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File 132828793773.jpg - (79.49KB , 1190x251 , dakari king return.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
39615 No. 39615
There was some slight interest in this last time, so here goes nothing...

Basically the update is that Mykan has finished his pony fic, and got into some kind of gigantic argument with the cheese conies of ponychan. I used google and found a 2000+ reply thread of cheese conies "trolling" (to use the term very loosely) Mykan by writing characters/stories that were "better than his" and making fun of his spasm, etc. The thread is a goldmine for Mykan quotes (just ctrl-f the names he uses, his posts are the only ones worth reading) so here's the link:


It takes a while to get through but generally worth the read. I asked why Mykan doesn't make youtube videos showing his "amazing voice acting skills", and got a cryptic answer about the FBI or something. I'm still determined to get him to make videos, though. I gave him a nice review of ff (pic related) and was planning to indulge him and basically agree with what he says to earn his trust, then gradually nudge him towards the "desired behavior".

So yeah, if anyone has any ideas for this guy he's very responsive both on ff and in the pony thread. (he's literally on ff right now and took all of 15 seconds to reply to me.)
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>> No. 39616
File 132829577054.jpg - (222.46KB , 1410x701 , dakari king return 2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mykan has suffered at least as much as a rape victim.
>> No. 39617
File 132829588179.png - (26.18KB , 533x173 , mykan return 2.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39618
long copypasta:

To those who are still curious about my "My Little Unicorn Magic is Believing" fic, here is the explinations you seek...

First of all, I don't write fanfics for fun and games (That's the least bit) I write them because I'm angry and frustrated, and in pain.

Example: this clip of mine will show you what I mean


Not just Teen Titans (Which affects me the worst above all of them) But Digimon... 6teen... Inuyasha... Zelda... The Orphen Video game... and many many others.

I'm not crazy, or homicidal, and I'll NEVER do anything really stupid. I'm ust very upset and feel helpless. Besides, what else would I do anyway... since I find moving on from it to be impossible?

Many things on TV, in games, even in everyday life can start to remind me of all that/ The reason I will not watch FIM is because it reminds me of the many bad cartoon endings I’ve seen (Teen Titans, 6teen, Digimon… and many more) and how the frustration is so unbearable that it keeps me awake at night with so many thoughts and torment of how all is ruined, and that I need to make more fics to empty my head so I can sleep better.

Plus, I don’t believe Friendship is the real magic at all. (Since I and most people who even watch the show) are friendless, and can’t make friends. I fell the real magic comes from within, even if you have no friends you can still believe (Despite how Lightning is)

So I can’t really watch FIM at all… it’s too dangerous and I won't take the risk of being hurt again. (I tried to watch just one episode and felt sadened and frustrated for three whole days!) I just can't watch it. I can't be part of their world... and I CANNOT believe that Friendship is Magic... THAT IS A LIE!!!

However, since flamers and spammers who are SO CALLED "cheese conies" continue to mock at me and say I can't make an MLP fic at all. I decided to prove them wrong! However, since I can't watch FIM, and I don't really wnat to get all that much into it... my only option is to try and BREAK OFF from it.

So I created Magic Is Believing...

An alternate universe with creatures, plottings and rules of my own. This way I don't HAVE to watch FIM, and the plotings and rules can't be OOC... becuase they're all pretty much fresh.

My goal is to use newer and different ideals that FIM doens't have.

For Starters...

I made them Anthropomorphics so they can do things I've seen that inspired me to make them that way. Dance... jump... fight more effectively...

I added Faries to be more original, and add other mysteries to the adventure (Plus, Twilight had a Dragon... so Lightning will have a fairy_

The Unicornicopians are ALL winged unicorns so this way they all can have some of the same characteristics. (Best of all... everyone can fly)

The Grand Ruler... is an Alicorn that has three unicorn horns and golden pegasus wings. Now that IS different... and original.

I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.

Finally, unlike the Equestrians... the Unicorns magics and purposes are different. The Unicorns are basicaly a warrior-race, their soul purpose is to FIGHT to DEFEND. Protecting the dimesnions... as well as Equestria and their own from as much evil as they can. This is why they usually wear torso armor, pants/skirts, and boots. Their powers and magic are mostly used for battle and combat, while others are used for other purposes...


And various others depending on that one's mastery of power (The Grand Ruler, having lived for a long time has mastered all sorts of magic, but even he has his share of flaws)

The unicorns usually go about their daily lives lviving normally and not relying on their magic powers, becuase they are so deadly, and might make things worse.

Then there's the uniforce, which I deem either just as strong, or stronger than the Elements of Harmony (Since I don't wnat to use the Elements either"

The uniforce is the ultimate power of a rare golden horn. By using the Uniforce, a Unicorn can increase its magic cappabilites to infinity, but the uniforce also focusses all the energy of the unicorn into one concentrated burst. Afterwhich, depending on the inner strength of the unicorn, it could be left weak and draine dof much power and energy. The uniforce is very powerful, and must be used wisely. Do not underestiate its full cappabilties.

Sorry I got carried away.

All that up there is just for my own world. I'm making the fic becuase I was mocked, dared, and don't seem to have any other choice. I must continue. I just can't trust FIM at all... and I don't know if ever should, but I must continue.

I repeat, I am not crazy, homicidal, murderous, or anything of any nature of that sort to anyone. I'm just very frustrated and just trying to ease up. Is that so wrong...?
>> No. 39619
File 132829631328.jpg - (68.79KB , 910x381 , dakari king return 3.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39620

I'd still rather read his fic than watch MLP though.
>> No. 39621
Also the ponyfags rage in that thread are funnier than this guy's crazy. He's trolling them just by being mentally ill. Rock on I say.
>> No. 39622
>First of all, I don't write fanfics for fun and games (That's the least bit) I write them because I'm angry and frustrated, and in pain.

Do you think Fan-Fiction is A MOTHERFUCKING GAME?
>> No. 39623
File 132830260014.jpg - (170.99KB , 1167x609 , dakari king return 4.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Remember, it's better to let your feelings out through fanfiction than to let the anger damage your immune system.
>> No. 39624
File 132830275438.jpg - (173.38KB , 1408x639 , male tara strong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
He's gonna be the male tara strong you guys.
>> No. 39625
Post 17283 has pony porn/clopfic about Mykan. It's actually kind of funny but I'm hesitant to post it because, you know, pony porn. Just ctrl-f it.
>> No. 39626
File 13283033049.jpg - (80.50KB , 1188x1141 , back to work.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh boy, back to work.

Let me know if there's anything I can write to troll him, like putting a donkey in Unicornia and make him king.
>> No. 39627
>>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.

>> No. 39628
Fuck me, I'm retarded today.
>> No. 39629
Right now I'm searching all over to try to find a video of him singing. "Beast Boy's Magic Voices" seems to just be songs by random artists.

The fics were fun but I'm not sure the best way to troll him is to get him mad, because everything gets him mad. Based on my interactions with him I'd say he's not excessively paranoid, so maybe just pretend to be a fan and convince him to "shut up the trolls" by showing us his amazing singing and voice acting talents.
>> No. 39630

nevermind, found him.


Much better than I expected, since I'm used to Chris. Then again, in the description he mentions computer editing so maybe that involved re-pitching.
>> No. 39631
File 132830415966.jpg - (171.46KB , 956x1386 , tricorns-and-sodomy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39632
I still think cheese conies' reactions are funnier than he is. They were genuinely angry at some mentally ill person personing on about their cartoon and offended at his intended plots for the story. Haha oh wow etc.

OP is an offended coney.
>> No. 39633

>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.

My God, that's a lot of spasm.
>> No. 39634
can't mykan and the cheese conies both be funny?
>> No. 39635
File 132831084498.gif - (226.83KB , 288x379 , Hitlerparty.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.
>serial numbers
that's what Hitler did to the jews.
>> No. 39636
>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.

But that's like changing their fingerprints for, well serial numbers which nobody will bother to learn or even read.
>> No. 39637
>I am not crazy, homicidal, murderous, or anything of any nature of that sort to anyone.
The Grand Ruler... is an Alicorn that has three unicorn horns and golden pegasus wings. Now that IS different... and original.
>(The Grand Ruler, having lived for a long time has mastered all sorts of magic, but even he has his share of flaws)
>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers. I find it adds a neat twist and helps it so you cna't confuse two unicorns of the same color.

Hahaha, oh wow. This nigger right here
>> No. 39638
tl;dr all brσnies are spёrgs that can go clop in hell.
>> No. 39639
At least they're not furries, eh?
>> No. 39640
File 13283134243.gif - (1.57MB , 193x135 , 132324414127.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Tell me you've seen this, /cwc/.


Don't know how to embed, skipped that special ED class.
>> No. 39641
At some point in the thread he says something like "neither I nor most of the people who watch FiM have friends, so saying 'friendship is magic' is pointless..."

Predictably, rage ensued.
>> No. 39642

Do you see the little "Help" link right by the embed box? That shows you how to do it, strangely enough.
>> No. 39643

You have a good point. He does remind me of Chris with his insane ramblings. Especially when he capitalises things.

I became slightly troll shieldy out of subconscious pity for him I think. I keep feeling sorry for lolcows lately. What the fuck is wrong with me? Ignore my homosexual deviantry, continue the thread.


You're being sarcastic right? lol
>> No. 39644
File 132831557038.jpg - (27.86KB , 300x300 , egm.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This guy is a genius.

Broonies are a subset of furries. Furries and Sonicfags have jumped on the MLP bandwagon so that they could become cool on the internets once again. Naturally, the original 4chan broonies are going apeshit because, now, they can't brag about being a ''normal manly dude who happens to like a girl's show'' without being associated with creepy fat virgin shut-ins who live in a fantasy world of bright colors and one-dimensional fapfics.
>> No. 39645
File 132831618658.png - (145.55KB , 336x360 , set.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>where the somethingcorns live peacefully
Weren't they warriors?
Also note how he tells the whole story at what is suppossed to be the intro.
>> No. 39646

Got to be a troll. No way someone is upset about some shitty cartoon that's six years gone.
>> No. 39647

Mykan has written 125 terrible fics and counting.

He is no troll.
>> No. 39648
These guy has to be some kind of amazing troll.

>Neither I nor most of the people who watch FiM have friends, so saying 'friendship is magic' is pointless...

>First of all, I don't write fanfics for fun and games (That's the least bit) I write them because I'm angry and frustrated, and in pain.

>If you had a choice, would you choose to be raped and beaten or go through what I've been through, which is arguably worst.

>So I can’t really watch FIM at all… it’s too dangerous and I won't take the risk of being hurt again. (I tried to watch just one episode and felt sadened and frustrated for three whole days!)

There's absolutely no way somebody can genuinely think like this. This has to be the greatest troll ever conceived by the hand of man.
>> No. 39649
This Mykan guy reminds me a bit of Ulillillia.
>> No. 39650
>Secret of Mana music

Damnit, stop liking what I like horsefuckers.

>> No. 39651
Is Mykan the same guy who called himself "King of Dakaris" or something like that, or am I mixing cows?
>> No. 39652
Same guy. Has a white costume with a burger king crown. People always comment on his dick in that picture for some reason. Was in that one video at the Canadian anime con where he read his story to some unimpressed interview and stated his crown couldn't be removed, prompting the interviewer to remove it.
>> No. 39653
>[he] stated his crown couldn't be removed, prompting the interviewer to remove it.

I wonder how he covered for that?

>"My crown cannot be removed!"
>"Except by repressed homosexuals!"
>> No. 39654
At 1:15. His explanation is "Well, in this world it does..."
>> No. 39655
  Follow up interview three years later.
>> No. 39656

Doesn't he have a thread here?
>> No. 39657

Yeah but it's buried deep, probably on page 10+.
>> No. 39658

>> No. 39659
File 132835705022.jpg - (141.77KB , 887x665 , 16 rape threat.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Not sure if you guys have spotted this yet but it's one of my favorite Mykan posts.
>> No. 39660
after reading this thread, I think Mykan might be vulnerable to some kind of "sweetheart" troll. What would his dream girl be like?
>> No. 39661
File 13285055134.png - (188.17KB , 536x303 , Terra.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
For anyone who can't decipher what tardo is saying through his babbling, he's upset over the last episode of Teen Titans.

