and pretends to be Trey)

http://pastebin.com/sFWPhsZe And his horrifying conversation with Homor.
>> No. 53262
File 135084449556.gif - (1.00MB , 350x191 , dis gon b gud.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53263
- Robbay shit himself and threw it at the wall because he was so mad at us
- He then put the shit in a bag and threw it out of the window
- He offers to have sex with Homor (and everyone else), and put to use what he learnt from Fifty Shades of Grey
- Seanie calls the cops and Rob goes batshit
- Penelope is a mental patient who Rob may or may not have molested
>> No. 53264
Sorry we had to sit on this guys but the cockspocalipse is finally here
>> No. 53265
>18:53 Trey i could get better too. you saw my bitch

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, ladies and gentlemen. Champion of women's rights.
>> No. 53266
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you would be hiding transgenders
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> and illegally providing their meetings online
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you call the cops on me seanie, you minority label pushing bastard
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i bet you're a tranny personally too

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles logic has become completely nonsensical, does he think he is a member of the gestapo now?
>> No. 53267
>Oct 20 18:18:48 <Homor> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles GET HELP
>Oct 20 18:18:50 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> GARY GEARS HOMOR
>Oct 20 18:18:52 <Homor> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles GET FUCKING HELP

>> No. 53268
You forgot the part where he claims to have a vagania and says something about his genitals being mutilated
>> No. 53269
Ah, come on. You said he was glined. I missed this? He burned off his eyebrows freebasing bath salts? I called it.
Fuck me silly, this cunt won't give up.
>> No. 53270
It should also be noted that CurlyLittleKid is RN1Fan being retarded as always.
>> No. 53271
He was glined, after this shit happened.
This shit happened yesterday
>> No. 53272
>Oct 20 19:09:35 <Trey> i only fucking took her exploring when she was on her meds

Oh, the implications...
>> No. 53273
Did the cops ever show up
>> No. 53274
Its likely they did a welfare check.
>> No. 53275
File 135084752198.jpg - (84.00KB , 400x320 , 27241426.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles secretly having a crush on Homor is like the CWC Tomgirl moment, everyone joked about it happening but I don't think anyone thought it would.
>> No. 53276
>i have read the whole FIFTY SHADES OF GREY

This is where I lost it. There is where I lost it and can't get it back. This is like the twotonned doghouse or I don't eat candy moment. Seriously, someone without mental impairment should never have gotten to this point. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles needs help.
>> No. 53277
>He offers to have sex with Homor (and everyone else), and put to use what he learnt from Fifty Shades of Grey.
>Sexual teachings from Soccer Mom porn.
Oh, my sides have imploded.
>> No. 53278
File 135084859941.jpg - (262.13KB , 515x720 , exploring.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53279
Fuck you people.
>> No. 53280
>> No. 53281
Robb! You're back!
>> No. 53282
Sorry, still not interested in fucking a ghoulish looking methheaded orangutang that throws its own shit like and rapes the retarded.
>> No. 53283

>> No. 53284
That's not very nice.
>> No. 53285
File 13508490997.jpg - (73.30KB , 239x266 , sonic sunday rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I missed you yesterday! Why not come back to IRC?
>> No. 53286

I'm offended.
>> No. 53287
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can you please post a current picture of yourself?
>> No. 53288
>> No. 53289
  I don't care no more, I know this for sure. I'm going to shit on your floor, tonight. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 53290

So Robb's so unstable he actually managed to scare off a certified mental patient.
>> No. 53291
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles are you intentionally trying to be more spergy than Chris?
>> No. 53292
File 135085071297.jpg - (119.24KB , 447x482 , df22bbe57e33286c0eee7493e9c4eed4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh fuck this is gold.
>> No. 53293

This entire conversation was incredibly surreal and uncomfortable.

I'm still pretty grossed out.
>> No. 53294
>18:54 Trey go back to fucking glee club

What does that mean, out of curiosity?
>> No. 53295
Oh god. Wtf? Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seriously trying to proposition people? Bath salts whore.
>> No. 53296
>> No. 53297
File 135085298840.png - (282.16KB , 547x393 , what4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Stomach.exe has failed
>> No. 53298
Maybe a reference to the TV show Glee?
>> No. 53299
What is freebasing and how can it toasts eyebrows?
>> No. 53300
All I could think of after 'i got mutilated' was robb in a hole with Buffalo Bill standing on top saying 'Put the penis in the basket'
>> No. 53301

He smokes it from a glassdick(pipe). He doesn't inject it or snort it. Will be in IRC today talking about some goodies I got from the trannies. Be there.

No poo flinging trannies allowed. :)
>> No. 53302

How about you just post it here so we don't have to sit around in irc waiting for something to happen?
>> No. 53303
Some main characters are gay. The show is pretty gay-friendly, I think.

And of course there are the yaoi/yuri fangirls and their shipping.
>> No. 53304
It's removing the drug from it's salt so you can smoke it basically. Apparently the process can blow up in your face very easily, which might explain Robbay's eyebrow problem
>> No. 53305

Honestly. It will be posted on here tomorrow anyway. Go do your life and come back tomorrow. If the pinnacle of your existence is a poo flinging tranny. I cry for you anon.
>> No. 53306
Robb, I think you missed your true calling.
>> No. 53307

>If the pinnacle of your existence is a poo flinging tranny.

No, it isn't, which is exactly why I was asking you to post it here so I can just read it whenever I have time for it instead of having to fag about in irc with you. Also I'm not the one who's built up a trollsona for a poo flinging tranny.

>> No. 53309
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles can you tell us any reasons whatsoever that you post here and chat on IRC?

Would your life have no meaning without having people to fight against?
>> No. 53310

Hey Homor, do your thing and ban this guy for being a lazy retard.
>> No. 53311
Thank you mods.
>> No. 53312
The use of chemical agents and heat to separate the base from the chemicals it has been bonded too or simply the filler. People usually do it on tinfoil and use a straw to inhale. So they take ether and alchohol and whathaveyou and heat it up. Result can go boom.
Richard Pryor was freebasing coke when he decided to poor the rubbing alcohol he was using and all over himself and light a match.
>> No. 53313
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles won't come back to IRC, we can discuss whatever we like there, was touch and go last night for a bit though, something about the network g-lining for some users, but that was fixed.
>> No. 53314

Wolverine Cocks
>> No. 53315
Is Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles going to jail or a mental institution?
>> No. 53316
or a graveyard. Those are the only places he could end up.
>> No. 53317
Throwing his feces at the cops who come to arrest him could result in a fatal shooting.
They won't even have to plant a weapon or drugs on him. Bath salts junky attacks you, the media is sympathetic.
>> No. 53318
File 135086765845.jpg - (64.08KB , 584x600 , 1346671237754.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>18:48 Trey im ten times more convincing than omega
always have to mention me eh?
>> No. 53319
Unban him from irc so you can call the cops on him while he is flinging poop or whatever his next crazy antic is. That way he ets sorted.
>> No. 53320
Man, he sure spammed his hiking group's page with unrelated videos of actual wolverines
>> No. 53322
File 135086920880.jpg - (16.02KB , 649x109 , Robbay.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Here's some screencaps for those who can't view the large file.
>> No. 53323
File 135086927034.png - (113.37KB , 776x611 , Robb mix tape.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53324
File 135086930868.png - (248.13KB , 478x572 , Robbs very sensitive.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53325
File 135086939446.png - (63.85KB , 445x127 , Robb twilight jokes.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53326
File 135086945964.png - (168.61KB , 804x345 , Rika and handcuffs.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53327
File 135086970845.gif - (2.00KB , 127x126 , 1233623037929.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
It's...it's not possible.