A few episodes in the second season, that was this earthbender bitch named Terra, she went up to Beast Boy and was all like "Hello, i have a vagina and can do shit with rocks!" and Beast Boy got a boner for her but then she had to leave because she was a fucking retard and couldn't control her powers or some shit.

Then in another episode, she came back and was all like "hey guys! i'm back and i'm totally not evil or anything!" and everyone but Goth Bitch believed her. Goth bitch was pissed at her for the entire episode but by the end goth bitch was all like "okay, you're totally trustworthy and shit, welcome to Grove Street Families motherfucka." and Terra was all like "OH SHIT THEY TRUST ME THIS IS SO GREAT!"

BUT SUDDENLY, it turns out Rock Bitch WAS a traitor after all. She was in cahoots with the bad guy, Slade, and his minions were attacking the Titans Tower while rock bitch took Beast Boy away on a date or some shit.

Then rock bitch was all like "Beast Boy, i totally betrayed you and shit, do you hate me?" and Beast Boy was all like "uh, YES." and he broke up her and saved his friends and she cried like a little bitch like "BAWWWW MY BOYFRIEND DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE JUST 'CAUSE I TEAMED UP WITH HIS WORST ENEMY AND TRIED TO KILL ALL HIS FRIEND!!!" and she became a full-on villain.

Then, in YET ANOTHER episode, Terra came back and beat the shit out of the whole team because she was pissed at them for a situation that was completely and utterly her fault, and they faked it out like she killed all of them. Then it turned out they were all alive, they beat the shit out of her, and she changed her mind about being evil and sacrificed her life to kill Slade. Which was a pretty decent end to a rather stupid plot arc.

BUT THEN, in the last episode, out of nowhere, for no explained reason, it turned out Terra was alive and going to some shitty prep school or something. Beast Boy was all like "Oh shit! Terra, you're alive!" and Terra was all like "What? Oh no, i'm not Terra. I'm Mrs. Snrub, i'm from some place far away." and Beast Boy spent the entire episode stalking her until Slade showed up and was all like "Beast Boy, you retard, she doesn't want to go back, she wants to lead a different life for some vague, ill-defined reason." and Beast Boy was all like "Okay.jpg" and learned a lesson about letting people go.

Basically, even though the episode was shitty and poorly written, it still had an important message, that sometimes, you have to let people do what makes them happy, you can't let the past control your life, and you have to learn to grow up and accept change.

Why i bring this is because that's the exact opposite of everything Mykan has ever done. Well into adulthood, he's letting endings from Children Shows dominate every aspect of his life and personality, he writes fanfics where he smashes two people together with the force of a freight train despite what their feelings in canon would be, and he's done everything he can in his fanfics to reverse changes made in the shows he watches while keeping himself in a permanent childhood where he lives in a world of make-believe.

Basically, if he had actually bothered to think about the episode he spends so much private-spurg-time crying over, he'd probably have a better life.
>> No. 39662
Accurate depiction of the final episode of Teen Titans.
>> No. 39663
File 132850682826.png - (45.01KB , 858x717 , Untitled3.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow. This guy is spastic as fuck.

Every single post is pure liquid spasm. I don't know what to cap.
>> No. 39664
You know, I used to like that show, and I've contemplated torrenting it to see the whole thing in order instead of random episodes I saw the WB.
I don't think I'm gonna bother now. So, thanks I guess.
>> No. 39665
Oh no, the show's worth watching.

Just avoid the Terra episodes like the Plague.
>> No. 39666
Except I've already seen 3 of them on TV. :/
>> No. 39667
Aw well.

They might not even be as bad as i'm describing, i'm just looking back on them, i haven't seen them in years.
>> No. 39668
>I got rid of the cuite marks (Since I don't understand them) and replaced them with serial numbers.
This is the most spastic sentence I have ever read
>> No. 39669
This guy reminds me of a dude I know in real life, except replace the childish obsession with cartoons with an obsession for Firefly, making shitty models in Blender, Starcraft and World of Warcraft.
>> No. 39670
>Shitty models in World of Warcraft

Are you sure you don't mean Warcraft 3?
>> No. 39671
>>Oh no, the show's worth watching.

Homor confirmed for horrible taste.
>> No. 39672
Meant starcraft and wow separate from the shitty models, sorry.
>> No. 39673
I don't know, I thought she was a decent "foolish child making bad decisions" character. I'm probably letting nostalgia cloud my judgement, though.
>> No. 39674
Like i said, it was really long ago and i have very foggy memories of it.
>> No. 39675
They were trying to make a kid's-friendly version of the Judas Contract plotline from the '80s Teen Titans comics. The original Terra was a bucktoothed fifteen-year-old psychopath who was sleeping with the main villain. The point was to troll X-Men fans who kept crying about Teen Titans "copying" the latter comic, so they made Terra similar to Kitty Pryde and then made her a creepy sociopath. Or something.

I don't know who decided to translate it into a show targeted towards 2-11 year olds, but I guess they could have done worse.
>> No. 39676
File 132853434684.jpg - (193.74KB , 1417x725 , mykan love.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Mykan reveals the true reason he writes fics.
>> No. 39677
File 13285344806.jpg - (179.25KB , 1395x704 , mykan magical elf.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39678
File 132853470126.jpg - (144.74KB , 1364x694 , mykan holocaust.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
the holocaust was boring, you can't expect mykan to remember EVERY event from early 1900s lifestyles...
>> No. 39679
Is he posting on ponychan? Because if so he might be the sanest one there.
>> No. 39680

So let me see if I have this right. He does not want to fall in love because everyone else grew out of thinking that girls have cooties at the age of 7?

And why isn't he eating his food from a bottle? You'd think that solid food is too mainstream for him.
>> No. 39681
  I hope I don't get banned for this but I notice nobody has mentioned the pony animation he made which might be the most spastic thing in all of youtube.
>> No. 39682
I love the smug look that Mykan's ponysona has the whole time.
>> No. 39683
File 132855441858.png - (128.44KB , 1350x843 , 1.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hmm I wonder how this will turn out
>> No. 39684
That was horrible
That was dogshit
>> No. 39685
Can someone cap all of the good parts of the thread?

It's over 3000 posts now. It's practically a small novel on it's own.
>> No. 39686
This thread actually made me see just how deranged this guy is. Kudos to OP, this is great stuff.
>> No. 39687
CTRL+F "The REAL Dakari King Mykan"

Literally everything he posts is pure liquid spasm.
>> No. 39688
Ok, clearly he is making up this whole "no love" thing to be tough, so I went ahead and made the bare bones for a sweetheart:


Of course, as it is this is an obvious troll account (new, not much stuff) so I was wondering what needs to be added before it's time to start a dialogue with Mykan. I'm thinking she should like some of the same shows he does (but not *exactly* the same ones) and have sort of a "nice/nerdy" feel. If we do this right, /cwc/ can troll someone for the first time ever, thus breaking the ancient curse.
>> No. 39689
I would make her older, like 19. I would also favorite several videos so it seem like you were signing up to comment on videos and talk to people.
>> No. 39690
Where is this kids parents? Jesus Christ!
>> No. 39691

Done. I'm trying to find some videos that might be related to Mykan's so it'll make sense how I found him. Closing in on first contact...
>> No. 39692
ok, I"m ready to make first contact and I commented on a couple of mykan's videos. Not sure if he'll actually respond, though... what's the best way to get his attention without raising his suspicion?
>> No. 39693
Play on what he likes. He wants Beast boy to be with Terra from the show. You should probably watch a few episodes of Beastboy, Teen Titans, and other shows he likes, especially the ending of Beastboy. Apparently, he hates the ending of Beastboy because Terra didn't end up with him.

You could leave message on his Youtube channel, how you were crushed when Terra turned down Beastboy.
>> No. 39694
Nah, they were bad. The drama was horribly overdone. But then, maybe I'm expecting too much rationality of character from a cartoon about kids with super powers.
>> No. 39695
Mykan spurging to seldom seen heights, br0nies writhing in rage and confusion...

This is my favorite thread in a long while.
>> No. 39696
File 132861466723.jpg - (58.77KB , 770x277 , mykan kaylee 1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
First contact has been achieved. I guess we'll see where this goes.
>> No. 39697
So apparently a while back Mykan wrote a story called "Project After" about some people who made fun of him. In the story, they are villains who get beaten up and sent to jail by the Teen Titans. Link:


Apparently the people mentioned took notice and asked him what his deal was in the reviews, but I'm still not sure what the full story was. I found this out because Mykan thinks project after is the reason his videos get so many dislikes, or something.
>> No. 39698

ok, so apparently project after is a real thing:


It's a really small wiki (13 pages) that seems to be about making fun of people, and the characters in Mykan's stories were most likely based off admins/mods there.
>> No. 39699
mykan is getting pretty chatty, sent me 3 yt messages in the last ~5 minutes.

Right now he's just complaining about how the trolls are mean to him (he linked me to that huge fimchan thread) and I think he's opening up more as I express more sympathy. I imagine it'll be a while before he starts getting more suggestible (due to the NO LOVE NO FRIENDSHIP thing) but I'm sure he'll soften up eventually.
>> No. 39700
File 132865941486.jpg - (30.34KB , 765x114 , mykans massive word count.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I think I'm stroking his ego pretty effectively. I told him it was impressive how many fics he's written and he responds by giving me the total word count... I'd say this is going pretty smoothly.
>> No. 39701
oh man, I think he wants me to defend him against the cheese conies. I'm going in.
>> No. 39702
File 13286605155.jpg - (27.84KB , 758x172 , mykan pops the question.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lollll here we go
>> No. 39703
File 132866094285.jpg - (174.26KB , 1415x655 , mykan defense squad.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
ok, which one of you guys was this?
>> No. 39704
I think it should be obvious based on the previous post
>> No. 39705
Does he just spend all day on there replying to people?

Every time I have clicked on that thread he is posting.
>> No. 39706

no matter what time of day I've contacted him, he always replies really quickly. I think he checks his youtube/email/ff/fimchan messages every five minutes or so.
>> No. 39707
ugh... at some point this morning Mykan got up and started arguing with the trolls again, and now the thread is like 300 posts longer than the last time I saw it. Also is one of you "johnny"?
>> No. 39708

lol nevermind, mykan just told me he's johnny. Still, it's good that he's confiding in me.
>> No. 39709
oh god help me out, do any of you know who "count logan" is? (Apparently one of mykans characters)
>> No. 39710
File 132872612757.jpg - (37.30KB , 763x160 , Maniak is a tough guy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Lol this Maniak guy is so mad.
>> No. 39711
and... apparently he's an orphan. I'm not really sure what to make of that.
>> No. 39712
It really says something that the cheese conies tell me I'm making "valid points" when I'm trying to say intentionally retarded things. It's like an inversion of that "what trolls want you to believe" comic.
>> No. 39713
Minor update: some coney wrote/is writing a shitty revenge fic about killing mykan. These guys are exactly like those people who wish physical harm on chris.
>> No. 39714

forgot link:
>> No. 39715
wow this is taking longer than I thought. Any tips for gradually seducing Mykan? I assumed he'd be all "omg a girl!" and be all over me but he just keeps going on and on about his fanfiction ideas no matter what I say.
>> No. 39716

Chris did the same thing at times, so maybe it is common among people with spasm. Approach the relationship like he would and pretend to be very interested in his projects. Heap on compliments. You should also make an original character to ship with the one that represents him. That's the only way those types understand romantic intent. You should also express juvenile romantic love, because he watches kids cartoons you have to be on the same level. If you tried to hard to be sexy, it would likely turn him off or make him afraid of the potent sexuality.
>> No. 39717
Now he's ranting about how the ponies should just write with their hooves, it's sort of like Chris where if you didn't have some background on him you'd swear he was just trolling.
>> No. 39718
Okay, so Mykan is writing revenge fics about the cheese conies who made fun of him (Maniak, DraculaMarth, and I think one or two others) and I was thinking I could "help out" by drawing bad things happening to them, or just do drawings that make fun of them. As an added bonus, I could post the pics on the pony thread, potentially enraging the cheese conies.

...Problem is I can't draw. Any drawfags wiling to help out?
>> No. 39719
File 132889835185.jpg - (273.81KB , 1420x722 , spergin brony.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
The spasm is overwhelming. Between Mykan and these guys, I'd definitely want mykan to win.
>> No. 39720
File 132897640968.jpg - (222.88KB , 1412x733 , mykan raps.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Watch out, he can rap MC hammer style.
>> No. 39721
File 132897666724.jpg - (164.46KB , 1414x681 , Mykan wins the rap battle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39722
By the way, is there some way we can get some coverage of Mykan at anime north this year? (Like if someone here was already planning to go, knows someone who is, etc.) It'd be nice to know he was going to be on camera for an extended length of time.
>> No. 39723
File 132907322871.jpg - (34.52KB , 762x249 , mykan contact options.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've tried hinting that I'm into Mykan but I think it was too subtle because he didn't respond to it and kept talking about those cheese conies he's fighting. It's tricky because I want to be careful what I say so I don't scare him off or make him suspect I'm a troll.

As for pic, it looks like we've got some options here. Email would probably be the easiest, while msn might be better for getting more intimate with mykan. I have an email for kaylee, but I'm always hesitant to use her msn because I only have one picture of her and people usually ask for more. (I've been hesitant to get her a new "look" and get a gallery of some girl who doesn't look like her, but I'll do that for Mykan if necessary.)
>> No. 39724
oh god I'm talking to him and laughing so hard

I'll make a pastebin of the chatlog once he leaves and I have a "complete" conversation.
>> No. 39725
sneak preview:

[14:44:10] Michael says:
... is the fire growing?
[14:44:22] Michael says:
(Are you gonna want more)

[14:44:29] Michael says:
[14:44:36] Michael says:
If this doesn't get you going nothing will
>> No. 39726
Whoa, awesome.
A conversation between two people and I have no idea who either one is!

Thanks for the sneak preview!
>> No. 39727
>get in thread
>don't read thread

Are you mentally challenged or what?
>> No. 39728

Michael = Mykan.
>> No. 39729
oh god you guys

never talk to someone with spasm... he's been talking about cartoons for like 3 hours now
>> No. 39730
[13:59:33] Michael says:
[13:59:38] Kaylee says:
1 2 3
[13:59:41] Michael says:
[13:59:52] Kaylee says:
[13:59:57] Michael says:
Well this certainly is better than swapping hard messages all the time
[14:00:01] Kaylee says:
yes definitely
[14:00:09] Michael says:
As for the NUTJOBS
[14:00:16] Michael says:
Wow... they are really going at you now
[14:00:19] Kaylee says:
haha yeah
[14:00:28] Kaylee says:
even after 3000 posts of rage
[14:00:34] Kaylee says:
the are still addicted to ragehol
[14:00:42] Michael says:
[14:00:44] Michael says:
[14:00:46] Michael says:
[14:00:52] Michael says:
You have no idea... do you
[14:00:56] Kaylee says:
[14:01:02] Michael says:
What year is this?
[14:01:07] Kaylee says:
[14:01:12] Kaylee says:
the end of the world year
[14:01:15] Kaylee says:
(according to some)
[14:01:22] Michael says:
(That's rubbish)
[14:01:26] Michael says:
Give me the number
[14:01:26] Kaylee says:
lol I think so too
[14:01:28] Kaylee says:
[14:01:31] Kaylee says:
[14:01:38] Michael says:
These retards have been going on long since...
[14:01:44] Michael says:
2000 and... 8
[14:01:52] Kaylee says:
oh you mean trolls in general
[14:01:56] Michael says:
maybe even longer
[14:01:56] Kaylee says:
not maniak............... right?
[14:02:00] Michael says:
Him too...
[14:02:20] Michael says:
PRoject After is where he and everyone else comes from
[14:02:31] Kaylee says:
oh wow I didnt know that
[14:02:41] Kaylee says:
he's more obsessed than i thought
[14:02:47] Michael says:
Weird thing...
[14:02:51] Michael says:
if you him that right now...
[14:02:55] Michael says:
He'll tell you he's not
[14:03:05] Michael says:
"You things are SHIT... and deserve to be mocked"
[14:03:28] Kaylee says:
he's built like his entire internet persona around mocking you, it seems
[14:03:44] Kaylee says:
or most of it
[14:03:46] Michael says:
Not just me...
[14:03:55] Michael says:
and not just him...
[14:03:59] Michael says:
Look at this...
[14:04:19] Michael says:
[14:04:47] Kaylee says:
at the bottom it says project after was done with you
[14:04:51] Kaylee says:
(it went straight to the bottom)
[14:05:12] Kaylee says:
also wow 229 pages
[14:06:01] Michael says:
And this
[14:06:04] Michael says:
[14:06:20] Kaylee says:
oh ya I saw that :(
[14:06:41] Michael says:
And recently they stolen my newest vid
[14:07:42] Michael joins conversation
[14:07:51] Kaylee says:
it's weird because ED hates cheese conies
[14:07:59] Kaylee says:
i'd think they would take your side in this
[14:08:41] Michael says:
[14:08:43] Michael says:
As if
[14:09:32] Kaylee says:
yeahhhhhh they do kind of hate on everyone and everything
[14:10:42] Michael joins conversation
[14:10:44] Michael says:
They claim they don't
[14:11:59] Michael joins conversation
[14:12:01] Kaylee says:
oh hey
[14:12:11] Kaylee says:
when does anime north start
[14:12:15] Kaylee says:
/when are you going
[14:12:27] Michael says:
Same as always...
[14:12:37] Michael says:
Weekend after Victoria Weekend... the end of may
[14:13:12] Kaylee says:
I'm trying to think of what you can do about maniak :/
[14:13:29] Michael says:
Well... I did think of giving him a black eye...
[14:13:33] Michael says:
[14:13:36] Kaylee says:
lol he deserves it
[14:13:45] Michael says:
No... I can't...
[14:13:54] Michael says:
Not with so many people wathcing I'd go to jail or be banned from AN
[14:14:00] Kaylee says:
I was JK too
[14:14:08] Kaylee says:
well he does deserve it... but it's a bad idea
[14:14:13] Michael says:
Besides... you wouldn't believe other idiots in this world
[14:14:19] Michael says:
They actually BUY his SLOTH...
[14:14:27] Michael says:
and turn agianst me... some of them wee MY FANS!!!
[14:14:47] Kaylee says:
must not have been true fans
[14:14:57] Kaylee says:
it's ridiculous that maniak could convince anyone
[14:14:59] Michael says:
That's just the problem
[14:15:09] Michael says:
They CLAIMED they were tru fans... and I could trust them...
[14:15:13] Michael says:
"I would never turn agianst you"
[14:15:18] Michael says:
[14:15:22] Kaylee says:
[14:15:30] Michael says:
[14:15:33] Michael says:
[14:16:29] Kaylee says:
oh man speaking of things change
[14:16:40] Kaylee says:
I've tried to figure out what the next season of TT will be like
[14:16:44] Kaylee says:
but there isn't much info yet...
[14:16:56] Michael says:
That's cause it's not a season
[14:17:01] Kaylee says:
[14:17:08] Kaylee says:
I heard there was a season+a movie coming
[14:17:14] Michael says:
Uh uhn...
[14:17:32] Michael says:
It's only SHORTS of the Titans WATCHING or PROMOTING movies...
[14:17:37] Michael says:
There is no Season 6
[14:17:51] Kaylee says:
you're sure? I heard something like that was coming out late 2012
[14:17:59] Michael says:
[14:18:12] Michael says:
And even if there is... that means I may have less time to live than ever
[14:18:17] Kaylee says:
what why?
[14:18:54] Michael says:
Remember why I keep making vids and fics?
[14:19:07] Kaylee says:
it was to deal with the pain right?
[14:19:09] Kaylee says:
[14:19:15] Michael says:
And to tell people
[14:19:19] Michael says:
I want BB and Terra back
[14:19:28] Michael says:
If they don't get together soon... I fear...
[14:19:32] Michael says:
[14:19:35] Michael says:
[14:19:39] Michael says:
[14:19:43] Michael says:
[14:19:47] Michael says:
[14:19:53] Michael says:
>> No. 39731
I need sleep after that, more cocks later
>> No. 39732
holy shit, this is a gold mine of lulz
>> No. 39733
File mykan_chatlogs_1.txt - (62.19KB , mykan chatlogs 1.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
ta daaaaaaa
>> No. 39734
gonna try and talk to him today. With any luck I can convince him to try some fun roleplaying. ;3
>> No. 39735
File mykan_chatlogs_2.txt - (23.41KB , mykan chatlogs 2.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
part 2

sadly there was no cybering today, because Mykan is celibate.
>> No. 39736
Oh kaylee, you sleezy little guy/girl/whatever. You trolled us all. Man, congratulations. If I had knwon that I would have played along a long time ago.
Seriously, kaylee is just a troll. Man, sorry I actually believed it was a real person. Thing is, MYkan actually has a few "fans" who really are as stupid as you played up.

But hey, hope we see each other on the fim board again. By the way, I will not tell anyone else there who you really are. It just adds more to the fun. Still, I will pm my friends on PA about it, just so they know and play along.


PS: Call me obsessed about Mykan, I am just trolling him for the lulz.
>> No. 39737
severely anallysore plspastic detected
>> No. 39738
Oh please, as if I am angry at that. I am totally aware of how I came up in the board, which by the way was just me being a lazy fuck to tell Mykan over and over again why he even fails at getting that show, while he always talks about how he gets the shows he watches and how he is making them better. Yeah, sure. Therefore making a Teen Titans fanfic where everyone is stuck in a High school Musical is so badass. But I digress.

I am just messing with this guy. Not as "professional" as "kaylee" does, but hey. Everyone has his own way.

So yeah, no "hard feelings" or anything at all.
I now even look forward to kaylee`S post in the thread.

>> No. 39739
You should totally namefag, brah. Then you'll look so much less mad and like you're not taking this shit overly seriously.
>> No. 39740
Dude, Maniak. The username is already more or less a hint. Well yeah fine, the guy actually would not even get if I namefag and use the same kind of sayings or informations as before.

ah well, isn`t as if the guy is going to show up on that thread again. Knowing Mykan myself, he already run away with histail between the legs. At least until he wants to get attention again or someone like "kaylee" tells him of somethign going up there.
>> No. 39741
Mykan is pretty frustrating. He insists he's asexual but then drools over cartoon tits and goes "EAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUGH WOOOWIE!!" I think the fact that he thinks I really exist is a huge turn off for him. Then again, I can probably get more lulz out of him without being his sweetheart from the ground up.


Now that you know my sekrit trollsona identity, there might be some new opportunities for me to cozy up to Mykan, if you're willing to help.

See, he's pretty obsessed with you (in case that wasn't obvious), and he seems to be worried that he'll be beaten up at anime north. However, if he sees me getting "on the inside" and delivering him your secret troll plans, he'll 1) trust me more and 2) become smug. Right now he's totally depressed whenever I talk to him, and it's getting really old, so any positive emotion would be an improvement... so yeah, does that sound like a good plan? y/n
>> No. 39742
Believe me, I know Mykan now for at least one year and I am total obvious to his "crushes" and what he thinks about me.
Well, you already saw in the topic how I explained more than once (kinda like a broken record) what the guy all said and did here and there. Not to forget the obvious psychoanalysis of the guy, based on the cocks of his stories.