It's like liquid shame.
>> No. 53328
  guess it won't be long until Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles calls the ward home
>> No. 53329
Robb came back into IRC. He's not too happy with us right now: http://pastebin.com/CeEDvSub

Seems he ran like a little bitch last night and slept in a dumpster.
>> No. 53330
File 135087092840.png - (78.46KB , 242x431 , wolverines rules.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think Robbay has broken every one of these rules.
>> No. 53331
Had a conversation with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles http://pastebin.com/CX0rW6yx
legit tried to help them, it didn't work of course.
Also probably still a virgin depressed about "sexual tension"
>> No. 53332
File 135087393583.jpg - (102.39KB , 720x538 , 1349491161718.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Gold mine of quotes:

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> and can everyone stop with the penelope shit
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> calling her a rape victim when she came onto me
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she is not a retard, she just has a very low IQ
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she was drooling ALL OVER ME
<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she drooled because she fucking was wet for me
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i didnt have these fucking scabs on my face before and she found me cute


><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i had to sleep by a FUCKING DUMPSTER with fucking niggers
>> No. 53333
File 135087583116.jpg - (45.29KB , 800x600 , Penelope.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lets get this straight. Penelope was actually a retarded mental patient Robb met at the Psych Ward?

She doesn't look retarded.
>> No. 53334
That probably isn't Penelope.
>> No. 53335
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i had to sleep by a FUCKING DUMPSTER with fucking niggers
For anyone who knows more about Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles than I do, does he talk like this a lot in chats? It seems like he's doing what Chris did when Chris tried to get in good with trolls where he'd be overly offensive to fit in.
>> No. 53336
She was a suicidal, drugged-up retarded girl. Else a girl who called herself fucking retarded and Robb did nothing about it but take her word for it.
>> No. 53337
He doesn't understand that when a girl does that she wants to be reassured. He blew it right there. That's elementary school shit.
>> No. 53338
I don't know why he thinks it's fine to hate cute passing trans people just because of how they look?

I guess he can't handle jealousy.
>> No. 53339
But everyone looks better than him now
>> No. 53340
Someone should put of flyers with his links to his E.D. article and /L/ all over his apartment building and at the wooden hoe. Also post one on every dumpster in Philly.
>> No. 53341
Yet more proof Robb just wants to have access to female only facilities so he can be a lecherous creep.
>> No. 53342
He's just so pathetic. If he keeps abusing both stimulants and hormone blockers then he won't even be able to get off anyway.
>> No. 53343
He's lost control of his bowels. I think that's what happened in the cave as well. I wonder if he threw it in there too.
>> No. 53344
I think when Robbie mentions going clubbing it's actually his code word for "I've been to the loony bin".

He claimed to meet Penelope in a goth club. And remember when he claimed he would go clubbing and men would be "drooling" all over him. Fuck, he loves getting his jollies with tards.
>> No. 53345
File 135088840690.jpg - (127.14KB , 366x500 , 0d2092e0e9bad26c123a0e0a35b37f09.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robb's favourite fap material.
>> No. 53346
Yep. The further down the shit caked rabbit hole we go the stranger it gets.
>> No. 53350
File 135089127846.png - (603.86KB , 750x750 , 1346370210871.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
shit baiting is shit
>> No. 53351

>> No. 53352
File 13508922362.jpg - (28.85KB , 360x270 , come-at-me-bro.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53353
So I'm going to go ahead and guess since the posts you guys are quoting were deleted, Robbie made them?
>> No. 53354
Does anyone have the screencaps to the deleted posts?
>> No. 53355
No, I didn't think to, but the gist of them is as follows:

>You have tormented Robb, OBLIVERATEed his gender and sanity, and caused his parents and friends to hate him. You have done so without remorse and someday vengeance will be upon you.

>Wow guys, we've really OBLIVERATEed Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, I don't even think he's trollable any more. Let's go after that fatass, Jordman!

So yeah, same old shit.
>> No. 53356
usual answer to him would be bath salts did all that, but I'm going to change it up and instead point out that he made it to 23 without getting kissed without our help, and his only real friend was a homeless bum when he started posting here. There was nothing left for us to OBLIVERATE.
>> No. 53357
I think of all the Robbie threads this one has been my fav so far. Poo flinging Robb is my fav moment closely followed by "We promise not to hurt you... WHOOPS JULLAAAY!"
>> No. 53358
>i was normal once

That... that one got me.
>> No. 53359
Delete the posts and they never happened! That always works, Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. Of all the things you could have learned from ADF's trolling, delete fucking everything is the one that stuck most in your mind. Damn, you're an idiot, Robert.
>> No. 53360
Ok Did he threaten to fling poo at cars before or after he shat in the apartment and tossed it at the walls?
This will end badly for the tranny community unless they have him committed before he can make headlines.
Imagine all the monkey in a dress jokes.
>> No. 53361
He threatened to throw the flaming shit sometime during the week, then said he had shit all over the floor and walls on Saturday. And agreed about the intervention. The trannies may be the only ones who have a chance of reaching him now. Then again, he'll probably ignore them just as surely as he ignored the rest of us. After all, he did say this:
>22:18 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles because you people think you know whats right for me
>22:18 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles ONLY I KNOW THAT
>> No. 53362
>> No. 53363
Godspeed you! Hippie Skank
>> No. 53364
>dat musical taste
Wow, it's like I'm really back in 2003.
>> No. 53365
These logs have been a goldmine:
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i dont have a dick i have a pussy
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> end of story

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> but mikhail works for fucking 789chan
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i know you hired her

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> a hypocritical gay man who says he gets HIV and says ITS MY FAULT

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> im not going to get HIV BECAUSE IM A DYKE


><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i peed in the fucking joint because of you
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i took a shit in my chair becauuse i was being tormented
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> IM SO FUCKING MAD
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> my appartment has shit on the floor because of you

><"Trey (aka Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles)"> look i'll fucking dress as Milla Jovovich and than fuck any of you if you get sean to stop
>I'm a mster of fucking foreplay
>come on there is at least one photo you guys jack off to on here
>of me
>i know there is
>and i fucked penelope on the lips
>that counts

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you fucking mother jesus fucking christ i FUCKING HATE YOU

So Robb is so far gone he thinks Seanie is Jesus now? lol
>> No. 53366
Why do I get the feeling this wasn't his first fling?
>> No. 53367
File 13509169038.jpg - (278.99KB , 1388x1091 , rembrandt reacts.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Doesn't look like anyone posted part 2 of the log, so here it is.

>> No. 53368
File 135091719726.jpg - (53.46KB , 720x540 , LesbianRika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So Robb is indeed a full-female dyke.

Explains why he looks like one here.
>> No. 53369

Nevermind, the other pastebin has everything.
>> No. 53370
>> No. 53371
>agreed about the intervention.

Wait, when did this happen?
>> No. 53372
It hasn't yet. I was referring to the line about the trans community having him committed before he becomes a news story. But he'll likely just ignore them like he does us.
>> No. 53373
I think they're just saying it should happen...
>> No. 53374
  Robb, I think you need a little nostalgic trip.

Here, cheer up.
>> No. 53375
I think having him committed may be the only way to save the reputation of transway. Do it literal homosexual deviants
>> No. 53376
Robert, you stupid cunt. Get your fucking story straight already.

>Oct 21 20:27:01 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she drooled because she fucking was wet for me
>Oct 21 23:36:56 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> she drooled because she was sedated
>Oct 21 23:37:05 <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> not because she was retarded
>> No. 53377
Robb, its sick how you hooked up with a retarded mental patient then invented "Penelope" out of her.
>> No. 53378
I see that the tranny freak has gone primitive on you, 789chan users.To think that the former wraith lord would be splattering his poo in his apartment. So pitiful.

introman and my plan will be finished tonight. The end of this pitiful saga. We even have some people writing a pyschological ananlysis on good old Rob. That will cause the end of the bullshit informed consent laws. Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles will be blamed for ending the flow of easily gotten hormones and this will be ample punishment.
>> No. 53379
>> No. 53380
File 135093142255.jpg - (12.11KB , 310x234 , 0517 Beginning of the End.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53381
What strikes me the most is that he typed immediately after flinging his feces. So his keyboard is likely encrusted with dung.
>> No. 53382
Let the beginning of the end begin!

Wraith Harem Design

Robbie being arrogant.

The first piece of robbie art.

We will be amassing everything and leaving this job. All the people you stepped on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles. This will end in the usurped wraith's victory.
>> No. 53383
>Casperhead said:
>02-11-2006 12:46 PM
>Actually we just attack anything we deem unworthy.
Well if it's perfectly fine to attack the unworthy, that justifies trolling Robb.
>> No. 53384
Just when you think someone can't get anymore broken he goes from shitting his pants to throwing it at the wall.
I can't even begin to imagine what prolapsed eye part two will do to him.
You know what, I almost feel bad.
>> No. 53385
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has come full circle. Once a wraithlord with an army and harem chambers, now reduced to turning tricks in bondage clubs to suppliment his trust fund for drugs.
>> No. 53386
File 135093431349.jpg - (114.54KB , 1000x800 , laughing tech savvy gentleman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>dat lens flare
>> No. 53387
File 135093437185.png - (42.09KB , 1565x203 , butthurt.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here's Robb suggesting his "guard dog" deserves to be trolled. Remember, we can't let ADF forget how disposable he is to Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 53388
>Do you think that my skin does not bleed when you cut it and I don't take a shit every now and again?
>Do you think that I don't take a shit every now and again?
Oh we know you do Robb.
>> No. 53389
At least Chris never played with his own shit.
>> No. 53390
>handles his own feces
>smears his own feces against the wall

Is...is Robbay turning into Nick Bate?
>> No. 53391
>And thawn the women will mainly be admin abused and held against their will ingame.

What's with Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and stalking/beating/kidnapping women? So much sexual hatred.
>> No. 53392
So has Robbay castrated himself with the hormone treatment yet? How long does that usually take?
>> No. 53393
Because he can't find one willing, it's why he resorted to a sedated tard.
>> No. 53394
A year or so, I think.
>> No. 53395
He looks semi-fuckable in that picture.
>> No. 53396
She probably wasn't actually retarded.
I'm starting to wonder if the real Rob is in jail somewhere and this has been a hoax. It's just too much.
>> No. 53397
nice try, robb
>> No. 53398
Put down the everclear and step away from the keyboard.
>> No. 53399
File 135093816853.jpg - (33.77KB , 600x450 , Rikakaka.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let it be known this is the most recent photograph of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles that we have.

He now has scabs and discolored skin.
>> No. 53400
Those aren't eyebrows, they're makeup. Probably burned them off while he was freebasing. He said they won't grow back.
>> No. 53401
Or maybe he smeared shit on them.
>> No. 53402
File 135093847539.png - (1.48KB , 96x56 , Casperhead.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
How appropriate
>> No. 53403
For real, I smell bullshit. No one can be as much retarded than Robbie.
>> No. 53404
While we all shit, most of us don't shit on the floor and then toss at first at the walls and then out the window.
>> No. 53405
Isn't that from his MySpace? I think this is the most recent, and this is like...a year old, perhaps?

Yeah, Robbie always looked like Gollum. Hard to imagine drugs making him look much worse.

Although, I did think that that Cease & Desist post and lawlsuits would be the most lolcow-y thing Robb would do. What do you know...
>> No. 53406
The real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was dead all the time.
>> No. 53407
>No one can be as much retarded than Robbie.

I keep telling myself the same thing, but there's just so much. I'm betting some of it is made up and/or exaggerated, as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is known for that sort of thing, but still. Worst case scenario, he's making a lot of it up so as to seem so pitiful that we'll leave him alone and delete his threads, even though in doing so he's making the cockss of those threads as well as that of his ED article so much worse.

Still, a lot of what he's said (save for the shitting himself thing) has been verified and seems to be consistent with his past behavior. The guy's just fucked up.
>> No. 53408
First one to photoshop Robbay onto SHODAN will win an iPod
>> No. 53409
File 135094327718.jpg - (28.96KB , 600x486 , Robert_Wayne_Stiles_(4).jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Those walls. So cold and blank. Sorta remind me of something else...
>> No. 53410
That head would look perfect shooped onto the body of a mental patient in a straight-jacket.
>> No. 53411
Or you could wait a month and see it for real. Eye of the retard.
>> No. 53412
I believe he might have shit himself while in a speed induced psychos, and thrown it at a wall.
>> No. 53413
Where is the shit flinging monkey in a dress tonight?
>> No. 53414
This is getting unnerving.
>> No. 53415
File 135095372867.jpg - (1.14MB , 1280x860 , robertvisitsthecave.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Managed to rustle up a picture of Robert in the cave.
>> No. 53416
File 135095470426.jpg - (188.42KB , 1078x578 , coolhandrika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
What happens every time we try to tell Robb to get help.
>> No. 53417
I'm starting to wonder if it was Rob who started that adult baby thread way back. That was disturbing. People who shit themselves for fun...
>> No. 53418
File 135095696883.jpg - (39.08KB , 600x459 , FlingPooLMAO.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53419
Robb's just as butthurt as ever. He gets rather frustrated at the end, too. http://pastebin.com/ExVDPEKE
>> No. 53420
Every time we talk. we fail to end this.