As for wiling to help, sure. I should make the following just clear:
1. I am actually surprised he thinks I am some "mastermind" who is going to ruin everything about him. I mean come on. I only play the villain. *shrugs*

2. Let`s talk about some details in regard of Mykan to come up with something. But for the start, I should say we try to get on something that is not related to AN. Cause seriously, that he even thinks I show up there for real just proves how paranoid he is.
>> No. 39743

kaylee's msn is [email protected], and I also have this fanfiction.net account (my initial, failed attempt at trolling Mykan):

>> No. 39744
There is so much bullshit lying behind this obsession for a show for 6 year olds, but it's so god damn funny.
I've seen nothing that can show how retarded we as a humans can be that's as hilarious as this.
>> No. 39745

it's okay, people with spasm often trip over the wordbutter, an invention from the homosexual deviants in the stonecutters designed to alter the cocks of posts.
>> No. 39746
I still wonder why the Powerpuff Girls never had this explosion of teens-to-30s male popularity. It was a show staring cute little girls with easy to read personalities that also had humor that was meant for audiences of all ages. It had better animation than FiM, more diverse and appealing character design, and had a good amount of merchandise.

Is it because FiM has the furry factor? Was PpG too violent and not sweet enough to appeal to the inner little girl of the lonely neckbeard? Is it just a sign of different times where the increase in easily accessible, specialized internet communities allows these fans to feel their fandom is OK and as a result have excessive communications with other like-minds, leading to the FiM fandom's snowballing into this insane clusterfuck of failure? It's like it is becoming an alt lifestyle or some shit.

I mean really. I don't see how somebody can be such a diehard fan of a show that hasn't even been around that long and that will almost certainly go to shit in another season or two.
>> No. 39747
WHAT IF OP tripped over the wordbutter?
>> No. 39748
It started off as a joke on /co/ to annoy people.
But then it got out of hand when people started actually taking it seriously.
>> No. 39749
So basically the ANONYMOUS IS LEGION/"Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget" effect.
>> No. 39750
In the beginning it was kinda hipster cool to like it, but now it's just taken on a complete life of its own.
>> No. 39751
File 132922618337.png - (77.00KB , 382x363 , 131609224675.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yeah, pretty much
>> No. 39752
Bingo, people got the wrong idea about the show and thought that it was cool since they thouguht it was cool.

Have you seen at least ONE Br0ny who actually watches the show? they all don't give a fuck about it, they just want to look hip.
>> No. 39753
Hmm, I don't know, I thought they did really like the show. I guess it could be a classic case of new users thinking that a sarcastic joke is the truth ala 4chan's /b/, but who knows. There must be some explanation.
>> No. 39754
A lot of them probably do like the show though, but the fandom is so huge it seems rigged, something's not right, it's as huge as the furry fandom and they refuse to stay in the closet, it's like as if there are creatures that feeds on spasm stuck inside their bodies and they'll burst out at any moment.
>> No. 39755
Let's take this forum thread of a game full of spastics, for example.
It's almost hit 90000 replies, and it's been around for less than a year and became the most popular thread on the board.
A Minecraft thread before that hit about 4000 replies after two and a half years.
Does anyone see anything wrong with that?
>> No. 39756
Yeah, it's wrong, but it's not that surprising.

When you have an entire generation of solitary, confused young men raised under the shadow of feminism and at odds with their own masculinity, a show like My Little Pony is the perfect shit storm to bring all the rot to the surface. The fandom is a snowball of emasculated failures gathering followers as it tumbles through the internet. It ain't hard to predict what kind of people are going to stick to that snowball: goons, channers, redditors, tumblrfags. The list goes on.
>> No. 39757
well, as a fan of the show myself, I know what the problem is. Hey, I enjoy the show for what it is. something to waste my time with once a week. cheese conies on the other hand take it almost as a gospel. God knows why, I think it is a combination of a lot of stupid shit at once. You know, like a hipster mentality, and a behaviour to justify that they watch it, because they secretely are ashamed to watch a show that actually just is there to promote toys for little girls.

But -and now back to the Mykan topic- what really surprised me was, that Mykan did not join the bandwagoon. See, knowing Mykan`s interests in animation (and following the cliché, that a lot of spastic people also seem to like the show the most) and taking his ego problems (you know, putting himself in his stories as superior character etc) I told him about the show to make him obsessed with it to the pooint he writes fanfic. I wanted him to start a flame war with cheese conies without even knowing it. What I did not expect, was that his story idea would be that fucking ridiculous.

Oh and as afterthought, regarding the con--tent change... yeah, not very funny. *shrug*
>> No. 39758
So much bullshit in this thread.
Again, you guys are a bunch of newfags who can't picture /co/ as what it is.
If it started as a joke, its on /b/, and that was 5 month after /co/.
>> No. 39759

oh almost forgot, this is my youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/bubblesXdelight?feature=mhee
>> No. 39760
plothurt coney?
>> No. 39761
Meh, I find br0nies stupid too, just like the JULAYfags.
Just tired of Anons like >>169603 who can't admit other Anons might like something they don't.
Also I'm not >>169635
>> No. 39762
so I had a trolling plan and was wondering if you guys have any input and/or think I should change anything. Here goes:

Act 1: the pledge

Kaylee shows Mykan good faith, getting dirt on Maniak, bolstering his trust. She (might) reveal that Maniak and the Takari General are actually the same person.
Act 2: the turn

Everything is up in the air. Through his cruelty, Maniak establishes himself as Mykan's nemesis, while Kaylee continues to support him, protect him, show him unconditional devotion. A deep bond is formed.

Act 3: the prestige

Everything resolves in one stunning climax. The rabbit comes out of the hat, so to speak, as mykan's world shatters and it is revealed that
Kaylee and Maniak have been the same person since the start.

Obviously there are a number of things that might go wrong with this but it's the best endgame I can think of at present.
>> No. 39763
I am not really for letting myself be used completely for that, sorry.

But you could make the "Takari General and Maniak" alliance or something like that up if you want. Heck, let`S go a bit "deeper": In order to show Mykan how cruel Maniak is, Maniak will "betray" the General someday by mocking one of his fanfics. The general gets so broken by it, he deletes his story. Mykan will then actually believe that Maniak is a cruel bastard.
>> No. 39764

ok, maybe if the general and kaylee are the same person? I just feel like whatever trolling campaign we do should end cleanly, with some kind of climactic reveal. I'm basing my ideas somewhat off of Chris Chan hippie circles, except those usually ended with the "online girlfriend" dying gruesomely which strikes me as inelegant writing.
>> No. 39765

(hippie circle = sa.ga)
>> No. 39766
I guess that works. And when the reveal happens, lets admit I fell for it also at first. you know, the entire kaylee thing.
big question is, how shall it start? I mean, any idea for basic information you could leak? also let`s face it, why should I start to trust you in the first place, that I tell you (fake) personal information?

By the way, if you were kaylee, who was Johnny? Mykan himself?
>> No. 39767
Huh? I don't give a crap about ANONYMOOSE and 4chan or whatever, much less about if their tastes agree with mine or not. I only regularly go to /ic/ (god knows why) and once a month or so I go to /co/. I was making the LEGION analogy just based on what another poster suggested, because that is almost all I have to go on.
>> No. 39768

lol yes, Mykan was Johnny. (There's a screencap of him admitting it earlier in the thread.)

I think Kaylee might work well as a "femme fatale" character who seduces Maniak, getting his mugshot/real name/location. (This will play into Mykan's sense of accomplishment for "resisting" women.) As for your "identity", I was thinking something simple and distinctive yet embarrassing, like furry/teen werewolf/etc., but the exact details probably won't affect the trolling that much.

Also, Journals of a Takari General guy, if you're there you should totally be in the super elite Mykan stonecutters crew, because he's being way more responsive than last time and there are tons of possibilities at this stage.
>> No. 39769
yo maniak add me on msn at my kaylee address
>> No. 39770
File mykan_chatlogs_3.txt - (22.19KB , mykan chatlogs 3.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
the third installment
>> No. 39771
File 132926884662.jpg - (35.85KB , 300x225 , chuckval21.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've only been skimming this thread here and there, but holy fuck, that is some grade-A insanity right there. I dunno if trolling him is a good idea, he might go insane and murder his family or something.

Pic Related: That boy needs therapy.
>> No. 39772
File 132927635982.jpg - (79.39KB , 604x500 , aintthatsomeshit.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>[02/14/12 15:09:19 ] Michael : Then I exploded soup in the microwave
>[02/14/12 15:09:24 ] Michael : The soup tasted HORRIBLE
>> No. 39773
thing is, I don`T have msn.
on another note, I know a side Mykan once visited that has its own already abandoned chat we could use to talk. it would be kinda funny to talk on mykans former "home" about his downfall, don`t you think?

as for the latest chat, sweet Jesus, it really is the same bullshit as ever by the guy. and yeah, now also solid profe that the guy is insane enough.
>> No. 39774

alright, that site sounds like it'd be a good place. Link?
>> No. 39775
Here is the link. You have to register there. No worry, the thing is as dead as disco music. I doubt Mykan is going to show up there

>> No. 39776

Alright I posted here:

Probly be back on in like ~2 hours
>> No. 39777

Ha ha! Holy shit, I had no idea anyone would ever see that. Was that the first thing you got when you googled "project after"?

Anyway, it sure took you guys long enough. This guy's been sitting on his ass, begging for serious trolling for years now.
>> No. 39778
File mykan_chatlogs_4.txt - (8.28KB , mykan chatlogs 4.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
These conversations always seem like ten times longer when I'm having them.
>> No. 39779
Cartoon dramas have warped his mind. He talks and carries on like he's in an episode of Teen Titans.
>> No. 39780
And not even a good one, if there even was one to begin with.
It actually is kind of fascinating to see how the guy takes fictional shows and what happens there as serious as he does. Heck, I bet it makes for a fun game to make this guy obsessed with other shows just mentioning them. Just seeing how the guy may react to Neon Genesis Evangelion would be hilarious. He probably would relate to Shinji.
>> No. 39781

uh, I think he's into enough fandoms right now. I think it'd be more fruitful to explore his various spastic emotions: smug Mykan, lovestruck Mykan, etc. Angry and sad Mykan are funny but it'd be nice to see more permutations of his insanity.
>> No. 39782
IT doesn't matter if I move on from cartoons or not...

No Romance and offline friendship means NO Romance or offline friendship EVER.

No matter how tempted it may get... or even if someone wants to be nice (I doubt that) The answer is... and must stay as... NO!

"Stay where you are!"

"Your home is the shadow"

That's what it means to let other people move on to me... and this time I did get that form Things Change but also developed at an early stage in life

Serial killer in the making. He'll be in the news someday.
>> No. 39783
File 132942121859.jpg - (4.44KB , 240x130 , katzman2.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Just out of curiosity, what pic did you send him?
>> No. 39784
Oh that question I can answer. See, I suggested him to send the famous picture of that fat guy with the beard who dresses up as Sailor Moon


PS: Yeah, I cna laugh about myself.
>> No. 39785
File 132944030248.jpg - (7.45KB , 480x360 , maniaaaaaak.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

uh... actually I kind of changed my mind at the last second and sent him something else. I wanted to start with a "neutral photo" and I'd already told Mykan I had the pic, so I had precious little time to act. (I forgot that Mykan knows Maniak is German, but then again he suspected the pic was fake without suspecting I was fake, so this is probably salvageable.)
>> No. 39786
Oh, okay then. Well, guess it is the picture in your current post than? Works at the moment also for me, as long as it helps the joke.
>> No. 39787
so, based on the latest insults Mykan is throwing at me, I think he really believes I am a fatso.
Hey Kaylee, I thnk it is time for the second phase of our little plan. Mind to play up the Takari General card as soon as possible? I will tell you, what I have in mind soon if you want
>> No. 39788

I haven't totally planned out what the Takari General is going to do, just that a) he has roughly Mykan's level of intelligence (as evidenced by his fics) and b) Mykan needs some reason to hate him. I'll contact Mykan as the general, but I gotta brainstorm some more before I can fully establish him as an evul troll.
>> No. 39789
If I may suggest something: Let the Takari general show up on fim board, actually being disgusted of Mykan becuase of his MLU fanfic. Tell him, you think that Celestia`s characterization is awful, cause she is handled like a damsel in distres and that his Grand Ruler is pretty much a self insert that reminds you of something by furry porn artists.