>> No. 53421
File 135096118574.jpg - (45.97KB , 446x388 , 1313133714107.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>i sometimes wonder what urine tastes like
>and i may swallow it one of these days, BECAUSE OF THIS
>i'll eat my feces than
>if you keep pushing me
>i'll bite my fucking tongue off and drown on my own blood
>my face is forever scarred, now lesbians wont come within any range of me
>> No. 53422
It's amazing how Robb can pull off being pathetic AND loathsome at the same time.
>> No. 53423
>21:13 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i cant take it anymore
>21:14 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i smashed one of my cameras, i lost one of its batteries
>21:14 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles seanb made throw my own shit at the wall
>21:14 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and than CALLED THE FUCKING COPS
>21:15 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i sometimes wonder what urine tastes like
>21:15 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and i may swallow it one of these days, BECAUSE OF THIS
>21:15 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles than you'll have no problems to worry about, no more fucking trannies
>21:16 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i'll eat my feces than
>21:16 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles if you keep pushing me
>21:16 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i'll bite my fucking tongue off and drown on my own blood
>> No. 53424
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, for the love of all Godbear almighty

>> No. 53425
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i sometimes wonder what urine tastes like
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles and i may swallow it one of these days, BECAUSE OF THIS
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i'll eat my feces than

Suicide by coprophagia...all of my wat
>> No. 53426
>20:56 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles i hate coming here every fucking day

Bleach, Robert. Drink it.
>> No. 53427
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> and naruto and yugioh are not childrens shows, they tackle fucking deep issues

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, anime expert.
>> No. 53428
He's probably using it as a solvent for freebasing.
>> No. 53429
No one hates Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles as much as Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles hates Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles.
>> No. 53430
And yet he's still too vain to off himself.
>> No. 53431
File 135096466610.jpg - (35.92KB , 400x490 , robbie-rotten_787037a.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
no, they were never wronged by me. my face and name have changed.
>> No. 53432
I can't believe someone is so deranged. Tasting urine? Drowning in his own blood? Sounds like the empty threats of a drama queen, not some guy legitimate on the verge of insanity.
>> No. 53433
Why does Robbie keep pretending to be bi/pansexual when it's obvious he just likes girls?
>> No. 53434
File 135096590355.gif - (424.72KB , 400x295 , 1238157980_scanners_-_head_explosion.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you laugh at me for doing that but my brain would allow me to OBLIVERATE you
>> No. 53435
But then he throws his poop.
>> No. 53436
File 135096605252.png - (220.01KB , 493x467 , Rika Straight Jacket.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53437
My guess is its the only way he can get any sort of sexual gratification. If the bondage club rumors are true than he probably goes gay cause he has no other option.
>> No. 53438
But what gay man would touch him? Something is really wrong with the philly scene.
>> No. 53439
A cock is a cock.
>> No. 53440
But the skeleton of a cock...?

(heh gedit I'm implying robb is less than human)
>> No. 53441
What makes you think Rob isn't on the receiving end?
>> No. 53442
File 135097153057.jpg - (67.05KB , 640x473 , bartab_Bars_ChapsII_RichStadmiller_0110.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
there are plenty of ugly gay and trans people out there that don't have any standards.

Several whack packers on the Howard Stern Show took part in gay sex just to have some sort of release.
>> No. 53443
Same can be said of straight people, still why sink THAT low? It makes no sense.
>> No. 53444
there are a lot more men will to sink low then there are woman
>> No. 53445
Then explain why I have a sex life.
>> No. 53446
Are you uglier than Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles?
>> No. 53447
Maybe, God willing, you're not the sperg you think you are?
>> No. 53448
No, I concede your point. I have seen worse looking men with girlfriends, and some of them are at least as psychotic.
>> No. 53449
The only people who want to hang around me are the ones I'm having sex with. So, what does that tell you about my social graces? I do try though.
>> No. 53450
Robert, like Chris is just too immature to hold down a meaningful romantic relationship.

You can tell when he says things like:
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> hell if ADF can get a girlfriend so can i
>> No. 53451
I think it's more of a combination of factors. It just has to be. Immature people get laid, and so do ugly people Maybe it's that they are literally too stupid or spastic to pick up on queues and play the game, in addition to being not attractive enough for women to be willing to be the aggressors. Plus they reportedly smell bad.
>> No. 53452

I would hit that with the force of a thousand suns.

>dem cum fuck me eye
>> No. 53453
File 135097490291.jpg - (405.31KB , 2048x1295 , ROBERT_WAYNE_STILES_eyebrows.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles actually 'fell in love' faster than Chris ever did. Of course, none of Chris's heartsweets ever drooled over him in a drug-induced retard stupor, so maybe that has something to do with it.
>> No. 53454
>> No. 53455
He Photoshops the chin, but leaves the eyebrows?
>> No. 53456
Is that like waiting to watch faces of death?
>> No. 53457
> <introman> no. that would be liking fucking jordans or harel's brother.
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i didnt fuck anyones brother you retard
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> introman is so retarded he thinks i fucked their brothers
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> no you were trying bullshit that i fucked jordmans brother introman
> <Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> you better not post that i fucked anyones brothers introman, these spergs are so stupid they'd actually believe it

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles doth protest too much, methinks, JUULLAAY!
>> No. 53458
It's like a Lenny Bruce joke gone wrong.
>> No. 53459
Lmao, thanks dude.
>> No. 53460
Forgot the line
> <introman> i wasn't being literal
>> No. 53461
So Robb, how's that ED page you promised to write. Too much stress?
>> No. 53462
>> No. 53463
why don't you chaps just leave her alone? I think she has been bloody rumbled enough by the lot of you.
>> No. 53464
File 135100281681.jpg - (78.42KB , 750x600 , die_in_a_fire.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Image related.
>> No. 53465

You don't seriously think that poor impersonation of a brit is going to fool us do you?
>> No. 53466
File 135100335915.jpg - (17.22KB , 700x69 , robbiethebobbie.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
capped, because he'll inevitably delete it.
>> No. 53467
>why don't you chaps just leave her alone? I think she has been bloody rumbled enough by the lot of you.