We use that as basis for Maniak to join on the board forces with him and then in the "shadows" we build an alliance, which ends with me one day mocking your MLP story and other stuff, ending in us breaking apart and you suddenly "vanishing" from the net. Why? Because the Takari general couldn`T stand the mocks and killed himself. It would help establish the picture of me as an pure evil guy in Mykan`s eyes.
Alternatively, the Takari general decides to start his own crusade against Mykan, starting off with kaylee, who he attacks over the net.
Then let`s see, if Mykan comes to her "help" or not.
>> No. 39790
lol this is really confusing

Does anyone else want to be the takari general? I'm worried that if I play two people I'll accidentally forget to have them stop talking at different times when I brb.
>> No. 39791
File 132959109721.jpg - (162.56KB , 1392x698 , mykan is totally not racist.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39792
on another note, any ideas exactly what kaylee could say and do to get on information of Mykan? Personally I would think it as kinda awesome, if you at least get a hand on Mykan`s password for his fanfic account.
Not that I want to change something in his stories, I just want to have him loose control of it for let`s say a week and then give it back to him. Just seeing him go batshit about it.
>> No. 39793

oh man that's brilliant. Ok, I'll try to coax Mykan towards giving me that kind of info if I can... gotta be careful and wait for the right opportunities though, so it may take a while.
>> No. 39794
File mykan_chatlogs_5.txt - (10.17KB , mykan chatlogs 5.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
that's enough cocks for one day
>> No. 39795
File SNOO_SNOO.txt - (7.28KB , SNOO SNOO.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
If you don't mind me posting chatlogs, I've got one from April 2010 where he talks about Teen Titans porn. Note that I'm not Ty, I wasn't in this chat.
>> No. 39796

Wow, he's really really obsessed with sex... also:

>Dakari-King Mykan : May well get off myself

>> No. 39797
File mykan_chatlogs_6.txt - (4.29KB , mykan chatlogs 6.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Whenever I'm chatting with Mykan, I read everything he types in his voice.
>> No. 39798
So, it seems over the last frew hours a lot of white knights showed up on his fimchan thred and there may be the possibility he listens to them.
... Shit. That actually means, that there may be a spark of hope in the guy, that finally enlightens. (sorry for the prosa language)
Sorry kaylee, I think we should at least for the time being keep quiet. Try to collect information about his future fanfic plans while you are at it, and when he says something about his white knights, also post it. Otherwise, try to keep a neutral point at this. I want to see, where this is going.
>> No. 39799

I highly doubt they'll get through to him, but you should probably wait to see his reaction before continuing.
>> No. 39800
hey, can you do me a favor? in te next chat with Mykan, try to get information of what e thinks of certain of his fans fanfic vice. You know, ask him if there are also other people who suport him on ff.net and so and what he really thinks about them. I would in that regard like you to ask him as subtle as possible, what he thinks especially about a girl called June Byers, who also posted in the fimchan thread.
No wait, better idea: Tell him he shouldn`t trust her, cause Maniak told you (while you acted as the friend of his) that June actually seems trying to befriend him. Make him go paranoid regarding her.
>> No. 39801
Truly these cheese conies are worse than Hitler.
>> No. 39802
File mykan_chatlogs_7.txt - (14.88KB , mykan chatlogs 7.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
I had to stop talking to him because I was drinking
>> No. 39803
do me a favour: get him to read the second MLU thread that now popped up on fimchan.
Also, you gave him the link to the character creator thing? Try to use that and let him come up with a few characters there and then let him post them on the thread. Let`s see if the guy is able to create chris chan level of stupid characters.
>> No. 39804
File mykan_chatlogs_8.txt - (6.61KB , mykan chatlogs 8.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Mykan, oh Mykan,
no one else understands you like I can.
>> No. 39805
you know, I think it would be funny now to play with the big guns. So, question: Ready to send him false pictures of what kaylee looks like and flirt with him but him not understanding it?
Or do we want to play out a scenario where it seems that Maniak is getting at you, having found out who you really are and starting an ultimatum? You know, something like he is going to ruin your life with the informations he gathered around the net if you don`t tell Mykan to delete his pony fanfic at once? And then you can throw in random shit you say you would be into Maniak has found out. (what do I know. Tell him kaylee is a furry or something like that)
>> No. 39806

I'd like to do the first option, but Mykan still seems totally uninterested in non-cartoon sex. The second option sounds awesome though. I'm not sure how much we'll need to "flesh out" whatever evidence Maniak gets on Kaylee but I can probably make her a furaffinity count sometime today (or something along those lines).
>> No. 39807
That and how about the following:
Get Mykan into saying something like "I know that you are a fat shit Mykan, I have evidence" sometimes on the MLP thread (tell him, seeing how Maniak does not really react strong at his accusations, he has to give more details) and then a few days later, you tell him the following:

That Maniak got on you under a second username called Nutjob on another chat and did exactly what you tried: Getting private information on kaylee regarding furaffinity or other embarassing informations and preferences. How? Well, the entire picture thing was something he did as a security meassurement. Foreseeing that Mykan may send out someone to bother him (as he already did on ff.net) he played false informations to kaylee, because she acted way too suspicious. The pictures were false and art of a trap. If Mykan would mention them somewhere, Maniak would do a bit of research on the person he send the pictures to. And so he found out about you being kaylee and now hell breaks lose.

The idea would also be kind of interesting, because we could make actual drama out of it: Is Mykan willing to delete one of his creations completely for the sake of a friend or not?
And if he doesn`t, kaylee may act as if she is seriously hurt and accuse him of using her, you could forge some internet melodrama.
>> No. 39808
File mykan_chatlogs_9.txt - (18.35KB , mykan chatlogs 9.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Ok, I guess this thread is back now. Here's the most recent logs with Mykan.
>> No. 39809
File incriminating_kaylee_chatlogs.txt - (4.75KB , incriminating kaylee chatlogs.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
...and Maniak, these are for you. I wanted some easy-to-work-with msn logs so I got someone else to play your role. Basically the idea is that you did some snooping around and found Kaylee on another board with some cartoon porn, and at the end of the logs you were still thinking of demands to make. The next step is for you to demand that Mykan take down one fic per week, each buying Kaylee another week of you withholding these logs.
>> No. 39810
I used to think Mykan was unfunny. Reading these chatlogs, I have no idea how I ever thought that. Keep up the good work. You guys are evidence that not all trolling has to be EPIN WEEN NIGGERS KILL URSELF LULZ RAGEFACE

I like what you're doing. He basically just needed a catalyst to troll himself, and "kaylee" is it.
>> No. 39811
Not bad. Even if I have to admit, even to "reenact" furry porn is something that makes me shiver (shudder)
Sorry but that stuff, and especially Naylor...
Funny thing, I have heard Naylor is a coney himself and he actually draws the kind of anthropomorphic garbage Mykan wants to see in his stuff. So here is an idea: try to get him to read something by Naylor. You know, some of the guys "safe" work. And then let`s see if Mykan also wants to see the porn.

Also, as said the BB forum, we can use the chat there still if you want, at the weekend I have enough time to make something up there so that we have some fictional drama.
By the way, as long as the thing goes on, let`s also try to think up other stuff. You know, like that I would have found out over the board also a few other sites you are a member of or even your adress (let`s use therefore just the adress of Chris Chan) making you then slowly lose your patience and ask Mykan for "help" in form of emotional support.
>> No. 39812
Edit: I have thought something up and I try to send it to you on the BB forum till saturday:
Basically it is a script of things to say in the next chatlog, a little gag to say the least about how kaylee tries to stand up against Maniak, because Mykan has told her you are nothing and that there is nothing to fear (try to get into a discussion around the next days where you try Mykan to tell you to face me because you are braver and all the garbage) and then Maniak tells you a few personal informations he found out about you (where you live, email of the parents and college) and that he is going to use a few things you said before the furry thing to "nutjob" to spread the word about you and to let e.g. your friends and family know, what you "really" think of them
>> No. 39813

Don't use such an internet-famous address. One google search by Mykan and it's over. You seem new at this so I just thought you could use some advice.

A few more things you might find helpful:
Stop doing things like "(shudders)". We don't roleplay here.
Emoticons should be used sparingly if at all.
Don't sign your posts at the bottom. Tripfag, but only in threads where your identity is relevant. (only this one.)

Most importantly, don't take your "trollsona" seriously. Ask anyone about TvsArmPitt. It will either make you a laughingstock or very unpopular to get too attatched to your online personality.

I hope this helps some. I'm not trying to be a dick, just some advice.
>> No. 39814

This. Imo the golden rule of trolling is that the target is always more important than the trolls, because a troll can always just come up with a new identity and keep trolling (or step aside for whoever comes next), while the target might get permanently more paranoid (and therefore harder to troll) if you don't play your cards right.


That all sounds good. I guess I'll keep logging onto the forum chat now and then. Really though it would be a lot more convenient if we had something that didn't auto-log you off after 5 minutes... does trillian work on macs?


I haven't used it so I don't know exactly how it works, but I know it's supposed to connect to msn, yahoo, skype, etc.
>> No. 39815
thanks for the advice. I thought the adress thing would be funny, because others would get it while he wouldn`t. Then again, others may warn him, so thanks for the advice.

any other ideas someone here may have?
>> No. 39816
File mykan_chatlogs_10.txt - (12.44KB , mykan chatlogs 10.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
>> No. 39817
File mykan_chatlogs_11.txt - (13.21KB , mykan chatlogs 11.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
I gotta remember to watch Mykan's videos at some point today. Being his galpal is a big commitment.
>> No. 39818
God damn, he's still spe­rging about Teen Titans. You'd think he'd have gotten over the last episode by now...
>> No. 39819
File mykan_chatlogs_12.txt - (3.33KB , mykan chatlogs 12.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
some very short logs today, before I forget about them.
>> No. 39820
I don't remember exactly what the plan was, but maniak, can you tell mykan about your demands? It seems like it would be too tricky to coordinate if I make up too much stuff on your behalf.
>> No. 39821
New mykan video:


I love the way he talks in these.
>> No. 39822
File mykan_chatlogs_13.txt - (10.89KB , mykan chatlogs 13.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Michael is such a stud. I could just barely keep him from smelling through the screen how wet he was making me.
>> No. 39823
File 133183607617.jpg - (16.20KB , 251x205 , 1264712001254.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So you enjoy cybering with a retard? Are you the new Bluespike?
>> No. 39824

Who wouldn't get turned on by the thought of him working out and tardraging? unfortunately though, he is a delicate virgin flower and will not cyber with me in the foreseeable future.
>> No. 39825
>> No. 39826
File mykan_chatlogs_14.txt - (19.96KB , mykan chatlogs 14.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
in which trolls remorse strikes me due to his abusive father and I try to help him improve himself. I feel really confused right now.
>> No. 39827
File mykan_chatlogs_15.txt - (11.10KB , mykan chatlogs 15.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Mykan does not suspect in the least that I am a TRoll.
>> No. 39828
>the entire universe is crumping
>> No. 39829
I am so thinking of just pubklishing those things and say that it was part of my plan to get on Mykan after I threatened you.
>> No. 39830
>> No. 39831
File mykan_logs_final.txt - (6.52KB , mykan logs final.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Oh, the bittersweet taste of breaking a heart. Now I know what it is to cause another such pain, to break a soul so.



God dammit maniak.
>> No. 39832
Oh maniak, you absolute cunt. Not only have you fucked this one up for everyone by sticking your crooked e-peen into it pretty much at random but you also made mykan another notch less responsive, let him know that /cwc/ exists, and simultaneously reinforcing the autistocrat message that we can't release chatlogs to the public because they'll fuck it up (like you just did). Also, you just kind of got nothing out of it. Way to go, you dildo.
>> No. 39833

This x 1000. Maniak, if you're reading this, go back to masturbating to cartoon horses and leave us be. You ruin everything you touch. You have no place here. You aren't a troll. You're a newfag. You couldn't even troll a retard.

Thanks for ruining another lolcow for me, cunt.
>> No. 39834


>> No. 39835
I am just going to point out that I had no involvement in Mykan finding out about this place. I did not link him to anything nor publish something at all, despite what I said in the last post. Heck, the only way I think the guy found out about this place is by googling his name and stumbling perhaps about my entries before or that of someone else? Try to ask this guy, I am actually curious how that turned out.

Also, relax. This autistic fuck will sooner or later fall for some other troll if you just try again.
>> No. 39836
God, the way this guy talks is just so stupid.

It's like he really did escape from a Digimon episode.
>> No. 39837
I rather thougt he escaped a badly dubbed Power Ranger episode.
>> No. 39838
Nah, then he'd at least be funny because he'd be spewing offensive innuendo the dubbers snuck in past the censors.
>> No. 39839
He already seems to create offensive innuendos based on what I heard. Something about writing all black guys should only sing rap.
>> No. 39840

>Implying blacks
>> No. 39841
>three unicorn horns

>cutie marks replaced with serial numbers

What the fuck...?
>> No. 39842

Well, maybe I jumped the gun a bit. I guess it could have been a coincidence. Still, that probably means no one should post mykan cocks on /cwc/ in the future, to be safe.
>> No. 39843
I wonder... would it be a good idea to get Mykan to post here so we can talk to him? I know the reaction was lukewarm when Jennifer Ajay did the same thing, but many of Mykan's posts on fimchan were pretty funny, so... all in favor?
>> No. 39844
If someone could actually get him here, i'd be all for it.

That said, we might need to start a new thread, because this one is getting a bit big.
>> No. 39845
File mykan_logs_final_2.txt - (1.06KB , mykan logs final 2.txt ) Extension icon displayed, click image to open file.
Well, fuck. He doesn't want to come argue with us and he won't tell me who tipped him off to the thread. Guess that really does mean no more war.
>> No. 39846
File 133304072388.jpg - (26.48KB , 458x288 , 1329724075869.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I guess the Kaylee saga ended prematurely due to the EPIC WIN cannibal troll.
>> No. 39847
This is what happens when you lay out all your epic ween trolling plans on a public forum. Keep in mind that he could have easily found the thread with google.
>> No. 39848
If I were you I would still try to talk him into it. This guy jumps on any wagoon sooner or later
>> No. 39849
Holy shit i wanna yell at this guy so bad.

Every fucking word he says is just so fucking frustrating. "but uh nothing!" fuck you, you little twerp fuck.
>> No. 39850
No, fuck you.
You are all just despicable little warmonglers.
>> No. 39851

Since when is calling a retard on the internet a retard "war"?
>> No. 39852
You're not the real Mykan.
>> No. 39853
Mykan is still pissed at me whenever I log on, but nothing of interest is really happening. If anyone here wants to contact him for whatever reason this is his msn (I think it was earlier in the thread but this way it will be easier to find):

[email protected]
>> No. 39854

Just thought I'd share.
>> No. 39855
cheese conies have to be the biggest manchildren on earth. I'm amazed Chris hasn't become one yet, or has he?
>> No. 39856

Are you new?
>> No. 39857
Chris was one of the first cheese conies. He's kinda a hipster in that respect.
>> No. 39858
Yo! I'm Mykan's friend, some of you may have heard of me but I'm kind of little known.
>> No. 39859

Yeah, I remember you were posting in the FiMchan thread. I'm guessing you're here to see if anyone wants to hear your stories about Mykan? (I do)
>> No. 39860
What is there to know? The guy is obsessed either with Digimon, Teen Titans or anythign else being "not a happy ending".
I suggest someone gets him to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. It will probably the only anime that will make him feel happy and intelligent inside.
>> No. 39861
What kind of stories?
>> No. 39862

Well, has Mykan confided interesting things in you that haven't come up in this thread? Was there ever a time when he was less depressed/crazy? Stuff like that.
>> No. 39863

Well, has Mykan confided interesting things in you that haven't come up in this thread? Was there ever a time when he was less depressed/crazy? Stuff like that.
>> No. 39864
He was very considerate when I told him about how I got bullied because I'm biracial. So he wasn't despressed or 'crazy'.
>> No. 39865
You know, we consider being overly obsessed about kids shows to be a sign of insanity. So if he ever showed that, he is crazy in our eyes.
Also, did Mykan ever show any interest in someone beside himself and how miserable his fmaily life is? Cause as seen in kaylee`s post, he does not seem to care about anyone beside himself
>> No. 39866
Say, are you not a bit afraid, that this guy actually had phantasies about blowing up the weeding of his cousin, according to what kaylee found out? He also seems to have quite an obsession with his cousin`s little daughter.
>> No. 39867
1. Learn how to spell FANTASIES.
2. How is he obsessed with his cousin's daughter?
3. Capitalize Kaylee.
>> No. 39868
Yeah what is your deal?
>> No. 39869
Look up the posts kaylee put in.
>> No. 39870
You're not me, you're a fake JuneByers.
>> No. 39871

Oh god, this is becoming just like the FiM thread.
>> No. 39872
Why can't people just leave my account on here alone?
>> No. 39873
Who the fuck is JuneByers?
>> No. 39874
Oh God, I fucking love massive nigger dicks in my ass.
>> No. 39875

She was someone posting on FiMchan (around the time this thread was created) and defending Mykan. A bunch of people started using her name and eventually she left, vanishing into the shadows of the internet.
>> No. 39876
I didn't exactly disappear. I still bitched with people but on FanFiction.net and YouTube. There was also another reason I left the thread but that's not anyone's business.
>> No. 39877
Everyone know you're not me so stop trying.
>> No. 39878
So am I basically the only female on this thread?
>> No. 39879
File 133420656654.jpg - (40.93KB , 360x300 , quite.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Provide pictures of your tits or get the fuck out, cunt.
>> No. 39880
You want proof I'm female? Go on my YouTube account, you fucking perverted asshole with too much time on his hands.
>> No. 39881
Even if your account is one of the most effeminate ones on youtube, that must not mean something. It could just indicate, that you are a very confused boy
>> No. 39882
File 133420860154.jpg - (33.57KB , 485x600 , so classy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
If you do not want to provide pictures of yourself as proof, I can only assume that you are a man masquerading in the female gender online.
>> No. 39883
What do you mean? Are you trying to insult my brother?
>> No. 39884
I said GO ON MY YOUTUBE ACCOUNT it will prove I'm a female and if you cannot perform an act as simple as this, I will assume you're a fucking lazy retard.
>> No. 39885
can't you just embed a good video of yours in your next post?
>> No. 39886
and make sure it's one with plenty of cleavage/boobies
>> No. 39887
I really can't because I'm on my mobile right now so get off your lazy ass and look up my YouTube account (ravenandstarfire).
>> No. 39888
File 133420951625.jpg - (63.19KB , 550x692 , doing it wrong.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Obviously you do not comprehend that 'your' youtube is worthless in proving your identity. Unless you have a picture with you holding up a written message, let's say "I'm an attention whore", then I can only assume that you are male.
>> No. 39889
Proof I'm A Girl:
1. I have an Instagram provided with pictures of myself
2. Once again, my YouTube account
3. My name is Brittani which is a girl's name
>> No. 39890
Do a goatse on instagram.
>> No. 39891
File 133421018735.jpg - (43.02KB , 400x534 , how droll.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Proof you are a man pretending to be a girl:
Not providing a picture with a personalized message either holding it next to or written on your tits.
>> No. 39892
I would feel better about talking with this supposed "June Byers" if they could post a video addressed to us. Some of us may have a lot of information to say to her, if it really is. But if it's not, how would she feel? You wouldn't want us to talk to you if you were slandering her name would you?
>> No. 39893
Why sure thing! I'll do it tomorrow and by the way, you guys' English is revolting.
>> No. 39894
Good luck getting that photo tonight, man.
>> No. 39895
I checked the youtube account out of curiosity and if June is telling the truth, we are dealing with a ~12 year old. If not, it means that June tried to send us after a ~12 year old and is therefore a horrible person.
>> No. 39897

>>If not, it means that June tried to send us after a ~12 year old and is therefore a horrible person.

Man, what a dick. I wonder what his deal is?
>> No. 39898
I'm not 12, I'm 15. Its just the way my voice sounds on the camera I'm using. And if you dare insult my brother who's featured in my videos, I will punch your teeth back so far, you'll be eating steak out of a straw. But not like you already do that because you're too lazy to chew.
>> No. 39900
>> No. 39901

Go away you homosexual and take your brother with you.

This thread is astonishingly silly.
>> No. 39902
File 133426035634.gif - (206.99KB , 113x243 , ash-12s.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>I will punch your teeth back so far, you'll be eating steak out of a straw.
Ooh, scary. Want to tell us how else you'll beat up people who are just having good innocent fun here.

You're probably on to something: if your brother uploads a threatening vid it'll definitely scare away all the haters.
>> No. 39903

that's true, we used to pick on this guy called chris chan but then he made videos showing us how angry we made up. at that point we were scared shitless, we knew this guy was hardcore so we backed the fuck off.
>> No. 39904
File 133426249193.jpg - (45.04KB , 400x305 , mu026_full_body_cast1.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Ex-troll here, I can confirm this. I was the one who actually drove down to Chris Chan's place of residence and foolishly trolled him by screamed JULAAAAAAAAAY on his front lawn for a good ten minutes. I must have hit a nerve or something, because the speed he came flying out the door, bearing his teeth like some kind of animal... I really didn't think he was capable of that. I should have taken his threats seriously. I learned the hard way that violent threats on the internet should always be taken seriously.

Pic related, it's me a few weeks after the incident.
>> No. 39905
I'd believe you if that pic wasn't taken in the 20th century
>> No. 39906
File 133426295584.jpg - (60.04KB , 400x377 , fugs.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Still no picture? Then looks like we know for sure that you are not female.
>> No. 39907
God, I'm JOKING. I know you guys find trolling fun so I'll let you have fun.
>> No. 39908
Whatever you say, dude.
>> No. 39909

KOF is STILL an awful series. I'd rather play BlazBlue ffs.
>> No. 39910
>Don't have any personality
>Post with a character who also has no personality

There's a reason nobody except Mexicans plays KoF
>> No. 39911
It's better then street fighter vs tekken or skullgirls. Shit is horrible.
>> No. 39912

Pah...! Mykan could beat all of them.

>> No. 39914
File 133427503091.jpg - (481.63KB , 850x784 , sample_92a2f4673b8e92c9049719243c62cc54.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I feel you bro, Icecar's better. But it just doesn't have the gifs to touch off a shitstorm.
>> No. 39915
File 133428349992.jpg - (177.88KB , 500x368 , 4819098837_e2aa84e504.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39916
I'm a mini horse, I'm a mini horse, this is all so new. I'm a mini horse, I'm a mini horse, I could just doo doo!
>> No. 39917
File 133428535963.jpg - (42.11KB , 100x100 , snergenflergen.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 39918
Heheh, why thank you!
>> No. 39919
I'm not afraid, To take a stand! Everybody, come take my hand! We'll walk this road together through the storm, whatever weather, cold or warm. Just letting you know that you're not alone. Holler if you feel like you've been down the same road.
>> No. 39920
according to research, that is June


she uses the name ravenstarfiregirl on youtube.
In other words, Mykan gets defended by a 14 year old.
>> No. 39921

Oh fuck I just watched the video

Seriously you guys go to 2:51, it's actually mykan
>> No. 39922
June, linking people to your youtube does not prove you are female. Kindly post pictures or leave this board.
>> No. 39923

Most of Mykan's defenders are little girls. Make of that what you will.
>> No. 39924
Love me, hate me! Say what you want about me but can't you see what I see? All of the boys and all of the girls are begging to if you seek Amy.
>> No. 39925
I knew there was a reason I never visited this thread…
I was never sure what it was about other than Mykan who is basically a closet furry homosexual deviant.
>> No. 39926
Any fresh cocks from Mykan?
>> No. 39927
Yummy. Mykan cocks make me wet.
>> No. 39928
any other human being would just laugh at it.

by the way, did someone once mention they want to hear something sung by him?
your ears will bleed

>> No. 39929
And I thought Rebecca Black bad, Mykan is far worse.
>> No. 39930
Sorry, I meant I thought Rebecca Black was bad, there was something wrong with my keyboard.
>> No. 39931
Something even worse

>> No. 39932

Haha, oh wow.
>> No. 39933
My favorite mykan performance is definitely piano man:


You can really hear the emotion in his voice.
>> No. 39934
Funny thing is, Quando Quando Quando is about love, something Mykan knows nothing about.
>> No. 39935

He's actually... not that bad. I mean, his voice is passable. Not professional level or anything near, but not terrible. I was expecting some warbling Chris clone or Dayle Doggi style mumbling, not a guy with an average voice singing in tune with no real mistakes or problems.
>> No. 39936
Mykan's alright but I honestly don't like his singing voice and Chris chan? You mean the guy who wears that medallion made of "Crayola fucking Model Magic"?
>> No. 39937

There is a guy named Chris chan who wears a medallion? WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE?
>> No. 39938
His real insanity is rather shown in his posts, his videos explaining ow bad he feels and his attempts to justify his overall attempts at fanfic writing.