Care for a spot of pee, Robbay?
>> No. 53468
Oh god robby, you make me lol so
>> No. 53469
What I find interesting is that even if these threads and the ED article were deleted, Rob would keep providing material to repeat the process all over again rather than disappear.
>> No. 53470
>> No. 53471

>bloody rumbled

That makes absolutely no sense in the context you are using it. Also, we don't say "chaps" any more.
>> No. 53472
I come to /CWC/ every day expecting Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles to be dead.
>> No. 53473
A yes herro everyone. I say we no more troll the reatiful Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles , she is a verry honorable. Just reave her arone. Ching-Chong!!
>> No. 53474
>> No. 53475
Lately I've been expecting that too. Fortunately I always am pleasantly surprised to find out he remains alive-ish.
>> No. 53476
Really depends on where you are or how old you are. I have doubts to think the poster in question was over 40 and strictly middle class, though.
>> No. 53477
I hate to admit it, but it's a catchy tune.
>> No. 53478
I come to /cwc/ expecting him to go to jail. I'm actually surprised he hasn't gotten in any trouble lately.
>> No. 53479
Some more recent Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles quotes that nobody's shared yet:

>you have villafyed me so much

>everyone seriously needs to stop villafying me

>no. im not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles anymore. you cant force me to comply to that. i have nothing to do with this anymore
>i just humor you guys by pretending to be Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles

>he personally was a cyber terrorist who threatened to fucking put c4 in my parents house

>hes simply a strawman hired by you

>the defiance of me from those fucking tranny defectors

>i DONT have anymore make-up, my parents dont want it in my appartment anymore
>i threw out a lot of things, including make-up, jesuitlery and even toenail clippers

>this barage of insults i recieve daily from 789chan is enough to hide inside for a lifetime

>i only have a good figure but my face has always been crap

>just stop posting that libel that any trannies give you
>its all HEAR-SAY
>they were all fucking jelous, and i'd consider it if you turned yourself in

>i just thought how much i'd love to shove feces down all of your homosexual deviant throats

>you laugh at me for doing that but my brain would allow me to OBLIVERATE you

>i would take this unwanted dick and choke everysingle one of you

>im just calling her penelope to protect her from the real fucking rapists
>which is you people

>fuck off and go watch LAZY TOWN you losers
>pathetic niggers who watch baby crap
>shut up about yugioh i only watch the original fucker
>not the dub either
>im not a weaboo i only watch it for deep themes

>yeah but now hes accusing me of fucking jordmans spawn

>im not Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles anymore, i simply have no connection to these previous circumstances

>the snitch is jordman
>and you know what happens to snitches right introman?

>they kicked me out, the original leader

>those ugly trannies hoes cant find me anywhere

>i am not nessa
>nessa is a lesbo

>introman, im no longer Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles so no longer look for me
>> No. 53480
G'day mates! Why are you bogans making fun of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? She's a fair dinkum Sheila, bonzer! She's suffered enough, just leave her alone!
>> No. 53481
Not the person you are quoting but I thought "rumbled" always meant discovered/found out.
>> No. 53482

It does, I think >>282979 is talking about who still says chaps.
>> No. 53483
Been trying to post this for days with no success, so here's a link instead.

>> No. 53484
Hola Amigos! Why are you eses cracking on Senor Robert Wayne Stiles? Ella mucha bonita! Omega esta fea! Rik­a's suffered enough, just leave her alone!
>> No. 53485

What on earth?
>> No. 53486
File 135101659867.png - (178.98KB , 373x327 , 1348422686553.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53487
Rob stop trying to be mexican, you're embarrassing youself
>> No. 53488
It can't be real
>> No. 53489

Boi, Robb, why you is think you ga end this wibe by pretending to be from foreign?

Well mudda sick.
>> No. 53490
Greetings comrades! Why are you Mensheviks making fun of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? She is the ideal new Soviet woman! She's suffered enough, just leave her alone
>> No. 53491
>> No. 53492
Do Canadian next! Aye
>> No. 53493
So... /cwc/ finally got its very own copypasta for lolcows? Might I suggest a Nazi version?
>> No. 53494
Heil kameraden! Why are you reactionaries making fun of Herr Robert Wayne Stiles? She is a beautiful völkisch woman! She's suffered enough, just leave her alone!
>> No. 53495
this is like chris' mailbag copypasta, but better
>> No. 53496
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, here's a few tips for your transition into womanhood.

1. Men shave. Women use tweezers.

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i dont have a dick i have a pussy
2. Rectal bleeding =/= menstruating.
>> No. 53497
File 135102586332.png - (119.37KB , 369x431 , 00_scramblex.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Minnasan, Konnichiwa! Why are you baka bonkura making fun of kawaii Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles-chan dattebayo? Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles-chan has been uguu-ed by you kuzudomo long enough, ne~? Oniichan-tachi, leave Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles-chan alone desuyone!
>> No. 53498
Hoots mon! Why are ye wee bawbags taking the piss oot of Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? She is a bonny wee lass! She's suffered enough, just leave her alone!
>> No. 53499
>i threw out a lot of things, including make-up, jesuitlery and even toenail clippers.

Get in the spruce moose Smithers
>> No. 53500
Does anyone know what the deal is with the "I don't have a dick" thing? Didn't he revert to being a genderqueer male or something? Is it just Robb being a retard or what?
>> No. 53501
  You know, with Robb, I don't think we could even know anymore. Robb could have been having a serious bath salt trip and cut off his own dick and balls and stitched it up himself. Then he woke up sober, saw he had what looked like a vagina, and all of a sudden realizes he was a girl the whole time.

Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is mentally insane.
>> No. 53502

Oops, forgot to say vid related - Drugs make you do SERIOUS things. And you don't remember.
>> No. 53503
Ah bey whats this? Why you gatta be pickin' on Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? She's had enuff o' y'all wibe! Boy get yo' ass from around me.

Well mudda sick.
>> No. 53504
hey bud, why don't you hoseheads just leave Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles alone eh? you boys already brought down a shithurricane on her, jesusmurphy.
>> No. 53505
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles should call loveline. Free therapy, no commitment.
>> No. 53506
>> No. 53507
Halt! Why must thou torment Master Robert Wayne Stiles so? Sche is ye rightful Lord of Wraith. Sche hath suffered enough, leavest hire be.
>> No. 53508
Ey, yo, what's the matta with you guys over here? Picking on ol' Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? That ain't cool, daddy-o. 'Ya know she's just tryin' to live her life man. Ey yo, just let her be, 'ya dig? Ayeeee!
>> No. 53509
You danged dirty trolls need to sto-you you need to l-leave Ro-Robert Stiles alone, now! She's a pre-she's a beautiful woman who doesn't d-de-deserve this.
>> No. 53510
You get that god damn stuff about Robb off the innernet an' FAST! She's had a knife stuck in her back and KILLED because'a you!
>> No. 53511
File rob23oct.txt - (32.90KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Robb's visit to IRC tonight

>i've considered doing the apology video as an original character: the ropeman
>no, it a character invented for bondage for that video that harel wanted to make

>candy you are an ugly skeletal virginal man, just shut the fuck up

><+introman> Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles is bald now
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> OH MY FUCKING CHRIST
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> IAEBGJ\
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> SDGBRJFN
>> No. 53513
File 13510394107.jpg - (89.78KB , 677x683 , Falmer_simple.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
An artist's rendition of Robb's current appearance.
>> No. 53514
File 13510397613.png - (634.19KB , 500x686 , SD_Goblin_King.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Robbay stars in a new animated feature
>> No. 53515
File 135103985618.jpg - (146.41KB , 312x445 , rwsmagic.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53516
Oy vey, schwatzes! Whattya doin here, acting all meshuggenah towards Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? She's a real mensch! You goyim should be nicer to her! Gai kakhen afenyam!
>> No. 53517
>> No. 53518
File 135104046895.jpg - (79.04KB , 677x683 , bald_rob.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53519
So lets get it straight
1 covered in scabs
2 bleeding and pus filled gums
3 sunking eyes
4 smells of piss and shit
5 bald