To give a few examples:
Those vidoes he made to explain how sad he feels about Teen Titan`s ending



Just the fact the second one has him in the opening credits and the characters as "co stars" makes it funny.

Overall it just boils down like this: The guy has serious problems with facing reality because of school bullying and drama at home, leading to him trying to escape it by watching shitty cartoon shows. He even watches this


by now on a constant basis on youtube, just so he can feel happy again as he was as a child.
But then some shows end on a more unhappy note and that made him go more down the sanity loop, resulting in him now having fantasies about destroying stuff so he can stop "changes" in general. Well that or write fanfics where he actually can destroy stuff because in reality he is a pussy whose only defense mechanism it is to wish you rape or put you in one of his fanfics as the bad guy who gets killed.
>> No. 39939

I could never figure out his interest in "today's special". In one of the episodes he showed me there was literally a part where it showed a golf ball, a tennis ball and a basketball and the narrator asked "which ball is the biggest?"
>> No. 39940
I think it boils down to the following:
He watched it as a little child when the world was all okay, it was his first tv show and his nostalgia for it is obsessive to the point he amdited he likes to reenact some hopscotch thing from the show as "workout" similiar to Chris Chan pushing his PS3.
>> No. 39941
What about that Sonic and Pikachu crossover thing? That was pretty jacked up…
>> No. 39942
Has Mykan made any new fanfics recently?
>> No. 39943


It could have been worse.
>> No. 39944

I'm pretty sure he's either working on or has just finished "My Little Unicorn Star Fleet Magic". He writes constantly, so if there isn't something new on his page then it's probably in the works.

Either that or he has crashed into slumber.
>> No. 39945
  He's also been working on his Teen Titan Idol videos, in which the Teen Titans lip sync crappy pop tunes and his 12-year-old-girl fans vote for their favorite.

BTW, if anyone here should go in and vote for Robin and against Terra, I'd appreciate it.
>> No. 39946
Eww. I just saw Raven's performance. She looks so drag queen-ish.
>> No. 39947
Little problem: Winner has already been chosen.
is someone here perhaps in contact with people who are going to visit Anime North in Toronto this year on May 29? Cause Mykan will be there. Just aksing, cause live footage of the guy would be nice.
>> No. 39948
No it hasn't. The ballot closes on the 26th. The video he posted after this was a reupload of an older video.
>> No. 39949
... seriously? He can never let got, can`t he?
>> No. 39950
Remember me? Here's a picture of me: http://www.flickr.com/photos/79579757@N02/
>> No. 39951

You should make a video on youtube addressing the trolls and telling them to back off and stop bad-mouthing Mykan, then everyone will know you are hardcore and not to be messed with.
>> No. 39952
File 133569318568.jpg - (45.57KB , 400x364 , harrumphj.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I do not believe that is actually you. Prove me wrong.
>> No. 39953
How can I?
>> No. 39954
i think mykan is a pretty coolguy...

>> No. 39955
File 133576942491.jpg - (50.35KB , 726x524 , duck.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I can't decide which image has the more noticeable duck face. Help me out here, guys.
>> No. 39956
How can you what, dumb bitch.
>> No. 39957

People have explained this but if you want to prove who you are, you have to make a video on your youtube account addressing the trolls of 789chan. This will 1) tell us it really is your account and 2) let us see that you are the person you claim to be.
>> No. 39959
I posted a video adressed to you guys.
>> No. 39960
Speak up, geez. Can't hear a thing you're saying.
>> No. 39961
>> No. 39962
your mother sounds like she has anger issues
>> No. 39963
It's like it's pedo day.
>> No. 39964
Am I the only one who was surprised that Mykan didn't sound totally as bad as I thought he would singing Piajo Man?
>> No. 39965
The fuck is this?
>> No. 39966
File 133585299764.jpg - (26.69KB , 830x194 , MykanVirgin.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
can't you see that im... im in cahoots with the legion of doom founded by the gingers ronald mcdonald and wendy?

*grrrr* BBTerra BBTerra BBTerra

*hobo asks me for change*

spare some change? die monster, you don't belong in this world!
>> No. 39967
Hey Mykan?
>> No. 39968

Yeah, he seems to have had vocal training. I still laugh at that video though because I imagine him wearing that costume while singing it.
>> No. 39969
>I don't know what chan. It's like like 789chan or something like that?
Coached kid is coached. Is that like your niece or something, dude?
>> No. 39970
It couldn't be my niece since I only have one sibling and he just turned 6.
>> No. 39971
File 13359054541.jpg - (26.40KB , 512x195 , Copy copy of copy.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wjat isit that you want?!... youre despicable and a bastard!! how dare you mock your burger king by eating mcdonals?

Ah, fuck my attempt to imitate Mykan. I have a life, which makes it so hard to pretend not to have one.

Also, I bet Mykan would love to use that pic on his newer videos that promotes teen pregnancy, forced marriages and demon spawn.
>> No. 39972
File 133590937013.gif - (2.10MB , 300x270 , 133390872378.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Let's see if you can produce something later today giving a shout out to 789chan. Then I will actually believe that you have a vagina.
>> No. 39973
>> No. 39974

oh god why does it have to be posted a second time
>> No. 39975
  >>207105 >>207119
>> No. 39976
that gif/scene is so god damn NOPE :X
>> No. 39977
I don't understand how a squid has toe nails.
>> No. 39978

It's a plot device included for the sole purpose of making you feel like fingernails are scraping on the backs of your eyeballs.
>> No. 39979
File 133596519639.png - (240.63KB , 624x480 , hahahahaha.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Damn, I was almost convinced June was an underage girl.
>> No. 39980
so June, what's up? What is your deal??
>> No. 39981
>> No. 39982
Who the fuck posted that video of my Dakari King Mykan video because I didn't?
>> No. 39983
this girl eats really strangely
>> No. 39984
>> No. 39985
"I don’t like three dimensional characters because it’s hard to understand them. I prefer one dimensional Indirect or implicit characterization, and I also prefer programs like Power Rangers, or Dragon Ball Z like things"

>> No. 39986
File 133600882484.png - (408.71KB , 400x600 , the heck.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That is definitely not me nor am I a 'double agent'.
>> No. 39987
>> No. 39988
leave my frined mykan alone. us legion will stOmp yOu Out
>> No. 39989
File 133601338765.png - (90.05KB , 1010x514 , post-345-1319383611.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh hey people, it is Baylorfan. One of Mykan`S supporters back on youtube. He also thinks it is okay to rape little girls, as he openly supported Mykan in him saying "...deserves to be raped and I would feel pity for the rapist cause he goes for a shallow shell"

Hey there Baylor, how are you doing you texan inbreed? Still going t suport your fellow manchildren who by now wants to fuck little horses?
>> No. 39990
I'm surprised my video is embedded here.
>> No. 39991
File 133606304543.png - (422.29KB , 400x600 , 1321413092561.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes, your video.
>> No. 39992
What's even going on, I can't keep track of all the drama
>> No. 39993
That is because your video rules.
>> No. 39994
you think that is drama? It would be hilarious if the special treatment king himself would show up here. But allas, Mykan is too much of a pussy to stand up for his own and rather sends out some texan inbreed by the name of Baylor who believes in the superiority of his state.
>> No. 39995
Except it isn't Baylorfan at all. Just someone imitating him.
>> No. 39996
you can still hope.
>> No. 39997
Wait, that is supposed to be JuneByers? According to something she send a friend of mine, she should be black. Great, just another troll.
>> No. 39998

she's biracial, that means she is white by day, black by night
>> No. 39999
File 133613430578.jpg - (31.53KB , 246x387 , I've got a secret.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
June is a man.
>> No. 40000
a big hairy black man. With pickles.
>> No. 40001
Hi. This is the real June, the person whose been posting on here is fake, I was only just told about this whole thing and whoever been posting stuff on here, claiming to be me isn't really me.
>> No. 40003
sup rika
>> No. 40004
>> No. 40005
Excuse me but I ain't no Rika, who is that anyway?
>> No. 40006

technically you are now a summerfag, which is probably pretty accurate
>> No. 40007

Thats what I have to say to you all.
>> No. 40008
File 133644227663.jpg - (38.50KB , 350x350 , I see england I see france.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Post whatever you want, dude.
>> No. 40009
all I see here is some moron who does not even know how to put up a proper youtube link.
Mykan, are you that?
>> No. 40010
Do you seriously think I give a flying fuck about putting in a "proper YouTube link"? Honey, I really don't.
>> No. 40011
I'm disappointed that nobody knows anything about DakariKingMoron's whereabouts?
>> No. 40012
Shit, didn't remove the question mark.
>> No. 40013

From his ED page:

>Mykan's real name is Michael Mikulak. Mikulak was born on September 15, 1986 somewhere in Canada.

I'm sure if someone wanted to be an internet detective they could track him down, but idk how much use that would be since he barely goes outside.
>> No. 40014
If you really want to meet the guy, he's a regular cosplayer at Anime North. I don't know anything about where he lives nor do I think it's worth the effort to find out.
>> No. 40015
If you just go on his MySpace, you might be able to locate him.
>> No. 40016
What I have seen...

*gouges eyes off*
>> No. 40017
I LOLed when I read his blogs on MySpace .
>> No. 40018
File 133699459880.png - (288.39KB , 500x420 , 133248180742.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>mfw Spoiler likes Homosuck
>> No. 40019
File 133702391563.jpg - (28.76KB , 500x400 , trollina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Glad that you do not.
>> No. 40020
Nobody likes you. Go back to /co/
>> No. 40021
File 133702646759.jpg - (23.09KB , 376x351 , trollina.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I do not use that board. But thank you for noticing me! Now I need to post more of that websites images to anger you further.
>> No. 40022
Go away, Spoiler, I'm busy watching Rob Dyrdek's Fantasy Factory…
>> No. 40023
File 133702739977.jpg - (240.57KB , 624x752 , june is a man 2012.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40024
File 133703638279.jpg - (36.71KB , 472x314 , 1334802769103.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Hey Spoiler you know you don't have to upload an image every time you post?
>> No. 40025
I think he knows, he just wants to act homosexual deviant-ish.
>> No. 40028
File 133704204423.gif - (8.43KB , 650x450 , homosuck.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And I do not. Thank you very much for noticing how much I enjoy posting images with my posts on this image board.
Whatever you say, man.

>> No. 40029
>> No. 40031
Cool ban evasion, bro.

I don't even know why you bother. The whole board hates you and your very presence derails whatever threads you post in.

Go fuck yourself.
>> No. 40032
File 133704374090.jpg - (60.24KB , 460x687 , anime.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Plz commit sudoku
>> No. 40033
Was I banned? I did not realize I had broken any rules.
>> No. 40034
>> No. 40035
You've broken my number one rule: never bother me while I'm watching Fantasy Factory. But I should basically just hate you for your over-usage of image posting.
>> No. 40036
Paying attention to a homosexual deviant will surely solve the problem.
>> No. 40037
File 13370441701.jpg - (47.81KB , 500x351 , monocle.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And not because I've unveiled the fact that you have a penis?
>> No. 40038
Weren't you?
I don't even know what this is supposed to mean.
>> No. 40039
File 133704428070.jpg - (37.83KB , 300x427 , shrug.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I honestly do not know.
>> No. 40040
Too good to be true, I guess. Oh well, carry on homosexual deviant.
>> No. 40041
Hmm…I think I can read the mind of Spoiler. This is what he's thinking: "Oh look, JuneByers posted something on the thread, let me spend a couple minutes of my boring life saying how much I think she's a man, then I'm gonna post a real "bad ass" image to go with it."