Did i miss anything?
>> No. 53520
If he's really bald, he must look even more like a vulture/goblin than before. Do we know how he lost it? Like was it the salts, or did he pull it out due to stress?
>> No. 53521
File 135104569045.jpg - (54.39KB , 500x328 , ropeman.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>The Ropeman
>> No. 53522

Now you will never find a lesbian sweetheart from the ground up!
>> No. 53523
File 135104736571.jpg - (150.01KB , 767x751 , bugsgetstrolled.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53524
Hey, no picking on the shit that isn't his fault. Stick to the burnt off eyebrows sthe skin damage, raw sewage smell, meth mouth and drug induced psychosis.
It's called tolerance.
>> No. 53525
File 13510480976.jpg - (57.68KB , 400x400 , whoopseyes.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53526
As if his baldness wasn't self-inflicted.
>> No. 53527
File 135104967556.jpg - (21.16KB , 278x353 , master.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He truly IS the master of disguise!
>> No. 53528
O.K. how?
>> No. 53529
A: Drugs
B: Pulling it out because of da stress
>> No. 53530
>Anatomy of a Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles IRC log:
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has joined #789
><IRC Regular> poke
><IRC Regular> prod
><RSDuke> ^
><IRC Regular> prod
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> Give me attention! HISTRIONICS HISTRIONICS HISTRIONICS
><IRC Regular> prod
><IRC Regular> poke
><RSDuke> ^
><IRC Regular> prod
><IRC Regular> poke
><RSDuke> ^
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> as;ldfjas;dfja;lsdfj;alsdkfj
>Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles has quit
>> No. 53531
You forgot

><jesuitS> Why aren't you answering my PMS?
><jesuitS> I was going to lend you $200, twice!
><jesuitS> Why haven't you responded to my PMS?!
><jesuitS> PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO ME Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles
>> No. 53532
Yeah pretty much the drugs, from what I understand he's been self medicating hormones for a while, possibly taking too high a dose and now from what we can tell he has just suddenly stopped taking them which could have lead to a rebound in testosterone levels which then led to him being BALD.
>> No. 53533
His MO in IRC is pretty much the same as here, really.
Pleas for sympathy & money, whining about his pitiful problems, pathetic snipes at Jordan/introman, oddly one-sided bargaining, and blaming everybody but himself. All punctuated with healthy doses of empty threats.

He's basically a chatbot that runs on drugs, rape, and self-entitlement.
>> No. 53534
File 13510541302.png - (759.33KB , 478x658 , robbay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
So is this Robbay's new persona?
>> No. 53535
File 135105670127.png - (247.21KB , 771x882 , rob by candy.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I get why this is irritating, but it's a win-win for us. If he responds, we get more cocks. If he doesn't, it's just another one of us overloading him until he tells us the latest way he's deteriorating from the prodding.

Robb seems to focus on those of us with identities, so I try to be consistent. Judging from the email he sent, he reads what I write but doesn't want to reply.
>> No. 53536
Banner request
>> No. 53537
f oonly the Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles cocks was highlighted.
Still, fucking hilarious.
>> No. 53538
Some more Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles moments from the recent chats:

> people want me committed. your waifu tried to get me arrested and i had to hide out for 8 fucking hours

> fine but like i said, the only reason i hate you is because they will humor you. i have legit GID too but im a gender queer


> women loath me in particular and always have
but they always wanted me to be hurt, any attempts to reach out especially with women
> they allways lifted their leg and peed in my face

> no. ever since high school, men and women alike have hated me
> women to this day view me as a monster even if i feel like i am one

> no i mean sexual tension
> thats what i get endlessly

> i was normal once but that doesnt matter
> because you people think you know whats right for me

> i'm simply monitoring this chat for libel

> and saying, if "IF I GET AIDS ITS YOUR FAULT Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles"
> what has introman been saying

> you are simply pushing your minority label on me

> Omegas like derp imma tranny, chris chan is stupid
> you only call him a tranny because hes on your side
> i mean a woman

> also sean, are you hosting the fucking transgender board?
> they are suspiciously trollish
> you would be hiding transgenders
> and illegally providing their meetings online

> you dont like how i say talk to me in real life

> you call the cops on me seanie, you minority label pushing bastard
> you're worse than ADF and Jordman in LGBT
> i bet you're a tranny personally too
> a hypocritical gay man who says he gets HIV and says ITS MY FAULT

> i'm not high shit faces
> and i dont do meth, i only freebase
(You freebase meth?)

> sean thinks he can take me to cort
> i would only jump because of the cops SO DONT FUCKING CALL THEM

> why is anyone calling the cops, i only fight fucking trolls
> dont call the fucking cops sean
> because i wont fight them

> i took a shit in my chair becauuse i was being tormented
> holy shit just back the fuck off

> please im just a troll
> just dont fucking call them
> im not, JUUUUUULAY
> seriously, i'll tell them

> you know what im cleaning it up
> seriously it was a joke
> im cleaning up my shit, i just have momentary insanity

> you fucking mother jesus fucking christ i FUCKING HATE YOU

> you have no buisness in this you fucking kindergarteners
> i have cleaned up my fucking mess
> now just leave me alone, appartment conditions are better now

> I think being a virgin is a lot better than that, actually.
> im ten times more convincing than omega
> ack than, i was actually cosplaying as a real woman
> if you're gay i can be a man
> im fucking multi purpose
>> No. 53539
I still can't believe this really happened. Him sitting naked in front of the computer, shitting himself and tossing it about.

The plan has progressed so fast. Soon he will be living in that dumpster to avoid the cops full time.
>> No. 53540
And then:
>> No. 53541
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i've considered doing the apology video as an original character: the ropeman
> <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> just listen, fuck off everyone who's not going to apologize to me
> <+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> because i need some apologies before i go and make this video

We aer terribly sorry we made you smoke bath salts, and throw your own feces.

Now please provide that video
>> No. 53542
File 135106600488.png - (622.81KB , 478x658 , robbayandpenelopay.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 53543
File 135106956132.png - (1.63MB , 1366x768 , sad face.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>read about a drug addicted, cross-dressing, possible rapist
>go to bed
>wake up
>eat breakfast while reading updates

This is my life now.
>> No. 53544
><+Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i've considered doing the apology video as an original character: the ropeman
Video related: Robert Way-...heh, I'm sorry, Christian making a video as his own Original Character.
>> No. 53545
C'mere to me now, why don't you knackers just leave her alone? She's a fine looking beor and I think she has been scuttered enough by the pack of you.
>> No. 53546
HI Robbbay
Are you still taking your video?
>> No. 53547
I wanna know when the last time Robbie's played Jedi Academy was.

He seems to take a lot of pride in that Wraith shit after all
>> No. 53548
File 135108023770.jpg - (512.16KB , 764x1080 , Succubus.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think it's a trap!
The wraithlord is a succubus!
Protect your dick and soul!
>> No. 53549

If he's reading what you're saying and not replying then obviously what you're doing is useless because he responds to just about fucking anything, so could you stop being such a try hard homosexual deviant please?
>> No. 53550
Does the retarded girl even know she was raped? Should we tell her? It seems wrong to think she might live out the rest of her life not knowing what that monster really did to her.
>> No. 53551
I think we'll need to find out the psych ward first, they really need to be aware of Robs tendencies towards the opposite sex.
>> No. 53552
She's eating a fine breakfast of his own feces and washing it down with urine, thanks to yous guys. Can't you see the damage you've done?
>> No. 53553
File 13510885385.png - (591.77KB , 854x509 , rika in his bedroom.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>he responds to just about fucking anything

Nope, he reacts to Penelope mentions while announcing his demands, but he doesn't really respond to questions.

Are you anonymously trying to divert attention again, Ri­ka?
>> No. 53554
File 135109331595.jpg - (36.08KB , 468x285 , 5895084-Morimoto_Tempura_Philadelphia.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Jokes on him. Me and Penelope have been texting about his creepy ass ALL weekend.

Now who do you think is taking her to Morimoto Friday night, and who do you think will be in his apartment playing Nick Bate and hiding from the ding dang dirty trolls? I'll give you a hint: the name of the second one starts with Rob and ends with aaaaayyyyyy.

Picture related: The Tempura of Victory!
>> No. 53555
Yeah anon must not be paying attention to who robb responds to. I've been postan anonymously since the cease and desists threads and I can count the number of times robb's replied to me on one hand. Name and tripfags are essential in threads for once.
>> No. 53556
File 135109496599.jpg - (4.34KB , 232x126 , imagesCANDP6MY.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
oh robbay. You and your traumatic internet experiences
>> No. 53557
File 135109516583.jpg - (10.21KB , 259x194 , images.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Part of a balanced breakfast.
>> No. 53558

>Are you anonymously trying to divert attention again, Ri­ka?

Nope, he still hasn't responded to you sorry, keep hoping though, you'll get to be a real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles troll some day, I'm sure.


I'm not talking about threads, I'm talking about the irc logs that are getting increasingly more painful to read through because of epic weeners who just have to get involved so they can get to call Robb a man too and just generally get in the way of the people who are actually trolling him. If you have to flail your arms around two dozen times to get his attention and it still doesn't work then just stop and leave it to the people who can.
>> No. 53559

Been trying to get robbie to respond to other people but he has a hard on for me. Sorry anon, I wish he would respond more to the anons. I guess it's because I have a history with robbie and the fact that he thinks of me as some evil mastermind.
>> No. 53560
File deadheads.txt - (29.92KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Intro! You just missed the Master of Disguise.
>> No. 53561
File 135109760595.gif - (79.65KB , 384x288 , patriot.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
You are a credit to this board.
>> No. 53562
File 135109869522.png - (188.72KB , 250x349 , disguised rika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Nope, he still hasn't responded to you sorry, keep hoping though, you'll get to be a real Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles troll some day, I'm sure.

You're right, I guess I should stop because I'm not getting results.

On that note, http://pastebin.com/yAr0L3cb
>> No. 53563

Also why is rsduke in the irc 24/7
>> No. 53564
why am I in IRC 24/7?
>> No. 53565
File 135110004443.png - (98.98KB , 294x217 , charlie-sheen-winning.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
you are the best. thank you


mannnnn I just missed you :'(

Have you seen penelope today? I hope she's not too nervous about her first date with a black man!
>> No. 53566
File OCT24again.txt - (6.04KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
He's really becoming a sick joke at this point.
>> No. 53567
Hey someone has to help us make our '^' quota
>> No. 53568
IRC is a gulag, you can't escape
>> No. 53569
How's that Gentoo installation treating you?
>> No. 53570
File 135110125722.jpg - (74.20KB , 654x900 , nazi with a cub.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>where the hell is he anyways? i dont want to talk to maggot spergs
Kept him busy. Sorry about that, Robb.

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> trolls would never serve this country, there all fucking neo nazi
Implying you have served your country. You probably didn't even go to the army.

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>i only came to troll JORDMAN, theres a difference
><RSDuke> No
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>i only made threads on HIM
If I had to explain Robbay to someone new to lolcows, I would post this. Robert just doesn't get it. And never will.

No, Robert, it isn't different. You wanted a fellow tranny get trolled, who you perceive to be worse than you and thus justify your trollshielding attempts, although there is no proof of him pissing or shitting himself or having 25 archived threads, but instead you got trolled.

Sure is.

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>its just like fucking chris chan, YOU SEE YOURSELF IN HIM
And just after that:
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> and that why i gave you fucking Jordman, HES EXACTLY LIKE CHRIS
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> BOTH OF THEM PISS ME OFF
So you basically admit you're an A-Log who sees himself in Chris and hates him because of that? Hi.

>chris is evil he purely wants to consume everything
Yeah, sits on his ass all day and plays with PStriple. Truly he is worse than ten turbo-Hitlers. At least he doesn't do bath salts or sleep two hours/night because of that dang dirty ED.

><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>Jordman is schizophrenic, depraved, sexual frusturated, mentally insane, fat, unimaginative, vindictive, hideious and self enabled.
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles>hes self centered and only changes things for his own needs
><Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> he climbs the ladder in transway WRAITH just so he can have more fucking power
So excluding being fatter than you, how exactly is he different from you?

<Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles> i'm not fucking deranged
>admit to being insane, pissing yourself, having nightmares about ED and throwing shit around your room
>not deranged
Or is that just your impression of a normal reaction to trolling?

Robb, I advice you to buy a genuine hugbox. In the long run, it'll be cheaper than "ganga".
>> No. 53571

Yeah, that's some epic trolling you did there jesuits, well done bro.
>> No. 53572
Still mad, Anon?
>> No. 53573
So, we know Robb plays World Of Warcraft and has an affinity for the Horde, what character do you think he plays?
>> No. 53574
I will bet you $100 right now that Robb plays a Blood Elf Death Knight.

He is the EXACT type of person that type of character appeals to.
>> No. 53575
File 135110493697.jpg - (52.78KB , 500x500 , WRAITH professional raid UI.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Is WoW enough mainstream so that I don't have to feel spastic for actually understanding what you're saying?
>> No. 53576
File 135110514035.jpg - (82.64KB , 600x400 , rika.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Looking good rob
>> No. 53577
Homor i take it you play it? Reckon you can find the goblin king and engage him?
>> No. 53578
A heroic quest to vanquish the Goblin King? Do it, noble Homor, be our Lohengrin!
>> No. 53579
>> No. 53580
I think i may have found Robb.