Oh Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler, Spoiler, if only you knew the crap I go through everyday…
>> No. 40042
File 133704585075.jpg - (47.76KB , 450x450 , lol.jpg ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
And if only I cared.
>> No. 40043
Woah. Did I just get told off through the internet? Scary…Well whatever, haters gonna hate, homies gonna love. Its Temple Run time anyway.
>> No. 40044

Nice cop-out, sir.
>> No. 40045
I'm not sure if I should feel flattered or offended…
>> No. 40046
Ladies and June, please, this is no place for childish arguments.

>> No. 40047
  Look out, Spoiler. You're up against tough shit.
>> No. 40048
Someone summarize this thread for me. I find Mykan entertaining, but there is no fucking way I am going through all this shit.
>> No. 40049
Mykan writes a pony fanfiction and gets in an argument with cheese conies on another board about the quality of his work. A /cwc/ member attempts to troll Mykan by pretending to sympathize with him, but Mykan finds out and that whole thing fizzles out. Later, a former Mykan fan named JuneByers decides to hang out here for no discernible reason.

If you want to know more about Mykan, look up his ED page; or ask any questions you may have here.
>> No. 40050

-Someone discovers Mykan and his terrible fanfiction. By this point he already has an ED page which explains that he is celibate, autistic, and canadian.

-in an earlier thread the character of "Takari General Rangpur" is created to troll Mykan and bait him into another "great flame war." Some terrible fics are written but the trolling is ineffective.

-A new character, Kaylee, is created to become Mykan's sweetheart from the ground up. He is too strong to be seduced, but she befriends him.

-something like 12 chatlogs are released in which we see the depths of Mykan's incredible autism, along with the intense agony and rage forced upon him by children's cartoons. (example: at least once, he has blacked out because his preferred ship didn't pan out in the final episode of teen titans.)

-Someone named Maniak shows up, along with Mykan's friend June Byers (who may be an actual young girl). Maniak is a german who has been angrily trolling Mykan for 7 years, mostly by mocking his fics and videos.

-Mykan finds 789chan and chews out Kaylee for being an evil cyberbully who does drugs. He then resumes writing amazingly autistic fanfiction. (something about my little pony and star trek.)

-June shows up and starts arguing with weird people from youtube. Nothing that any of them says makes any sense.

-In response to claims that she is a gross hairy man, June starts posting videos of herself.

Really though, these are the funniest things that have come from all of this:

-Chatlogs which can be found in this thread
-Mykan starting at 2:50 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5aBD6njWmc
-Mykan's fanfiction
-Mykan's arguments with cheese conies on ponychan (screencapped in this thread)

He is probably one of the top 5 most entertaining lolcows. He has just the right kind of autism.
>> No. 40051
Yeah, I have read his ED page and saw him on Conventioneers spurging about his comic. I also watched a couple of his videos where he sings, and one where he talks about being haunted by the terrible day that Beastboy lost his girlfriend or something. Seems like a fucking freak.

Also, is June Byers that posts here the little girl from the youtube video talking about 789chan? Who is she, just a Mykan fan or something?
>> No. 40052
Also, would one of you mind quoting which posts have the chatlogs? I am on a mobile and its really a bitch to go through a thread of this size. And Mykan posted in this thread? Could you post the trip or something he used so I can search for it to find his posts? Sorry to be so needy, but I would really like to check this stuff out, especially the logs.
>> No. 40053
>> No. 40054
Disregard this I suck cocks. I found the logs and I am reading them now. Holy shit this dude is crazy.

Still curious who this June Byers character is and if she is really the kid from the YouTube video.
>> No. 40055
O am the girl from the YouTube video and by the way, the room I filmed in my video isn't my room, I just use it to make videos and watch TV.
>> No. 40056
I am the girl from the YouTube video and by the way, the room I filmed in my video isn't my room, I just use it to make videos and watch TV. I'm not a Mykan fan anymore (just to let y'all know).
>> No. 40057
You are really too young to be here if that is true. But I suspect that was your little sister or something, and you are a fat neckbeard, so...

Tits or GTFO
>> No. 40058
Why are you talking about yourself? Don't be hating because I'm 3 times your intelligence and know who Dr.King was. Its not my fault that your hopes of sleeping with Boxxy were crushed.
>> No. 40060
Only homestuck reference I can make. :/
>> No. 40062

Boss Nigga, you crazy.
>> No. 40063

They're both really bad in terms of fanbase. I personally think ponies are worse but to each their own.
>> No. 40064
i'd say homestuck, because it was built to cater to manchildren

the people behind mlp weren't thinking, "hmm, how can i cash in on a stupid internet phenomenon?"
>> No. 40065
File 133714196098.png - (8.57KB , 400x301 , badass.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40066
Superman ain't saving shit, you can jump on Shady's dick. Stairght from the hip, cut to the chase, I tell em off like a slut to a face.
>> No. 40067
>> No. 40068
I don't know what's funnier: you quoting Eminem or you completely butchering that last part.
>> No. 40069
This very moment I'm king, this very moment, I slay the glolaith with a sling, this very moment I bring, put on everything, that I will retire with the ring.
>> No. 40070
The fuck? Go play outside or something, you little freak.

Also, learn to spell.
>> No. 40071
There's place I know if you're looking for a show, there's a hole in the wall, its a dirty freak for all.
>> No. 40072
okay i was wondering why hot cheetos have a burst of 'egg fart' small when you open the bag, someone WHICH I THANK, inform me that they are made of egg farts.. which why they smell like em. 
im really frikin mad rite now.. like wtf? what kinda sick weirdo lets people put egg fart in a food that im gunna eat... lets see now. how long have i ben eatin hot cheeto? hm.. like damn year, like 10 guys, and its always ben my fav snack, and now i know they are made of an egg fart.. i think im gunna puke. is this true? and why dont they tell ppl? and why has this not hit the news yet that they put egg fart in their ingrediant? im mad, can i srsly sue them for this? farts are ment to come out of your butt and into the air, and into someones nose.... (sometimes) not into a food wtf
>> No. 40073

Hi Mykan
>> No. 40075
What is this i don't even
>> No. 40076
sup robby
>> No. 40077
You guys…are all losers.

Itsn ot my fault I can't fight FIM
>> No. 40078

Sure you can fight FIM, just use your dakari staff of justice and do some sweet moves and those ponies will crumble before you.
>> No. 40079
June is still a dude and always has been.
>> No. 40080
Why are you such a fag?
>> No. 40081
I'm not aloser.

You guysare!!!!!!
>> No. 40082
Mykan you should write a fanfiction about defeating the evil leader of /cwc/ (seanieB) and smacking those troll jerks around, that will show everyone who doubted your power that you were hardcore and not to be messed with.
>> No. 40083
Whyb other?

Everyone alreadys knows that I am the KING and you guys are little Muslim peasants.
>> No. 40084
>The REAL Dakari King Mykan

Sounds fake and gay to me
>> No. 40085
I'm not Gay, gay people are weird.
>> No. 40086

But you're very weird.
>> No. 40087
File 133986503543.png - (53.36KB , 762x236 , Bild 4.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40088
I love how anytime he talks about sex in those chat logs someone posted here or in his stories or whatever, he always says it like "And.... THEY DID IT! They did... IT!"
>> No. 40089

For someone who claims to hate sex he is incredibly fascinated with it.
>> No. 40090
I hate nazi scum, but they do fascinate me. Half of this board hates Chris ...
>> No. 40091
File 133988206250.png - (41.08KB , 692x139 , Bild 5.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40092
>even when im forced to make BB and terra do it

Who's making him write rule 34 of terra and beast boy? I mean damn, that's autistic.
>> No. 40093

He gets painful seizures and blackouts if he doesn't write enough fanfiction. He attributes this to his autism. (not making it up, it's in the chatlogs)
>> No. 40094
but he doesnt have to write sex scenes if he doesnt want to.
>> No. 40095

yes but putting two characters in an asexual relationship is basically friendzoning, which will bring on his waking nightmares and send him into a vortex of misery and suffering
>> No. 40096
jesus fucking christ.
>> No. 40097
>half of this board hates Chris

Not they don't. This isn't CWCki Forums.

oh yeah... HI A-LOG!
>> No. 40098
You know CWCki forums probably laughs at us because half of us hate Chris.
>> No. 40099
No, half of the threads there usually mention how Chris is despicable scum or evil and shouldn't be treated as human.
>> No. 40100
You're right. At least we're not as bad as THOSE spergs right?

plz ignore my blatant autism, I promise I am ebin trololol.
>> No. 40101
We don't feel the need to compare ourselves to others to make us feel better, we're confident enough in ourselves. Meanwhile, I would remember a thread on CWCki Forums about once a month complaining about how they don't like /cwc/.

>> No. 40102
Can't we all just agree that Chris shoud be put out of his misery, preferably in his sleep using snake toxin. Like gos intended.
>> No. 40103
Go to CWCki Forums and start a thread about it
>> No. 40104
Man, CWCki Forums are mad as fuck up in this thread
>> No. 40105
File 133995462442.png - (39.37KB , 710x113 , Bild 6.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40106
>> No. 40107
I dont think so, A-Log.
>> No. 40108
So what is the story with Mykan and his guypal June?
>> No. 40109
No idea. She is some 15 year old who seems to be a fan of him and white knights him, cause she does not know better.
>> No. 40110
15? She looks to be about 12.

>> No. 40111
It is adorable that you people on here believe June to be female. Really made my day.
>> No. 40112
So, who is the girl in the video?
>> No. 40113
One can only guess. If you believe it to be June... well I am not one to try to dissuade somene from their beliefs.
>> No. 40114
Is it really that much of a stretch that a 12 year old girl is a fan of someone who writes fan fiction about cartoons... that are made for children?

Is it more believeable that someone went to the trouble to have their little sister or someone make a video that 20 people will see about a obscure lolcow like Mykan?
>> No. 40115
On here? Hell yeah it is more believable.
>> No. 40116
So, any new cocks from Mykan?
>> No. 40117

well, he's made a sequel to his mlp fanfiction:


It looks pretty autismal, but that's nothing new really.
>> No. 40118
Well, it looks like this thread has run its course. Please move this thread to the lolcows library, mods.
>> No. 40119

I second this movement.
>> No. 40120
Hey I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe!
>> No. 40121

hi bob
>> No. 40122
Hey girllll!!!! Its like totally Gabby, Erin, Ashley, Brittany, Cassie and Jazzy!!!!!
>> No. 40123
what is this i dont even
>> No. 40124
I like how no one who posts in this thread ever makes any sense.
>> No. 40125
Omg we like totally make sense so like shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>> No. 40126
Aaaaand 500 posts. It's been a good thread ladies and gents.
>> No. 40127
Waaaaat???? weve only posted 2 thingys so how can it liek be 500??????
>> No. 40128
File 134228660267.png - (377.26KB , 399x599 , Wooyoung___Not_really___by_k_muzik_macros.png ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40129
File 134229064880.gif - (1.85MB , 225x127 , 36veK.gif ) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No. 40130
That does not exactly work without the music.
>> No. 40131
Wat??? wat doesnt work without musikkkkk????? one direction!!!!!
>> No. 40132
Someone please explain this mess
>> No. 40133
Why do you care?
>> No. 40134
yeaaaaa!! like y do u care about our biz??? stalker!!!
>> No. 40135

Who the fuck are you?
>> No. 40138

They are the six witches of the east, from a land where the dead, wood-and-stone gods of man prey on men of God, and where mothers dance upon the graves of their sons. Trust not the witches' shitposts, for they shall lead you to ruin.
>> No. 40139
Omg we r totally nawt wiches cuz were sooooo pretty and wiches r fugly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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