>Level 80
>Blood Elf
>Death Knight

Of course, there are 175 characters named "Wraithlord" so there's a good chance it's just a really generic name.
>> No. 53581

His names were scarfang and starkiller. I see that releasing Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles's genjutsu(delusions for non naruto fans) has made him gone even crazier. I will be in IRC at 5 pm eastern time today.
>> No. 53582
Do you know Scarfang/Starkiller's specific class, race or server?
>> No. 53583
File 135110690293.jpg - (53.92KB , 740x550 , Jarneth.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Found Homor's main.

Jarneth Level 20 Undead Rogue.

Fuckin' sperg.
>> No. 53584

Homor is a brilliant man with lots of well thought-out, practical, ideas. Gary Gears will insure his financial security for years to come.

Oh yes, and his personal hygiene is above reproach.
>> No. 53585


>> No. 53586
>Druid Troll

I'd rather stick my dick in the keyhole of a door that leads to a crocodile fuckery.
>> No. 53587
Cocksmas continues!

>> No. 53588
Thanks for highlighting his comments. You rock.
>> No. 53589

Could this be Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles? The other two Scarfangs are not active enough to be him I dont think
>> No. 53590
Jareth Undead Rogue, Druid Troll, Scarfang, Starkiller?
What language are you talking?
>> No. 53591
Sorry: what language are speaking?
>> No. 53592
Disregard that. Im a moron


>> No. 53594
  Oh christ, i am so sick of talking about WoW.

This is too much sperging, even for me.
>> No. 53595
Intro, did Rob try to slit his wrist or something?
>> No. 53596
Yeah tell us about the razor incident.
>> No. 53597
File 135111256237.png - (233.20KB , 375x523 , Beast%20Within%20by%20rika.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Flavor text is from earlier!
>> No. 53598
He tried to, but nearly cut his finger off, is what I think happened.
>> No. 53599
If Homor needs help on the G.E.D. he should read infinity in your pocket along with some classic literature and a couple online essays so he knows the standard essay format. Basic shit really. Maybe half an hour of reading.
>> No. 53600
>implying homor isn't too busy watching naruto
>> No. 53601
>> No. 53602
I never liked Naruto.
>> No. 53603
You just can't appreciate the deep themes.
>> No. 53604
File krokodil_tears.txt - (24.57KB , krokodil tears.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles had a chat with the dark triad.
>> No. 53605
File 135111786322.jpg - (18.54KB , 320x240 , barney.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>17:28 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles a baby will never drink from your mamory glands zyklon, for only SHEER POISON flows through your veins
>thinks babies drink blood
Robb sure knows female anatomy.
>> No. 53606

>Mr. Robert Wayne Stileswhy do you think i worked so hard. i wanted to have my own organization of trolls JUST LIKE YOU DO NOW
>17:21Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesbut unlike us we would be vigilante justice when something we didnt like came our way
>> No. 53607
File 135111852738.jpg - (101.77KB , 600x248 , psych.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>17:48Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesi know of thousands of psychological tactics
>17:49Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesi've literally seen all kinds of mental warfare

rob the psychonaut

>18:03Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesyou seem angry and demanding, like i've trolled you
>18:03intromanyou're lazy
>18:03Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesno I trolled you
>18:04Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesyour getting angry and demanding cocks left and right
>18:04ZyklonI recall it was you begging for us to accept something from you to make the trolling stop
>18:04Mr. Robert Wayne Stileswe KNOW you wanted the a-log thing
>18:04Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesso we didnt do it LOL
>18:04Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesno I have the upper hand now
>18:04Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesintroman is demanding mother fucking cocks
>18:07Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesok thanksgiving. remember now i've trolled you

psychological tactic #1001

>17:56Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesnope. thanksgiving. Macys day parade
>17:57Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesi'll even appear on tv
>17:57Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesthat was one event where i'll go out with a bang
>17:58Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesi will wave a big fucking sign directed at introman
>17:58Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesand expose him to everyone
>18:00Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesthats my promise. im going to release everything while the whole world is watching
>18:00Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesits a large televised event in america, how can you NOT fucking see this

little-known fact: everyone who attends a parade gets 3 minutes of airtime to vent their grievances at their enemies

also re: "go out with a bang"--do we need to get homeland security involved now?
>> No. 53608
Im having a hard time following robs retard logic. How did he troll intro?
>> No. 53609
File 135111918014.jpg - (19.07KB , 400x400 , Bobby Zilch.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Robb is a Psychonaut

I always wondered what would happen to Bobby Zilch when he grew up. Now we know.
>> No. 53610
His definition of "trolling" seems to be similar to Chris's: Say you're going to do something, then not do it.
>> No. 53611
Audio Arsoncelebration.mp3 - (95.86KB - 98 kbps - 48 kHz ) Length: 0:08 Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>17:24 Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles he turned me from a conflicted vigilante to a firestarter
>> No. 53612
File 13511216708.jpg - (227.88KB , 819x1050 , SchuComic10P93.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>17:35intromanAm I your arch nemesis?
>17:36Mr. Robert Wayne Stilesif i had a gun i'd shoot you in the crotch followed by all your body parts

The first thing that comes to mind.
>> No. 53613

He seems to think that by being exasperatingly stupid over the apology video he somehow trolled Introman. Either that or he thinks by waving a sign around and complaining about people on the internet are mean to him is somehow trolling. Meth: Not even once!
>> No. 53614

Because Intro wants a video making in the next two days, but Robb refuses to make it until thanksgiving. TROLLED.
>> No. 53615
Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles, you won't gain an inch of ground so long as you're still visiting this website. If you don't want things to get worse, stop posting and don't make any vidyas.
>> No. 53616
File robbsstillmad.txt - (28.28KB ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Robb, being the genius that he is, still thinks that "DDOS" means "banging on the keyboard like a retarded spider monkey".
>> No. 53617
Robb starts a conversation and he can't even finish it. He's talking a lot, but he's not saying anything.

Me personally? When i have nothing to say, my lips are sealed. Say something once, why say it again?
>> No. 53618
i c what u did there
>> No. 53619
Rob is adorable. He wanted to run a troll army and he doesn't even know what trolling is.
>> No. 53620
So Mr. Robert Wayne Stiles was in special ed. It's all coming together now.
>> No. 53621
To be fair a lot of us were in special ed. I started in the L.D. program because of my dyslexia, which later turned out to actually be dyscalculia.The fact I scored high on my annual I.Q. tests and all the standardized tests but was always late to class, due to getting lost in the numbered halls and not being able to tell my right from my left, they placed in me in the B.D. program and claimed I just had an attitude problem. That's where they keep kids like Robert here who like to punch girls, and psychopaths who attack people random. There was a fucking condom room.
Point is we shouldn't judge him by that lable, but rather by his actions as of late.
No kid in the B.D. program flung poo.
>> No. 53622
Technically Milk can pass blood born poisons and pathogens. Female assassins in ancient Greece would slowly build up a tolerance for poison and then use their bodily fluids including milk to kill their pray in bed. Male ones would do so with semen. Yeah, I wish I was making that up. Kinky fuckers those Greeks were.
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